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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. 6th edition was also a reset. All 4th and 5th edition army books were invalidated and a Ravering Hordes booklet was hive away in stores and with White Dwarf with get you by army lists in.
  2. Any of the new unit can be elves, just put an elven head on them.
  3. So good to see so many classic models which I assume will return. The old stone trolls are some of my faves tho I think I'll use them as unit fillers and use the new plastic troggoths as trolls. One of the things I'm most excited about is mixing and matching models across the years, for example I've just put some shadeborn on 25mm bases and I'll be using them as dark elf shades. There is going to be some amazing armies.
  4. Doing if your way is not a great decision either business wise or for gamers. They only have so much production capacity and even if they only start with 4 armies that's a lot of resources. Let's not forget, 40k and AoS armies roughly get 3-4 major releases a year with roughly on avarage 10 new kits. Warhammer armies have much bigger rosters than AoS, so there is no way they could release all new models for a number of models at once. Releasing old models makes sense as it buys them time, people can get playing and models can get replaced in time. I also think you underestimate rhe power of nostalgia, look at how many painters and gamers returned during lock down when they found old models in the attic, the amount of money GW made shows the power of nostalgia.
  5. Also don't forget, even tho GW will be selling old models, there is nothing stopping anyone using a more modern sculpt if one exists. I plan on adding the new goblin wolf riders to my orcs and goblins, an army which is made up of models from 4th edition through to 8th edition warhammer. Also, just because they are releasing old models it doesn't mean they won't get updated at some time in the future. I would much rather they release a load of old models so everyone can get gaming rather than having to wait until the army is worked on. I wouldnt be surprised if a article in the future gives a list of what is coming back, I think it's one of the biggest questions people have at the moment.
  6. Why would they want to do models that can be used in both games? They want to sell as many models to as many people as possible. While people will of course use AoS models in TOW and TOW in AoS, GW isn't going to officially encourage it.
  7. I think beasts players will have lots of new stuff when their update cimes. Skaven, ogres and beasts are the last 3 armies that need a refresh and new models to bring them up to today's standards and ezpectations. They will also be getting new models in TOW so double modely goodness is in their future.
  8. True, doesn't mean seraphon need to be fighting space marines tho. If they are going to put dinosaurs in 40k, put Eldar on the back and give us Exodites. If they are going to bring bug men into AoS make them silent people. The Mortal Realms and the 40K universe are vast enough to have unique armies.
  9. I'm glad they haven't done that, just smacks of laziness. It works for demons because of the lore, but I'll much rather unique armies across both universes than shoehorning model ranges into a setting they weren't designed for.
  10. I get why some feel burnt out buying stuff but remember apart from a few items which are exclusive or only available for a certain time period, you don't have to buy anything on release weekend. I looked at my buying habits a few years ago when money was tight and realised I got caught in the marketing hype and the next big thing which leads to buying fatigue and a huge backlog of unpainted models. While there are still a few releases I get very excited for, such as the lizards and Harbingers book, both of which I picked up on release weekend, other stuff I wait for. I actually think GW are onto a winner with their releases as they have so many games and ways into the hobby now and with regular releases for every system there really is something for everyone. Having said all that, I'm really excited about Cites and can't wait to get the army box!
  11. Very quiet week, means more painting time!!
  12. It will be the last days of summer if Nova is the 30th August. GW have been using the meteorological dates for the seasons as of late, so Nova should show us at least the first half of Autumn releases.
  13. I don't get the GW has given the okay to proxy, they have always supported conversions and modelling freedom. Yes, they ask that all models at their stores and events are GW ones and rightly so but conversions and proxys have always been permitted. I've been to many events at Warhammer World where entire armies have been converted. Let's not forget, the staff in stores and who run events are hobbiests as well and like to see cool and wonderful armies!!
  14. I wouldnt, I'll rather a brand new monster as weird and terrifying as befits a creature from the depths. A good article from GW and nice to have confirmation of what's been rumoured for ages. Picked up an anvilgurad starter set for my Old World dark elves and I can't wait to see what else is coming for CoS.
  15. I agree with you on all points apart from keeping some kits purposefully out of stock. I used to work in forecasting amd sales (not for GW) and no company who wants to make money would purposefully keep things out of stock if they could be sold. The demand for certain lines, especially new lines, is greater than GW can supply not them deciding.
  16. It makes sense, when you have excellent small warbands on a couple of sprues why not use them where ever you can. If I didn't have both warbands, I would buy this boxset.
  17. Do they slow down over the summer? If anything, production has increased the past couple of years with stuff beng released even late in December. I think everything they showed yesterday, other than TOW and the manicore will be out before Nova with thd launch box going for preorder thd weekend of so they can show of the rest of the line without stuff being spoiled.
  18. We have 8 weekends left of summer releases, assuming everything shown yesterday (wihh the exception of the TOW) will be released in that timeframe along side the 40k box sets the summer schedule seems full Next weekend Harbingers and GHB Skaven Underworlds Kruleboyz Warcry HH plastic knights Epic Cities launch box A couple of weeks of 40k stuff like starter box sets, the Lion on his own etc. Guessing tonights announcement ill be 40k related as we had AoS last week.
  19. I think everyone needs to calm down and hope for the best and expect the worst! We all get a little carried away and then get disappointed because GW didn't deliver the hype we built. What I'm expecting AoS - the cities launch box revealed. Cover of Dawnbringers book 2 Underworlds - a new warband Wacry - new beginners set we've seen leaked TOW - one new model Expectations low - never dissapointed!
  20. We'll know on Sunday and my money is the GHB and Harbingers will be announced for pre order. We can all rejoice now as well, Leviathan is out tomorrow so the seemingly endless articles about it are over!
  21. I hope it is and will have to gaze into my crystal ball more often 🤣🤣🤣
  22. A fabled Whitefang like on my post. Defo a good time coming for Destruction.
  23. GW seem to like their things getting piggybacks at the moment lol. I can see the troggoth with a portal on its back being something that directly shines the light of the bad moon, a big moon mirror with a couple of luna crazed grots to direct it. Maybe with a second build of a hero trog?
  24. They said there would be one in June. Would be great if there is one today!!
  25. I believe there will be especially as the battletome and all the models are slated for a autumn release and we have a very quiet summer in regards to AoS.
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