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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. Doesn't everyone use a note pad when playing to keep track of victory points and such? Write down each hero and put a tally next to them. It's not that much extra book keeping.
  2. I think people forget Halloween is one day and not a *season*, it's also not a big thing here in the UK. It's like when people expected a full Skaven relaunch during the Chinese year of the rat.
  3. Anyone in the UK wants a half price Krondys, Hachette is selling them. https://hachettepartworks.com/en-en/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-stormbringer/krondys-son-of-dracothion/
  4. Wheeling and turning 90 or 180 degrees on the spot are very different. I've never had much of an issue with wheeling and terrain. It's the players who set the board up and place their units so unless you deploy directly behind some terrain you shouldn't have to wheel that much. Plus the new marching column should help with unit that find themselves out of position and we don't know how new terrain rules works.
  5. To be fair, having to turn 90 or 180 degrees is fairly rare unless you get completely and utterly out manoeuvred in which case that's more player error than the rules fault. Really like the change of having more ranks than file, should lead to having more units on the board rather than a couple of deathstars. The charging change is subtle but effective, no more foot troops turning into the flash and getting a 16" charge while mounted units remain dangerous with a much larger charge range threat. Like the addition of the marching column as well. And yay for the return of the proper lance formation as well! Overall a big thumbs up so far from me, so looking forward to the release of Old World, will be like being a kid again!
  6. I think spiders will get new models at some point. We all know there are extremely old models that need updating (spiders, Ogors, beasts, Skaven) but not everything can be done at once, something will always be last and while it sucks if its your army but they will get their day in the sun (or moon in the case of spiders).
  7. I'll argue that they do have a plan for Destruction and we are seeing it happen. Ironjawz have had a lovely and well needed 2nd wave. I would be more than suprised if Kruleboyz don't get a 2nd wave at some point. Gloomspite have had a regular updates, admittly the wolf riders dont quite fit. Judging by the new gorgers, Ogors are going to get an amazing facelift. Sons have even had a 2nd wave. Yes, there is the question of bonesplitters and I would say that's the only issue with Destruction at the moment.
  8. Ah okay, guess it's a bug. Always Nurglings in the system when it first goes live.
  9. To order the new warhammer+ models you have to login mywarhammer and they should be there waiting for you to order, assuming you have a warhammer+ sub.
  10. How can Allarielle summon Belthanos? He's not on the list on her warscroll.
  11. Bring back Arkhans Black Chariot!! Which of course was red because everything was red back then.
  12. That's a crazy week, I want the cities stuff, the nurgle herald, both dawnbringer boxes and the black talons! Guess the dawnbringer boxes should take priority as they won't be around for long. 2023 is going out with a bang and there is still more to come!
  13. Have people seen the ridiculous amount of money bretonnians and tomb kings models go for on the 2nd hand market? Plastic, metal and finecast. Whatever GW charge for the old kits, it's going to sell.
  14. Looking at the WarCom article again, I really want a Bretonnian army, they look amazing all painted in uniformed colours and the big bases do make a difference. Can't wait to return to the old world and have my dark elves wreck havoc and mayhem.
  15. They'll be released separately when the 3rd book drops.
  16. Let's hope it's not leaked, I'll rather see it with everyone else on Saturday than potato cam pics before hand.
  17. It's almost certainly Flesh Eaters. They are the last faction who need a battletome to bring them in line with all other armies. Plus we've seen the leaked pic of the ghoul sprue.
  18. I think most people read way to much into stuff said, on here, WarComs site and rumour mongers.
  19. Which is easily fixed by giving other units the Grundstock keyword.
  20. Why only 2? Chances are gun haulers and thunderers will be battleline with the option to make a one or more gunhauler a hero. Can't see why other heroes wouldn't be allowed. A gunhauler fleet still needs a admiral and navigator.
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