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Everything posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. How crucial is it to bring a Heraldor, Vexillor or Translocation for mobility, do we think? I’m weighing up the value of 10 Sequitors plus one of the above to grab objectives, or 20 Sequitors and winning through brute force.
  2. Very interesting, thank you. What I’m seeing from this is that Ballista on 4s have a higher chance of fluffing while Ballista on 3s is more consistent with a better chance of spiking (comparatively). While the numbers don’t seem impressive, it’s important to note when that limited range of targets have the potential to wipe out SCE armies (Keepers, FEC).
  3. Next vs debate: Translocation - Relictor or Veritant? veritant: better stats, additional dispel, pet gryph hound (synergies with shooting, zoning, objective sneaking) relictor: cheaper, heal prayer, debuff prayer
  4. Lost first game of GHB19 today. Better part of valour vs Ironjawz. Poor positioning on my part complicated by awkward terrain in my deployment zone, Just couldn’t keep them away with all their movement shenanigans, the teleport especially. In-built +2 to charges on 20 Ardboyz that can teleport 9” away (with +1 to cast) and move d6” in the hero phase is pretty rough to deal with. Not salty, but makes SCE teleports and Scions look pretty lacklustre.
  5. I have neither. I do have 4 Ballista and enough Sequitors and liberators to fill out battleline. I also have 10 Evocators on foot and a Heraldor who I’m weighing up replacing.
  6. So 6 Desolators vs 6 Dracoline Evocators. Which is best now?
  7. As title, looking for 8 Stormcast round shields from the Dracoth and Prosecutor kits. UK based. Name a price.
  8. Isn’t it more efficient to always give the Judicator prime a shockbolt now rather then take the cannon?
  9. The idea is to drop them out of the sky to clear an objective.
  10. Every time I think about Castigators I run the numbers and they always come up short Even taking their melee attacks into account, Xbow Judicators with a Shockbow Prime come out ahead.
  11. I’ve been wondering about this as well. Is the key to kill one keeper a turn (and no more)? Unless you can kill all hero’s in one go. When does Slaanesh summoning happen? End of their movement phase?
  12. Haven’t got my copy yet - what battleplan changes encourage mobility? NB I had a feeling that Palladors, Prosecutors and Hunters might be the quiet winners of GHB19. I’m even looking at Castigators again for their ability to drop out of the sky with 6 shots followed up by 12 attacks to steal objectives.
  13. Points are now updated in Azyr how are gryph hounds still 140 🙄
  14. Anyone able to sort me out with an invite to the SCE WhatsApp group?
  15. Places of Arcane Power: The same except wizards no longer capture. Just heroes. So bye bye units which are wizards. More Evocator nerfs 👍
  16. @PJetski @Requizen yeah I’m looking at it from the perspective of; I have 30 points spare, no Translocation, and my Incantor is on the board to dispel and not in the sky. It’s this or Swords, and this gets him moving around. An Incantor on a Dais could conceivably tag-team with a LAoGC into a hero, wounded monster (FEC?), or a unit holding an objective.
  17. That’s actually quite tempting as a delivery system for a knight incantor.
  18. So what’s the optimal weapon loadout for Libs in 5s? Paired weapons or shields?
  19. So what’s the optimal weapon loadout for Libs in 5s? Paired weapons or shields?
  20. You can still sort of do it with Libs: Arcanum on GC, 20 Sequitors, 2x5 Libs, Incantor, Ordinator, 10 Evos and 4 Ballista comes to 2000 points exactly (suspiciously so). Drop the Arcanum on foot and 1 Ballista gives you points for the Castellant and change for Endless Spells. Personally I’ve gone off the Castellant and like the Gryph. I’m 50-50 on 20 Sequitors and no shackles or 15 and shackles/swords.
  21. Based on recommendations here I was already planning to drop my 20 Sequitors down to 10 so I’m not as affected as I could have been, but the 10 point increase does mean that I’m left with 80 points instead of 120 as planned, which is irritating. The only SCE choice at that point is 3 Castigators which are... garbage... or 3 Aetherwings, but they lack synergy without Raptors. Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger Lord-Ordinator Knight-Incantor 10 Sequitors 5 Sequitors 5 Sequitors 10 Evocators 4x Ballista Shackles Swords I could drop Swords to free up enough points for a unit of Prosecutors or 100 point supporting hero (Knight Azyros, Knight Heraldor are obvious choices). Subbing in 10 Libs also gains 60 points, but the 5s are so efficient at fighting small objective units I’m reluctant to give them up.
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