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Posts posted by stus67

  1. 6 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    Ballistas are a really inefficient use of the Command Point, and can be quite difficult to utilize in actual gameplay if you want to get extra 18" shooting against important targets. Try it out, but I'd recommend more bodies over the Ballista/Ordinator suite.

    The thing with the 20 man Sequitor unit is that you don't care about all of them. The only ones that really need to get into combat are the Greatmaces, anything else is just gravy. Especially with a Heraldor, they're far from slow overall. 

    So would you recommend 20 sequitors over say two 10 man units?

  2. @Nos @Karragon


    Thanks for the input it helps a lot. I've been trying to think up a bunch of weird stuff for Nova Open. I like the idea of the battalions since it's less drops too, but I agree that it wouldn't make sense bringing it for 5 man units. I could never get into the giant 20 man block though because of how slow and unwieldy it is.  I also want to still try and use my foot evos since I already own them.

  3. How do you think something like this wold fair?



    Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline (240)

    Knight-Incantor (140)

    Knight-Heraldor (100)

    x5 Seqs (120)

    x5 Seqs (120)

    x5 Seqs (120)

    Cleansing Phalanx Battalion (120)

    x5 Evos (200)

    x5 Evos (200)

    x6 Evos on Dracolines (600)

    Aethervoid Pendulum (40)



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