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Posts posted by Boytoy

  1. i also highly doubt the dreadfane stuff will be included as two out of the six warbands. 

    my wishlist four the four unknowns would be: slaanesh, ogor(s), DoK and Idoneth

    would also be neat to see nurgle and bonesplittaz

  2. there's some cuts i just don't get. gunmaster, loremaster, archers, dragonblades, skycutters, all gone for no good reason.

    the failcast, i get. the plastic stuff that doesn't match current AoS lore/design philosophy, sure, whatever. sucks, but i understand.

    but how can they keep guard and greatswords and cut archers? archers are, in my opinion, much better sculpts than guard, and share the same design philosophy. same thing with the gunmaster.

    thanking the gods i nabbed a couple boxes of archers before the bloodbath


  3. i'm a huge fan of the unmade and the cypher lords - i feel like both warbands would make excellent 40k cultists, and both really expand what chaos looks like

    as for corvus and splintered fang, i like some of the figures in each set, but some of the others i feel don't fit at all (looking at you hooded snake dude)

    iron golems seem alright, but some of their poses are a little wonky

    and i don't like the barbarians dudes from ghur at all! more of the same bloodbound-style stuff that bores me to tears. more weird chaos, less overly-muscled brutes!

  4. Hey Ottawa/Gatineau folks, I'm moving back there in April and will be looking to learn the ropes of the game as i haven't played AoS yet haha.

    @Hankster, is the gaming at FDB done in English or French or both? i figure it would be best to learn in english before i give french gaming a try haha

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