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Everything posted by madmac

  1. Really hard to gauge this one, since half of it is pushfit Dominion models. Also who plays Stormcast and doesn't have a Yndrasta at this point? I wish this announcement included one more Spearhead box so that we could get a better idea of the format and possible pricing.
  2. Right, especially with all the Beastmen releases we do have for AoS being in the classic brayherd style, and even the newest book doubling down on that quite heavily in their updated lore.
  3. I'm getting the increasing feeling that people saying Beastmen have no lore direction in AoS absolutely did not read their newest battletome, it's full of cool lore and new characters and concepts.
  4. I'm not anticipating a surprise army drop either, but what I will say is, if there were any plans for one it will have to come out before 4E no matter what it does to the schedule. It's why almost every new edition release has a crunch beforehand, all those new unit boxes, battletomes etc that were designed for one edition are not going to get "delayed" into the next edition, they will be pushed out instead. That said, again, there doesn't seem to be anything pointing to chorfs or some other new army coming out in the next few months.
  5. I mean, even by your projection here you're saying they'll maybe release Beastmen for TOW in as soon as 18 months, and that's assuming TOW is able to maintain a two armies every six months schedule. They have 9 "core" armies in TOW, doing two of them every six months means it will take over two years just to touch every faction especially if Empire vs Empire is a double release. As for the rest, sure I'm a nutcase for not believing that Gloomspite Gits will lose a huge chunk of their range in the next few months because they're needed for TOW, and that entire armies and subfactions in AoS are going to have to be killed because TOW needs those models bro instead of assuming the two games are going to exist with minimal disruption to either side and that compromises will be made as needed.
  6. This is merely an unproven assertion on your part, and the idea that GW is going to remove an entire army from AoS just so they can bring them back a little bit later is even sillier. As I've said many times now, there is absolutely no need for GW to do anything with the AoS range in the near future. Anyone who wants to buy beastmen for TOW can do so, today, with no issue, ditto for AoS. When TOW gets around to actually releasing anything specifically for Beastmen in a couple of years then sure, they will make some old world beastmen models that won't be ported to AoS, just as AoS additions won't be available in TOW. In time the two lines will naturally diverge, but there is absolutely no crisis, no need for them to do anything at all this year to solve a nonexistent problem that only exists for people who are fuming for total separation, immediately!
  7. I'm getting increasingly tired explaining the entire history of the BoC range to someone who only just glanced at it for the first time today. About half the OG BoC range is resin. Out of the handful of plastic kits they have the SC or Vanguard box covers most of what you need. In recent years they've had maybe 2-3 kits go to online only which is completely in line with many other armies, LRL for example had half their range switch to online only in 3E and those are far more recent kits than BoC.
  8. Beasts of Chaos have always been mostly online only outside the Start Collecting and Vanguard boxes. Gors, Bullgors, and chaos hounds were reboxed for retail as I recall. Most of their models never were, and obviously the finecast models are right out.
  9. Bro, everything has been constantly out of stock for every army for the last couple of years. The average time lag between me deciding I want to buy a model that wasn't just released and me actually being to buy it because it's finally back in stock is 3-6 months if I'm lucky and I'm not talking about Beastmen. There are several models for popular factions that haven't been in stock since they got their last battletome.
  10. It works both ways you know. If TOW players have all the rules for beastmen and can buy the models on the webstore it's all good, right? There's no need to "make available" models that are already available to them.
  11. They can make new beastmen models for AoS without suddenly shunting the entire existing range over to TOW, just like how no one seriously thinks GG and Sylvaneth are going to instantly lose all their legacy models.
  12. The thing that Wanderers, High Elves, and Greenskins have in common is that none of them ever got any new models at any point. BoC have gotten new models, they have faction terrain, they have an Underworlds warband. On the tier of overall AoS support they're arguably a slight notch below Skaven/Ogres at worst.
  13. BoC just got a new AoS model this year. A new hero model that's way too big to be used in TOW, at that.
  14. No no you see, the new boxes will say "TOW" on them and have square bases, and will forevermore be sold at half the price they were yesterday. It all makes sense! The fact is that there's nothing to be gained from removing BoC from AoS, or "re-releasing" them for TOW. Anyone who wants to buy beastmen can buy them right now, immediately. And because they're old models there's no concerns about not basing up properly or whatever like you can argue for the new seraphon or STD models. Eventually I'm sure AoS will get around to making more new BoC models and those will not be usable in TOW just like the current AoS BoC models won't, but there's no gloom and doom in predicting the obvious.
  15. I believe this rumor just as strongly as I believe Ogres and Giants were getting souped into one book.
  16. Yep, and everyone can buy their models right now, no re-release necessary. I'm being completely serious. Brettonia and TK were lines that were long out of production and had to be brought back online. BoC have literally never gone out of production, why yank them out of production for AoS so you can...release the exact same models that were available for sale the day before on the same store for TOW? If anything it's a chance to re-release the old beastmen characters or make some new resin characters for them. Right right, that's why they dusted out the old metal treeman. It's a headfake for them yanking the Treelord kit away from Sylvaneth.
  17. At the rate TOW is going, they aren't going to get around to releasing BoC for probably years anyway. And the AoS BoC models are mostly fairly recent by WHFB standards. If they're willing to dust off those ancient TK skellies and the old metal treeman for wood elves there's really nothing stopping them from pulling out some really old beastmen models if necessary. If AoS BoC gets even a modest update with some updated -gors and heroes then all the easier for them.
  18. STD are also a core faction in TOW and they're not going anywhere in AoS. TOW is a specialist game that cobbled enough of a budget to put up three cheaply made plastic models for it's big game debut after five years of development. The idea that TOW is this huge mover and shaker in GW land that is actively driving massive development decisions for AoS, the much bigger and more established game, is, frankly, bananas.
  19. Really? You don't remember when Ogors when gonna get souped with SoB? Dwarfs souped for sure this time? Every other time it was curtains for BoC? I can't remember a single time he was right about anything that wasn't common knowledge in this thread, IE Whitefang rumors and the like.
  20. Is there any prominent individual with a worse prediction track record than Honest Wargamer?
  21. Another unit would be nice, but it's not the same as being able to summon a wall, an artillery piece or an attacking endless spell effect, those are things you don't tend to get from just regular boring old prayers.
  22. As a Fyreslayer player alone I have to stand up for endless spells/prayers, it really adds a cool unique touch to the army that they wouldn't have otherwise.
  23. Spreading out the magic phase like TOW did is one thing, not having a magic system at all like 10E is another thing altogether.
  24. Maybe, but I really need to emphasize that the 40K approach is really, unbelievably terribad. If they implement that system or something like it in AoS I will actually drop the game, I'm not kidding. Just to give an example, I happen to have a small Votann army. In 9th edition I have one psyker choice, who has some nice flavor abilities, letting his little robot buddies assist him with using psy powers, a good warscroll ability, a nice selection of racial disciplines to choose from, good stuff. In 10th edition, that one model has a shooting attack that's worse than just carrying a gun, an attachment ability like any other hero type has, and the ability to negate battleshock on the unit he's attached to 1/battle. That's it, that's literally it he just has a single crappy 1/battle ability as the only thing pointing to him being supposedly a model with psychic powers. There are some factions that did better and have slightly more interesting "psychic" abilities, but just barely. You could simply remove psykers from the game entirely and it would change things only very slightly.
  25. I hope not, what they did to psychic powers in 10th edition 40K is so bad it's tragic. The TOW system looks a little more reasonable, at least.
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