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Everything posted by madmac

  1. It's mostly just the point costs, tbh. In some cases they're bad because the hero is a worse version of a generic hero, or they don't have a hero at all, but mostly it's just that the extra tagalongs are way overcosted for what are basically just a really bad bodyguard unit.
  2. Warcry warbands usually have a fair bit of weapon customization options. Their AoS rules usually streamline things more, but there are some warbands that allow you to have (up to this many guys) equipped with either melee or ranged weapons. The Chameleons actually have split melee/ranged unit profiles, but they're the only Warcry warband that currently works that way.
  3. I'm kind of vaguely insulted that in the year of our lord 2023 GW still expects people to buy the same pushfit Sequitors that they've reboxed 50 times since 2018 and used to sell for like $15
  4. I'd go so far as saying that it was the #1 complaint about the game, period, and to this day I feel quite confident in saying that the vast majority of Warcry Warbands played are actually the AoS factions and not the unique warbands themselves.
  5. Yeah, I agree. Outside of one-off bits like Warcry or a random artillery dwarf I wouldn't ever expect to see mixed race units. It's more likely to me that if we ever see new "City Elf" or "City Dwarf" models they'll be their own auxillary units. Something like a unit of aelven scouts or duardin engineers to flesh out the range someday after the human elements feel fully explored seems more reasonable to me. A little splash of multi-racial flavor like the Ogre warhulk without taking away from the overall focus on humans.
  6. I feel that, and believe me I owned some of the models that are getting the axe today. I've been expecting that for a long time though, so if anything I'm just a little pumped that not all of my CoS models are being removed today.
  7. I don't think they'll do anything as dramatic as extinction of old subfactions, Swift-Hawk Agents are probably a better point of comparison. They still exist in the lore, technically, just far faaaaar in the background. It's also not like Wanderers ever had a major lore presence to begin with, outside the Prince Maesa stories they were pretty much ignored completely. What I think will happen is that Kurnothi will come and be folded into Sylvaneth and replace Wanderers as the home for people looking for what used to the Wood Elf experience. But Wanderers will still maintain a small lore presence and may even get new model or two someday, many years down the road when the human side of CoS has been fully explored and GW becomes interested in expanding them slightly with more non-human aux forces.
  8. The kit being so versatile is both a blessing and a curse. At first it feels amazing that buying one 20 model box lets you build out no less than four different units, Big Stabbas, Archers, Morboys and Spear Orcs, but on the other foot you'll very very quickly get tired of building and painting most of the entire army using the same like 5 torsos and 10 heads etc etc. It's a very similar feeling to painting Fyreslayers, or Mawtribes. After a while you would simply kill a man for a new pose to paint, no questions asked. Adding to the pain is that Bonesplitters are a horde army, with no centerpiece models, and most of the heroes are a bunch of resin you're better off skipping, so you'd better really really love your two plastic troop boxes. They've been mostly poorly served in the rules department too, not in an underpowered way but in a "you would need to be dysfunctional to actually want to play any of the meta lists" sort of way. Like in 1st edition where the optimal list involved rolling literally hundreds of dice rolls for archers, with re-rolls AND exploding sixes to keep track of. All that said, I love my Bonesplitter Boyz, and it would take very little in the way of new models to make them shine. Update the resin heroes, give them a centerpiece monster and at least one new unit kit and it'll feel like Christmas compared to where they've been all these years.
  9. I've seen this posted a few times now, and I've gotta say, since when are people this down on Underworlds? You know who hasn't gotten an Underworlds team? Any army that was subsequently removed from the game. If anything it's the other way around, most faction updates are heralded by first getting an underworlds warband playing around with new designs.
  10. I'm sure it will. GW had a $100 starter box for Killteam for a long time that had two full warbands packed in along with some small terrain pieces, if anything this should be even cheaper tbh. Probably won't be, but should be.
  11. Yeah, the real point of this set is just being a cheap box to lure in new players, as opposed to the more traditional $200+ Warcry sets. It also keeps the core rulesbook in circulation as something other than a webstore only item.
  12. I think we'll get there, or rather we are almost there already. The number of armies left that haven't been expanded or modernized is rapidly decreasing, and honestly there isn't a bunch of new armies left to add either unless GW pulls something else out of left-field. In point of fact, 3E so far is the only edition of AoS that has introduced no new armies-They added KB to Warclans and overhauled CoS but nothing has been released that required an entirely new battletome to play. Malerion and Chorfs seem destined to happen at some point, but other than that there isn't really any large tentpole armies left begging for release, more stuff like Kurnothi and Grugni Dwarfs etc that heavily blur the lines between new army vs expansion of existing army.
  13. I think history has shown that the only limiter on GW pushing out battletomes is to space out model releases. If not for miniatures and competing systems there's nothing stopping them from pushing out four in a month if they feel like it. Which makes sense, it's not like they're written one at a time, by all indications GW designs battletomes in clusters of six or so, testing them against each other before release. With that in mind, the proposition that reducing the total number of battletomes by 1 or 2 via souping is going to meaningfully impact their release schedule in any way is laughable. The only thing keeping 3E from being completely up to date two years in is the still pending release of CoS and FEC, and both of these books were written and printed long ago and are being held back only to release with their respective model waves.
  14. It's three unit boxes and two small heroes instead of one medium one, that puts it at average. The Chimera is going to be a very expensive and huge Centerpiece kit, it's not at all comparable to the Daemon Prince or Slaan.
  15. This is my worry. Especially since the boarding patrol boxes were super underprinted and sold out instantly, so I never even had a chance at buying Farsight without getting ripped off by a scalper, which hopefully doesn't happen again, but...
  16. I'm actually really keen to see what the totally confirmed Fyreslayer warband is going to look like now. It'll have axes, obviously, but some kind of new unit, like Fyreslayer scouts or beast handlers would be really cool to see. Maybe even a weird offshoot warrior cult like the Trueblades are for Vampires, there's a lot of potential, and the one thing Warcry never does is just random generic dudes without a unique theme.
  17. IIRC, it was a statement made from the last preview event where they rolled out the Warcry roadmap.
  18. GW has already said that the summer starter set for Warcry is just for new players and contains no new models, though.
  19. If we do get new Darkoath this is what I would bet on. Those marauders aren't getting any younger, and they were noticeably passed over with the last STD wave.
  20. I'm not being serious. I do want a Fyreslayer warband though.
  21. I mean, lets look at the evidence. 1. Next two Warcry releases are order vs destructionx2 2. KB confirmed by this tease 3. Out of all the order armies in the game who even uses axes besides Fyreslayers? The other options (KO, Dispossessed) are also dwarfs anyway, but out of the three, Fyreslayers love axes the most 4. Fyreslayers confirmed.
  22. Ah, good catch. So something for Warcry, but Darkoath wouldn't fit with the Warcry release schedule we have, unless they're in the new starter box (no new models) somehow.
  23. More Darkoath, hmmm...they already have a Warcry band, two heroes and TWO Underworlds bands, there's actual armies with less than that. Since they seem to be popular, actual straight up DarkOath models that aren't from a sidegame isn't that farfetched really.
  24. We have a roadmap for Warcry, and a leak of the new starter box, which confirms that the next 8 Warcry Warbands releases will not include Chaos. So it's definitely not Warcry.
  25. No that was a couple seasons ago. Last season starter was Stormcast vs Tzeentch.
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