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Everything posted by Weazel

  1. I'd prefer this over grey plastic every day of the week... I mean if you're painting minis just for playing this quality is just tremendous, especially considering time spent. And you can always go to town with precision shading and further highlighting if you want to take it up a notch.
  2. Even if it is "just ink washes with medium X" they are still offering a wonderful selection of colours. For me, and probably a few others, price or money is a secondary consideration within the hobby. Saving some of that precious free time is invaluable. That said I'm really looking forward to buying a good helping from the Contrast range.
  3. Anyone got any insight whether the pigments in Contrast paints are somehow special or is it just the Contrast Medium that does the magic? I guess what I'm asking is, do you think it's possible or even "easy" to mix your own Contrast paints from layer paints and medium when you need some of the rarer colours...? I like the effect but don't really think I need all the colours. I mean they're not cheap but Warhammer isn't cheap anyway so it's a rather moot discussion. More likely I'd face a lack of shelf space for all them pots.
  4. Of course. They are Mountain Tufts by The Army Painter.
  5. Oh man Wednesdays go by so fast! Late post but the pic was taken yesterday. WIP Fungoid Cave Shaman:
  6. Wednesday again. I may have gotten a bit hooked on a certain video game, so hobby progress has been a bit slim lately, but this week I made some progress. WIP Troggboss: Still missing a few details here and there and obviously the massive hammer but we're getting there. I much prefer this pose to the "actual" Troggboss pose. I'm only going to include one Dankhold model in my army so that's hopefully not going to confuse anyone. Oh and by the way painting those barnacles and mushrooms etc with a paintbrush is tedious. Couldn't really utilize my airbrush on those so they took a couple of hours just to basecoat thoroughly... but they're done now! Happy days
  7. So I got these fellas completed, pretty basic basing, they turned out alright. I think I need to go scavenge some tree bark to make some slate bases for my other troggoths... Troggboss enjoyed a bit of airbrushing (as well as all the other minis). Here's my current army, a little shy of 1000 pts. I already have some expansion plans in mind even though I have yet to try them on the battlefield. I actually have my very first AoS game this Saturday! Hope it's a good skrap.
  8. Okay I'll bite, even if it's not Wednesday anymore. I've dabbled into some Shadespire before but these are my first true AoS models. They are pretty much done for tabletop duties but I still need to do some basing and add a coat of varnish. Hope you like them!
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