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Everything posted by Wazzuli

  1. @Nevar I almost always run 2 Rocktusks and I really like it, they freak people out and are super fast! @Maddpainting I like where you're going with this! I think I'm going to try it my next game!
  2. You can I believe, but once you fail a shield save they have to take the wound and any after it so you'll lose those faster if you start there first kinda thing.
  3. Also app has the updated warscrolls! Just for Ironjawz it seems my mistake
  4. Not sure if it got posted, but just in case, The warscrolls are up on the NZ gw page. If so sorry for the double post! Lol
  5. For sure! We made out better than IJ from what I've seen. They got some good stuff, but not like us! Relics and what not not factored in. Haven't seen any of that yet.
  6. Nice! I like it, the boar riders points increases make sense with almost an extra 8" movement turn 1. Thanks for sharing! Did they do the Ironjawz as well?
  7. I meant the host of other things we are getting as a faction are solid. I look at the different tribes as "tools" we are hunters so if we are hunting spooky ghosts we're bringing Drakkfoot if were playing Sylvaneth were using Bonegrinz to force them out of the woods and not be able to run back!
  8. Hopefully it's like depravity points, everyone thought they were trash and now people have so many they dont know what to do with them! We could (hopefully hopefully) end up in the same boat.
  9. @michu even better saves me money! Lol
  10. @Jabbuk the mount traits and Bonesplitterz getting Warpaint saves again are top on my list! I hope one of our endless spells is just a giant fist lol.
  11. @Jabbuk you don't lie! I'm really happy with what I've seen in there
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/24/faction-focus-orruk-warclansgw-homepage-post-2/ IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
  13. @Acid_Nine I feel the same about the prey takers lol. I was going to suggest the Deathbringer for that insane quad! I've noticed we are not a strong objective holder army, the games where that was the victory condition I've lost or just barely squeaked out a win. It could be bc I tend to have my list more on the elite side too though lol
  14. @Acid_Nine oh man! Im on the other campaign quest and the first convergence was pretty rough for that as well, I got lucky my opponents dice took a nap lol. Maybe try running lots of bodies?
  15. Nice! Im excited to watch the vid! The FAQ didn't hit our 1st double though right? The +1 move/+1 attack for the next of each? Might help just for that one activation.
  16. I still haven't seen the Monsters and Mercs book, so I can't give any advice on that part of it. The list you ran does look super fun though! @Acid_Nine
  17. @Acid_Nine that's where most of her usage has been for me. I've been running 2 Rocktusks so she helps them really melt faces lol. Her Whip has helped finish a fight off here and there, but a lot people panic once she lets the Rocktusks go and gun for her so that's less attacks on better fighters is how I've been looking at it.
  18. I've had good luck/usage with the beast speaker. I've been thinking about the 2 first fangs as well I may try it my next game I'll let you know how it goes!
  19. @PlasticCraic let me know how it goes! I want to try it out but too busy lately.
  20. Finally got a little un lazy. Gave him a little extra Ju-Ju since he's going to be my Warcry leader as well
  21. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/03/forbidden-power-with-friends-like-thesegw-homepage-post-3/ Battle plan based off the above story.
  22. Plastic butcher would be the best! I still have the metal ones.
  23. @Shankelton I was just about to post the story too lol. Made me happy for sure. Heres hoping we get our stuff soon!
  24. @Acid_Nine nice! I was jw about what other people are running when I asked. Haven't found too much information on Warcry other than this site lol.
  25. @Acid_Nine what was your list like?
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