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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Yeah I was so glad to see Genestealers and Hormaguants were literally just a modern polish. I know some people wanted something different but sometimes I dislike things being completely redeveloped or made too busy for the sake of making something 'new.' Although I do think the Biovore change is a major improvement. The Tyranid reveals look like a perfect balance of providing the right amount of polish and redesign to the right amount of kits. Good lawd a Skaven update is going to be absolutely glorious.
  2. I love the Dark Angels idea! I've been playing way too much Diablo so I want to do a Demon force too that can work both in 40k and AoS. I wish there were more Undivided Demons like the ForgeWorld brutes, just that classic Western style demon. Give me horns, give me angry faces, give me rippling muscles, give me HELL! Also, no one can say Astaroth wouldn't be an absolutely amazing AoS model.
  3. This is my favourite, and therefore, objectively the best rumour engine that's ever been conjured. Gives me some Witch Doctor/Warcraft Voodoo vibes. Gotta be a FeC and I LOVE IT!
  4. Ok, this has changed my opinion. That is gonna look SWEET on the battlefield! I hope there's unit leaders too mate, amazing addition again to 40K imo.
  5. These aren't a 10/10 for me. They didn't immediately give me that, 'wow' factor and giving them a good think and multiple viewings, I like em but they're still not leaving the same impression that the rest of the line has. I'm not sure if it's because I'd prefer the standard gunline infantry to be normal handgunners, or that I want me big long muskets. Cool models, but personally would've liked to have seen maybe a musket/handgunner line and these guys as a specialist 5-man squad. Really good to see those are transfers on the front of the shields, or at least not etched in, same with the wood grain? Would like to see the shields in plain or quartering heraldry. I wonder how many kits are left.
  6. Cities Fusiliers I reckon, gotta be another unit. Then a (hopefully) Tyranid preview on the weekend, another good warhammer week!
  7. It's even got the same box outline going down behind the arm!
  8. I want to say ToW has deserved the same level of (initial) support that every other game system has had, both in terms of hype and resource allocation, but I have no experience or insight into the business or logistical issues so I shouldn't harbour an opinion on that. But certainly with the hype, from a customer point of view, it's like riding what you thought was going to be a giant wave and the moment you stand up, you're just shallowly and delicately cruising along feeling your board bumping on the bed below until your feet lightly graze the soft sand at the shoreline. I completely understand why, if it's not successful, but I really really hope it is. I guess someone high up just didn't think this was going to be a worthwhile investment. Personally, I disagree obviously, but it really does feel like a wasted opportunity in terms of hype and marketing. You have the diehard Fantasy players, who don't play AoS and will only return with the Old World (although I personally feel this is a minority). You have the lovers of nostalgia, and then you have the massive influx of Total War/gaming fans. I personally feel this is the largest potential market outside of current Warhammer fans, as many had Total Warhammer as their introduction TO Warhammer. To not work with that or ride the wave, just feels like a missed opportunity to me. That's getting on to topics I have no insight or experience to provide though so I can only speak for the hype. The game may very well be supported once it launches and the fan base settles in, but the build up......yeah, it's a bit bizarre. Sorry for the long post. I've been so excited for the Old World. Because I just wanna see square bases again, it's going to be nice to see the world I grew up with again, new models, even just seeing the classic logo gets me excited. New lore. Playing Total Warhammer, the potential for kitbashing material for AoS. You know, I AM still excited, no matter if it's all resin. The marketing is what has lowered my expectations, maybe rightly so, but it has.
  9. Could we see a contender for the strongest Mork fan?
  10. Me, a new recruit taking the oath so me family can enjoy an extra slice of bread with their porridge tonight. Boss says everyone gets the same equipment, me helmet ain't too big, although the jerkin ain't half chafin. Billy next to me can't jump higher than 2 feet and Baron looks like he should've retired from the mill years ago, but we're all in it together boss says, all of us, no difference between us. Now there's a muscly fella in an apron holding out a molten rock and keeps prodding me to hold it or somethin..... "What are you doin?" *The Irondrake Dwarf, beguiled in the finest armour and weaponry the local mine could produce, absolutely no expense spared and quite clearly hoarded the Dawnbringers resources for their own needs*: "Me, tuh, nothin......me? You know, heh, just hangin around."
  11. Was it ever hinted that there would be other non-human characters within the new Cities range? Ogors are kitted out to fit in with the rest of the army, it would be nice to see some Aelves or Duradin within the new units. I know we all want new Elves and Dwarves within their own factions, but particularly with Cities, it'd be really awesome to see all the races share the same aesthetic. Was this ever hinted at?
  12. Just catching up with the reveals now. Would've preferred to see a plastic mini but the Bretonnian is lovely indeed. Skaven warband. At least 2 of those can pass as Plague Priests. Amazing sculpts, absolutely love the smoke effect. Really makes me excited for more Skaven (hopefully). Oh who am I kidding, I'll get 2 boxes to convert the other into some Dark Mechanicum minions. Glorious Knights. My favourite variants and it's going to be fun to easily pose them into some really dynamic poses. Epic is actually pretty cool, not my cup of tea but does look nice to see how much detail they can pack into something so small. The Kruleboyz, the monke fellas are the best part, good sculpts all round. Cities.....love the customisation across the board but especially the infantry kit, looks like a lot of variation and I love that the icon bearer guys look rather unique against the rest of the unit. Loving the different body types. I wasn't a massive fan when we were shown those initial 3 but these look lovely. And that Manticore, oh there's gonna be so much potential with that kit!! It's not going to be fair of me to say I wish there was more or that different things could have been shown, as that's just because there is so much in store for Age of Sigmar, I want it all!
  13. That would be perfect for me. The only thing I'd prefer more would be if Warcry was Skaven but if Underworlds is something to do with Clan Skrye then that's absolutely perfect.
  14. Wait just a minute... A Kruleboyz symbol? Who do they utilise? Hobgrots. An axe? What race likes axes? Dwarves. A Chaos symbol and shield? What Dwarf comes in Chaos flavour? Whitefang talking about a piece of Warhammer media? Who has recently been featured in a piece of Warhammer media (Total War)?
  15. Skaven AND now Darkoath teases? Be still my beating heart.
  16. I definitely think the Old World model will be a new plastic mini. GW probably understand the negative feelings around the resin reveals.
  17. Oh myy goodness.gracious!! Holy.moly! Let's.Gooooooooo! Oh lawd I can't wait for this, what a surprise.
  18. Ooo thank you very much for the Harbingers pricing. 25 is very good I reckon. I'm not buying any models atm with this backlog and even held off the Leviathan book. But Harbingers is a must buy for me. Love new lore books and really excited for this campaign. Reminds me of the excitement I felt for the Realmgate Wars, and that was when AoS felt like it was only starting to get fleshed out with the various landscapes and what not. Absolutely can't wait for the review vids to drop, I just wanna get a glimpse of what goodies are contained within.
  19. Won't the end of the Leviathan launch event coincide with the next model line reveal for either the Tyranids or Space Marines? I reckon the preview will just be for that.
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