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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Was the Rogue Idol just 'temporarily unavailable' though or was it listed as 'no longer available?'
  2. Proper guttered about the Mourngul, such an amazing sculpt. Snagged a Dread Maw when they were going as it was my favourite sculpt out of the line. Would've done the exact same here if we were told it was going. Really hope we find out soon what's going on with FW, hopefully it is just clearing the way for the Old World line but who knows.
  3. I really want to see that more too. The Undying King was my first view into Shyishian mortals and it was great. Also wondering how a joint force of human 'auxiliaries' and Lumineth 'masters' would look. I reckon Cathay models would fit in really nicely.
  4. Really enjoyed that story. Hyshian sunglasses confirmed. I just really like seeing the views of a certain race/faction from the eyes of the outsider. Clearly the Lumineth's flaws are coming to, dare we say....... light. It helps drive home that there is no true Order, not in the sense of peace for the average joe. The down trodden will always be down trodden, caught between the ambitions and prejudices of Warlords, Kings and aspiring Gods. And I do like a bit of grim dark I do.
  5. Rat fella is not my personal favourite, although he is still really cool. I thought at first his hair style was that classic bulbous Bram Stoker which I would've actually preferred. These bois really do like their wavy hair. Very interesting regarding this new bloodline though. Perhaps the bloodline is not limited to wolves after all. Maybe you turn into whatever animal you are near or have fed upon when you receive the blood kiss. I wonder if a Vyrkros Vampire could transform into a bird or a Rhinox even. We could see other 'flavours' of Vyrkros with the SG release. Doubt it, but it would be cool.
  6. Unfortunately whilst vaccinations have increased and cases continue to decline, the UK is still under the same lockdown restrictions. No doubt the effects of this lockdown is still being felt. And of course not to say this shouldn't be happening, lockdown is essential (although poorly managed), so we may not even see improvements to business practices until after the lockdown is starting to be eased. Be'lakor hype!! Now that is one book I definitely will be getting!
  7. Oh absolutely, definitely tempted to have an Ulfenkarn themed army. Load of Fenrisian Wolves and still got some Skin Wolves I could use as Vargheists or something? I might wait until we see the new Kislev range though before doing it. Would make a lovely force for some living thralls/soldiers.
  8. Oh my goodness it's happening, everybody stay calm. Most other locations appear to be sold out too apart from US.
  9. Spot on mate. Definitely a chaos hoof whatever it is. Damn we really might get a STD release alongside Be'lakor, that would be an amazing surprise. Maybe it would even solve that chaos sorcerer thingy rumour engine, or possibly just a base decoration for ol Be'l. Dreams: New Marauders and Horsemen Expectations: Multi pose Chaos Warriors and Knights
  10. Nani?! An actual potential horse model. Not a fantastical hybrid beast but an actual run of the mill horse?! Hallelujah!! Not to say I dislike fantastical creatures but I do love a good ordinary horse. So that means it's a pig bear centaur.
  11. I'm just still shocked an Ogor managed to dress himself in rather formal clothing and have a sense of civility....even if it is, corrupted by death, and, rotting.
  12. Hands down the greatest preview GW have ever done. Absolutely everything looks absolutely fantastic! Eastern themed Vampires? Undead Russian Ogors?! Vampire Ogor?! Free-guild Generals?! A Death Mage?! Bat and Rat swarms?! Literally everything is amazing and I'm going to just list everything at this rate. Definitely using that Russian style hero for a Vostroyan Officer. Oh and that Varghulf. And Wight King!! Gravelords already have plenty of new stuff, who knows what else we may get! The Lumineth also look outstanding. Also I love that they reference the Kislev aesthetic. If we do get Fantasy/AoS scale models for TOW, it will be really, REALLY sweet to have regular Kislev humans mixed with these Eastern style Vampires. I believe we also still haven't solved the rumour engine of the Vampiric arm holding the 2h sword?
  13. Bois and gals I'm buzzing. Just to see more of Cursed City is perfect, these teasers look amazing already. Also just wanted to chime in how truly life saving this hobby has been, no matter what ****** we've had to endure this past year, the hobby and community has always been there, it's weird, a completely utterly rubbish day and yet one thought of a paint scheme or upcoming release or other peoples hype, always brings a smile to my face. Thanks everyone, again.
  14. Well there's only so many Lords within the Realms, one of them is bound to be Soulblight Grave Lords.
  15. Finally got to check out the sprue pics of the pre-orders. I'm so so happy the riders look to have seperate legs from the mount saddle, will make some nice easy conversion for some Araby style archers. It's a shame there aren't really any decent normal horse sculpts from GW through. Unarmoured ones I mean. I suppose the Doomfire Warlock horses would be quite nice. Really really want to get Sigvald though, what an amazing sculpt. Would love to see him standing on a Khorne Daemon like an evil mockery of the classical St Michael/ Sanguinius art pose.
  16. Life against Death. Ohhhhhh boi this would be sweet af.
  17. Doh didn't even read the title fully hahaha, so she is a rebel Kurnothi. Well I guess that confirms Kurnothi is the entire Wood Aelf faction name, rather than just a sub-sect of half beastly fellas. Unless that's already known and just completely missed it.
  18. I really like that they've made the design consistent with the Kurnothi by having the same woven styled armour. Amazing sculpt, truly begun, the Wanderer/Kurnothi hype has.
  19. I reaaaaally, REAAAALLLY want to buy Dio..... Err, I mean Sigvald. Now that is a hype release, absolutely everything in one go. If I wasn't working through my backlog I would've planned to purchase everything right now. So happy for Slaanesh fans. Eyeing up the heads for Noise Marine conversions eventually.
  20. Sigmar damn!!! GW just knocking it out the park again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Stunning sculpts. What could possibly be next!
  21. If GW decided to make TOW a smaller scale like Warmaster, I would be extremely disappointed, but I would never be mad at GW for not stating it or anything like that. It's their game and can choose to design it any way they wish, and there is a fanbase that would be very happy so it'll still be fun to see never before seen factions get some development. That said I personally hope it's a similar scale, mostly to then bring over models for conversions within AoS. I do wonder how many factions we'll see at the release of TOW, it seems the design and conceptualization is rather far along for Kislev and Cathay at least. Still smiling writing those 2 factions together in the same sentence.
  22. I'm just still shocked by Cathay. What an absolute surprise! Saw the end already shaking from seeing Kislev in glorious CGI. Caught the little jade like dragon statue, thought huh? That's kinda like Cathay. Heart racing, ah no see there's a red thing for Khorne it's probably for Nurgle or something. Hang on, that is a dragon. Map reads Grand Cathay..... Im literally sat here in work buzzing, feel like I could take off haha, so so happy, what a nice surprise through this year.
  23. I can't believe Cathay are going to be in! What a time to be alive! Such a good time for the hobby. I wonder if we'll see Cathay in TOW.
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