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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. I think that may be the case. I was watching one of Valrak's streams and he heard that it's been pushed back to at least 24/25. Now of course Val is mostly 40k rumours, he does get insider info and he is not the rumourmonger, and that snippet may have been taken from somewhere else, so not to hold it to him of course, but that seems to be the latest info out there. Honestly I'm happy waiting, with Immortal Empires out this week and Chorfs for Total Warhammer soon after, I think we'll have a good chunk of the Old World to enjoy for now.
  2. I think I will have to get some of the metal Horrors, I think they're design is so much better than the current Horrors. The classic sculpts just fit that maddening, ever changing Tzeentch body horror aesthetic perfectly imo. They would also be nice as some Undivided Daemons for Be'lakor.
  3. If a competition is starting then LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!
  4. Cheers for the offer matey. I made a promise not to get anything else until my backlog is sorted though. I'm actually doing quite well. I say this after I've bought a full Maggotkin army to paint of course, oh and some anniversary figs, and a golden demon plan, oh and the Skaven and Sylvaneth boxset, but that was because I saw an amazing environment colour scheme in Greece so it would be rude not to. I'm doing really well on that promise though.
  5. One of my biggest hobby regrets was not buying the ForgeWorld Fimir, as you say mate if the lore's iffy, change it whatever, but the design and aesthetic of the Fimir is so cool and unique, it would be absolutely amazing to see them return, and anything that relates to Albion/Celtic/Gaelic/Irish lore is a must buy in my books.
  6. A keen eyed Redditor Down_Under_Painting posted this: I don't care what anyone says, I have now set my expectations for Fimir, and no one can stop me.
  7. Are Chameleon Skinks single entities or are they a unit? You think this means we won't see updated Saurus here? ☹️
  8. BOOIIIIIIIIIISSS AND GAAAAAAALS Literally just refreshed youtube and this popped up. THERE'S A CHAMELEON SKINK! Haha sorry Generic I got too excited and missed your post.
  9. There will be a day really soon when we'll gaze upon a full plastic Chorf army. Just imagine all those spectacular hats in PLASTIC, you're building them all, seeing those hench, chad like specimens lined up, you need a rest, oh, just load up Total Warhammer. Animated Chaos Dwarves in all their glory. I can't flarking wait for Chorfs, just know that they are coming!
  10. Currently watching the Darkoath episode on W+ (without audio, *cough* in work *cough*). Great episode so far and interestingly the Cities of Sigmar folk look very different than the current Freeguild models. They look more like Conquistadors mixed with feudal soldiers, definitely reminds me of the little snippet we got during the Cities of Sigmar revamp preview. Here's hoping anyway.
  11. Is this were they tell me to stop giving my money to GW, but give it to their patreon instead? I jest, I jest.... I rather like the little line of text in the new Warcry article for the Horns of Hashut, stating the leader of the group must be given the biggest of hats. I'm sure this means our tyranny enjoyers will keep their stupendously exquisite hats.
  12. It looks like a Stormvermin Halberd but at the same time too clean looking to be Skaven. Arch-Warlock perhaps? Oh man please let it be Skaven.
  13. From the Warcom article: "we'll be taking a look at Warcrys exciting future next week." Roadmap next week?
  14. It reminds me of the pillars in the artwork depicting Slaanesh's imprisonment.
  15. Absolutely loved the reveals. Kroot was a big shocker considering the rumours. The Amazon's will make some cool Seraphon themed Free City conversion. Mix in the snakes from the Splintered Fang, maybe some Untamed Beasts with Seraphon weapons, boom. Speaking of Seraphon, I do hope the further mention of the jungle being created by a crashed ship points to a Seraphon warband. Great way to update the Warrior kit!
  16. I was thinking 40k intially but then I suppose it could a Hobgrot's hand? The grenade doesn't look techy enough to be 40k and it kind of reminds me of a dwarven style tankard, although it doesn't match the previous Chaos Dwarf designs on the Hobgrot weaponry.
  17. Mikey seems great. What a bizarre video 😂. Who would've thought the delay issue was solved by some random numpty with a drone.
  18. Cheers for the react Whitefang, at least I can temper my expectations. One day my Seraphon, one day.
  19. So hyped for this pre order. I feel the hype too that Warcry 2 is coming real soon! And the hype begins for who will be joining the amazing Horns of Hashut in the new starter set.... And I honestly think it'll be Seraphon. I believe.
  20. The effect on the actual book appears only on the gold band. The leak appears to produce the effect on the red border aswell, or my eyes are playing tricks on me.
  21. I wonder if we'll get a roadmap for Warcry. Oh Sigmar I hope there's Seraphon. Can you imagine?! Ohhh I doubt you could even imagine it, new Seraphon Sculpts..... NEW SERAPHON SCULPTS! SIGMAR I BESEECH THEE.
  22. Oh my lawd please yes new Seraphon. Please please please please don't just be a new Hero. All I need is new Warriors, that's all I ask and I promise I'll instantly buy a 2000 point army.
  23. I really love the Lady of Vines. She makes me think of the Elden Ring Erdtree for some reason, and I love it. I also now want to repaint my Sylvaneth! That box is mighty tempting.
  24. I also see the Horns being more akin to armed slaves. Even though the big fellas look quite blinged out, I think the chain wrapped around their waist and scars across their limbs signifies they are still slaves.
  25. Thinking back on this whole Fest, the best bits have been the teases of things to come. World Eaters, Cities of Sigmar, Warcry. The actual reveals have been so good though I've not really had time to appreciate the weight of those teases. Warcry may be my favourite though, non-Chaos warbands and now even allied monsters?! I'm sorry, but with how diverse the Chaos Warbands have been, can you imagine what kind of stuff we'll get for the other factions. I may well be getting my hopes up too much, but this could be an excuse to produce new Seraphon Warriors, Maneaters, Kurnothi! Can't wait to find out!
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