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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Just seen this posted on the Warhammer Community IG, is this new? Cos I don't remember seeing this before, and that is a glorious looking Minotaur, if only the models reflected this badassery. 😭
  2. Some very juicy rumours! If they release new models for Brets and TK's, lawdy lawd!
  3. It's exciting to know Val has started to hear some really good whispers around the Old World, would love it if he made a dedicated video on them, although of course not if it gets anyone in trouble.
  4. I'll be in bed before our clock strikes midnight. Hellboy 2 is keeping me awake right now. Just another message to say you're all amazing. I hope 23 is a happy new year for you all. Heres to the best community in this hobby. The mods, admins, the long time members, the new members, the lurkers, everyone makes this place amazing. I love checking here after work, before bed, waking up, when it's been a ****** day, when it's been a good day, doesn't matter, I feel connected when I'm here. Small interactions make a big difference.
  5. So that leak looking rather legit then? The Seraphon list doesn't look accurate from that vid although the last 2 models are clearly Khorne and Slaanesh. The video suggests the same order of releases as in the rumour. What straws am I grasping at? I am desperate for more Gitmob and Saurus Guard/Kroxigars. Edit: The Khorne guy has 2 axes, the Slaanesh gal has 2 swords, it's gotta be the dual box set.
  7. Happy holidays everyone, hope whatever it is you're doing today is what you like to do. Another year to thank for being the best community in this hobby.
  8. More Gitmobs would be the best crimbo prezzy from GW.
  9. I personally enjoyed Rings of Power and I know Amazon have also produced great stuff like The Boys, but with Henry as a Producer and with this being GW, I hope Henry and GW have the reins here to keep it as lore accurate as possible. You know what, I'll enjoy anything that is produced for what it is. I hope it'll be amazing, and it sounds like it should be. GW with Henry producing, at least someone who is a fan and that's all I ask, but with an infinite budget machine like Amazon, could just be what a machine like Warhammer requires.
  10. That rumour list sounds fantastic, I really hope it's true. Snarlfang Chariot and Gitmob Heroes would guarantee a full army from me. A load of chariots and riders with some Hobgrot footsoldiers, the Khanite shall live again!
  11. Sorry what was the rumour regarding small heroes in GHB? That each faction would just get one hero release?
  12. Really excited for the BL reveal now that you've mentioned Gotrek and Cado. Just finished the Gotrek AoS books and currently on Cado so really looking forward to find out what's next for Gotrek especially. You get Necromunda, you get Necromunda, you get Necromunda, everybody gets Necromunda. Imagine if we had a version of Mordheim that got the same treatment as Necromunda. Warcry, Underworlds even. I really love the Necromunda models but.... Necromunda.
  13. I think it was suggested the Ark of Omen books would be announced for pre order tonight
  14. They specifically label the Snarlfang as part of the Gitmob, of course they always have been, but it'd be rather strange to just have one random Gitmob unit with no synergy to anything else. I really hope there's more to come!
  15. Every single miniature in that reveal is absolutely stunning. Holy Sigmar la an actual full unit of Wolf Riders!!!! Can't believe it, well there is my next army decided. World Waters, stunning, that ew Daemon Prince, lovely. Even the Cawdor things could be some cool Cities models. Im guessing the Summe BT is Cities, exciting!! That Beast Lord. That Beast Lord is bloody stunning, now that is the new sculpt they deserve.....but that's it? I saved the BoC reveal till last as I was most excited for them seeing the thumbnail. Now, not that the current sculpts are terrible, I really really love the Gors and Bestigors, but it just felt like a bitter pill, seeing the sculpt of that Beast Lord and knowing nothing else will be of that standard. I'll be pleasantly surprised if there's more but I doubt it by the wording of the information. I guess this is what WF meant by expect disappointnent 😭.
  16. Goblin Big Boss on Wolf? Man imagine a full unit of Goblin Wolf Riders!
  17. The axe also reminds me of the ones Gors carry, a sign perhaps? I'll expect disappointnent, but BoC NEED a revamp, I really hope the enjoyers get what they want.
  18. That's a errr...beast, skull, with a Chaos background..... Be still my beating heart.
  19. Took me ages to find a size pic but seen this Definitely a small boi now unfortunately. I'll be getting him for a display piece though.
  20. Mate that's gorgeous! The highlighting is so crisp and vibrant. Love this! The contrast between the red and blue is lovely.
  21. Oh my good lawd la, holy moly la. Lad, I can't believe Archaon will be available again. That's the one model, the one model I have always wanted and was so guttered when they discontinued him. For me that's one of the best character sculpts GW have ever done. There is no better horse sculpt at least, at all. Im really glad the new plastic Lord is a homage to Archaon but imo nothing beats that, oh my god I'm so happy. I've also never seen that mounted Sorcerer Lord before!
  22. I'm confident we'll get updated Bullgors for BoC. At least now StD have their own Minotaur like unit. I don't like their heads so I'm just enjoying conjuring all sorts of headswaps. Already planned an Ogroid Boar headed army 😂
  23. I know it doesn't help with the Warriors, but at least the Chosen have the visible eyes. Honestly I never realised how much character something small like this adds to a model. It looks 100% more imposing being able to see that determined gaze beneath a brutal helmet. Really excited for the army set, I will definitely be putting some boar heads on those Ogroids if hopefully they are a good size for them. Have some giant Quilboar soldiers!
  24. Sorry to say I'm really disappointed with the Lord Solar model. Maybe it's just cos this reveal had my highest expectations. I proper expected just an absolute specimen of a pose. Horse rearing on its back legs, hair and cape flowing majestically like it's very stature was conjuring a storm, more ornate designed armour. It all looks a little flat. Don't want to knock the sculpt, just not for me. This is THE Lord SOLAR, honestly expected him to be a centrepiece model. Take away the base and it just looks a tad plain, imo.
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