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Posts posted by Liquidsteel

  1. Some Nighthaunt units can be used in Legions of Nagash, notably Chainrasp Hordes and Grimghast Reapers, and with allies you can use a decent portion of the range considering you can also run Legion of Grief.


    With Bonereapers they are not allies, so the only way you can mix everything is to play Grand Alliance Death.


    Mixing like this means you lose all the allegiance bonuses, gaining not much in return.


    It's up to you how strong you want the army to be Vs the narrative you have for it.

  2. So now that I've got a few games under my belt and have a feel for both the core rules of AoS as well as my army, I've realised I need to get better at placing my gravesites. 

    I'm wondering if people have a standard set up that they go for and/or tailor based on the battleplan and opposition army at hand?

    Any mental checklists that you run through as per above?

  3. Is anyone able to advise the height of the VLoZD as well as Neferata?

    I'm looking in to transportation options at the moment as I look to start taking my first army to tournaments, the Battlefoam Magna Rack looks solid for my Legion of Grief, however I want to make sure I am future-proofing myself for when I add in some big monsters for my Legion of Blood.

    The medium sized case come with 5 inch spacers for the bottom row; will it be enough?

  4. Are people still running the Court of Nuhlamia at all?

    The list with Nef, 2x VLoZD, Palanquin and 3 x Chain Rasps / Wolves?

    I am almost done with my first Nighthaunt/Legion of Grief army and I'm looking to get in to something with big monsters, so LoB seems like a nice crossover considering I already have the battleline.

  5. 4 hours ago, XcaliburNick said:

    Thanks @EnixLHQ! Great beginner's guide BTW, good advice to start off with.

    Looks like Sheffield Slaughter 2020 was Ceri Robson and he went 3-2. I also can't find the list, but it looked like in the pics from twitter that he used a Spirit Host unit, some Chainrasps and bladegheist revenants, and a foot knight of shrouds. I think I saw a mounted as well, but not sure.



    It would be worthwhile checking which armies and players he matched up against also.

    The Honest Wargamer podcast mentioned a lot of newer players were at the event so that + favourable match-ups could have meant for some easy games which might not reflect the standings overall.

    Though this remains true overall considering that events are usually 5 games and so you only ever face a small percentage of armies.

  6. I'd have to bring it up again as it was a few weeks ago. It was a discussion I'd had with Ritchie, the owner of JustPlay, talking about a list he'd seen James Tinsdale run in store, so not a first hand account.


    My feeling is that the dreadblade Harrow general is universally better due to the board control, however the above mentioned list can pack a much bigger punch.

  7. I haven't tested it yet, however a list with Olynder and Mannfred sounds quite appealing, having been recommended to me by one of the top players and store owner at my flgs. 


    I played a game against Petrifex Elite on Thursday with my Dreadblade Harrow general, narrowly edging a victory, however both new players with plenty of mistakes and sub-optimal play. The teleport gave me the victory as I was able to get in and summon in his back line on turn 4. I did sorely lack mortal wounds which Olynder could provide, and Mannfred offers something with punch.


    I have Olynder painted already, so I'll look to add Mannfred to my collection in the next few month or so for sure.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    I'd follow his Twitter account, he's already tinkering on new lists. There's even one particular smartass in his feed disputing his choices.

    Concerning Black Knights: I would only use them if I already had some. You'd have a hammer for your anvil (40 chainrasps). With 12" movement and proper gravesite placing they can harrass the enemys backline over and over. I prefer Hexwraiths though with rend and Ethereal.

    Ha thanks, however it seems we're already in communication there as it's me who started that twitter chain (I'm @jgrzywinski91).

  9. So I'm a new player, currently expanding my starter set Nighthaunts in order to field them as Legion of Grief, as the scene at my local store in Liverpool is highly competitive and I want to give myself the best footing possible.

    I notice that JP Ganis used 10 black knights in his winning list at an event in Scotland back in September (Onslaught), which can be found here.

    I already have 12 banshees and 20 bladegheists myself, and have room to add in 10 knights + a 30 point endless spell to round out my 2k list.

    Whilst I haven't yet played any games with them, my guess is that their strong movement and guaranteed 6 inch charge means that quite often you 'll be getting the benefit of their ability of +1 to Wound and Damage, making for an effective unit that you can keep recycling and moving to where they're needed.

    Do people have  any further thoughts on this topic?

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