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Joseph Mackay

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Posts posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. On 6/14/2021 at 12:53 PM, jhamslam said:

    also goes without saying but the balance in the starting box is bad, like right now SCE just spank the kruleboyz just playing out the box.

    Newer players gonna get us nerfed 😆

    I feel like this is ultimately the problem with Stormcast. GW need to try to balance making them decent but not overpowering, and so far have been failing (most units are too weak and Sacrosanct units are too good). AoS isn’t big or popular enough to survive a 9th edition Space Marines problem, where marines are basically the best army in the game because everyone else has to wait anywhere between 3 years later for their book of relatively equal power 

  2. 5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    Personally I hate 40k style detachments. It makes listbuilding way more complex and restrictive than it has any right to be and pushes out fun lists by forcing all listbuilding onto rails. Sure it can force lists to look more like some people's interpretation of what an army should look like, but it does that by banning and punishing people for Not Building the kinds of lists 'we' approve of. The mortal realms is a lot more free-form and fantastic than fantasy was, and even more so than 40k is since many armies don't have as rigid a structure. An army of entirely squigs, or Gore-gruntas is not only possible to play with, but also could reasonably exist in the mortal realms.


    What? 40K list building gives you MORE freedom than AoS does. The only real requirement is you must have 1-2 leaders/HQ but otherwise can take whatever you want by choosing the right detachment. If you don’t take one of the 3 troops based ones though you get less CP as a tax for that choice 

    • Like 4
  3. 5 hours ago, Causalis said:

    To be honest it was never a question for me if BK can retreat and charge. It was very clearly RAI and anyone who was arguing about it was intepreting too much into it.

    That aside, what do you guys think are the winners for SBGL regarding the new 3.0 rules?

    Without stating they’re allowed to charge in their rule, they currently are not allowed to by the core rules. A Retreat is a Normal Move starting within 3” of an enemy. Core rules disallow charging after a retreat. Riders Of Ruin as it’s currently written doesn’t override the core rules unfortunately. Being that the book was probably written for AoS3, maybe the core rules are changing 

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

    Very much like the change to endless spells, solves the issue of the bound spells from Seraphon being a have in a world of have nots. Great addition for priests as well, all in all good changes. 

    Except now you’re taking stuff away and/or making one army less unique. Cities and Seraphon got ‘special’ rules for the generic Endless Spells because gw were too lazy to make unique ones for them, and now they’re giving the compensation they got to everyone else 

  5. 6 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I don't think it's time to start panicking just yet. The coherency rule is an import from 40k. It wouldn't surprise me if this rule gets imported too. Screenshot_20210608-084334.png.e00318cc46e8a2eb712c5517971a518b.png

    This would let a second rank of minis fight as well and might explain why the Soulblight lances are only range 1. 

    As for the Stormcast there's no reason why Gavriel's warscroll won't change. 

    Every other rule we've seen so far looks like it was quite carefully thought out. Hopefully that is maintained throughout the new core rules. 

    As we can see from the new Stormcast warscroll, melee weapons still have a range. This rule is 99% not happening 

  6. On 6/6/2021 at 12:52 PM, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    Seraphon Steggageddon?  Myth or has anyone actually seen on tabletop?

    Complete myth, as Stegadons had been out of stock for over 6 months before they announced the battletome and haven’t come back since (apart from the extremely limited Broken Realms battalion box)

    [in New Zealand anyway] at least 2 years out of stock now 😥


    however, i have messed around with that type of list using proxy’s and it’s probably my favourite style of Seraphon list

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Austin said:

    But with one HUGE difference- no fluff or unit descriptions or any of that.  To me that is most of the point of buying the books in the first place.

    That’s kind of irrelevant? You still have to buy the physical book for 40K so you have the lore in that. The app is a gaming aid and doesn’t need to have the lore

    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    At least for Slaanesh, the exact wording is "You can have up to 3 generals instead of 1." It does then say "Only 1 of your generals can have a command trait, but all 3 are considered to be generals for the purpose of using command abilities."

    I don't think the second statement invalidates the first, unless you believe that the Lord of Pain being the "secondary" general invalidates Twinsouls/Painbringers from being battleline (as they're not a command ability). At least to me "You can have up to 3 generals instead of 1" is pretty straight forward - the only stipulation is only one gets a command trait, and it clarifies that they all count for command abilities (but doesn't suggest exclusively command abilities). 

    I can see some confusion, and it probably will need an FAQ if not broadly addressed in the book, but at least to me I'd rule it as having three generals.  

    I would agree, that this is a rare and specific case where you do actually have more than one general. But the Soulblight, Nighthaunt etc only ‘count as’ the general so that command abilities still work properly 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Zeblasky said:

    I've never said anything about removing "within 3" limit for ranged when in melee combat (neither I think this is a good idea), so this argument is quite irrelevant to this discussion. As for close combat, a crossbowmen against lets say a armoured Chaos warrior has much better chances of surviving by trying to shoot his crossbow in warrior face instead of trying to hit him with his small dagger. Fire discipline is also a thing.


    Your crossbow example doesn’t make sense though. My limited understanding of medieval era weapons, you have to load crossbows 1 bolt at a time, the dwarf in your example would kill you before you’ve even finished loading the crossbow

  10. 8 hours ago, Zeblasky said:

    Here's the thing though. If you give units penalties for shooting into friendly melee and make it possible to shut down unit shooting completely by tying it down in melee, you will have to severely BUFF current shooting in order to compensate for such a weakness. So in some cases, you could shut down enemy shooting too early (like with a few aetherwings for example) and remove a lot of power from an opponent, and in some cases overwhelming and concentrated shooting will be able to easily kill enemy forces wave by wave, thus leading to even more one sided games and less fun for both melee and shooting lists.

    So while such rules are indeed would be more immersive, they would also be much less fun on a table.


    As for the for the rules change, it's kinda funny how my Living City army with 3 Monsters (2 of which are Heroes) and 5 battleline units became so much stronger with the new rules (just waiting on batalions info). I will probably add an Adjutant into an army now though instead of an extra CP on the start. Having potentially 4 CPs per turn is good, but having a 4+ chance for another one seems even better because now there is so much more useful things you can use CPs for. So there will never be too many CPs.

    I disagree. Shooting already has the advantage of the opponent not being able to hit you back, unlike in combat. That advantage is already not being accounted for in the points costs of shooting units, as well as a lot of shooting becoming better than melee these days

  11. On 6/4/2021 at 10:53 PM, Magnus The Blue said:

    Some armies can, such as any destruction army with Kragnos (he gets to be a general in addition to your regular one) or Invaders Host Slannesh (they get upto 3 generals).


    On 6/4/2021 at 10:58 PM, PrimeElectrid said:

    Soulblight too

    Not quite, they count as the general for rules purposes (ie command ability ranges), but are not actually your general unless you make them the general. As the rule is presented currently, I would not allow them to generate the generals cp unless they actually are your general 

  12. 2 hours ago, Austin said:

    Hopefully someone asks them on Facebook about the digital version.  I am REALLY hoping they don't do with AoS what they've done with 40k and stop selling digital game books.

    As long as they don’t completely rebuild the app (and therefore break it), if they copied 40K i might not be too annoyed about it 

    in 40K, they scrapped digital but instead the physical book comes with a code to unlock all the rules content in the app, unfortunately the app is very broken and has incorrect rules, missing information, and the calculator for list building makes up random numbers 😂 they also increased the price of the physical books :/

  13. 6 hours ago, Mutton said:

    Designed to work hand in hand with the new edition, this update brings together a host of changes and updates for your pitched battle games, including updated warscrolls for endless spells, new battleplans, and all the core rules of the game.

    Seraphon need a day one faq for Bound endless spells then

  14. 1 hour ago, Lucio said:

    Found a better theory instead of lawsuit as to why Cursed City disappeared.

    Rule of Origin


    Brexit has caused some pretty big problems with what you can, and cannot class as "made in the UK", and I'm betting cardstock, rulebooks etc. are printed in China.


    Getting this wrong can add huge costs on the import of goods, enough to make a product unviable.


    They just simply wouldn’t sell it in the regions where that’s a problem, or raise the prices for those regions to cover the extra costs. That doesn’t explain why they’d ****** over the rest of the world

  15. 6 hours ago, Greybeard86 said:

    I don't know anyone taking grots, but I know plenty of other units got point reductions. From bullgryns, to the majority of custodes units.

    Things like Custodes got cheaper because every new codex seem to be getting statlines and weapons that are similar or better than theirs, so they need to be cheaper until their new codex puts them back into the super elites they should be (examples being Heavy Intercessors - a Troops unit with similar stats and better guns than Custodes Elite units and cheaper, and the new Sisters Paragon warsuit things although they’re more expensive)

  16. 10 hours ago, JackdawGin said:

    Guys, its fun to speculate but none of the Vyrkos Soulblight models are cancelled cursed city expansions.  I can't say about the Vampire Hunter pair because I haven't seen the sprues yet, but none of the new ones (Radukar the Beast, Belladamma, Krytza and Annika).  They are all normal to build models and were always intended as part of the Soulblight Gravelords release.  

    The reason I know is that all the expansions for Blackstone Fortress (and I do mean all) are push-fit models just like the ones in the main box.  The Zoat, traitor guard, traitor commisar and ogryn, even the ETB death guard they did as a cash in one.  All of the expansions were push-fit.  If any of the models in the Soulblight range were originally intended as expansions to Cursed City they would have been push-fit as well.  

    Not saying that there are not canceled expansions but these models aren't it.

    I don’t think using Blackstone Fortress as an example works, because as of yet nothing in that game has been properly integrated into any of the factions, whereas Cursed City were always intended to be in the Soulblight Gravelords release. The fact anything is or isn’t easy-to-build in Soulblight Gravelords doesn’t mean it was or wasn’t supposed to be an expansion.

    some of the expansions could have also been intended as White Dwarf articles that included cards for using the models, we just don’t know. **spoiler** As I said earlier, I suspect the contents of the mysterious envelope is rules for Rudakar The Beast, so some of the expansions could have just been stuff like that

  17. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    It can't be true that they have no control whatsoever over reprinting, or someone really messed up drafting a contract.

    Apparently they use the same company/companies as every other board game, so the issue of reprints is finding a free slot in the third parties schedule while not interfering with the manufacturing of other gw products 

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, CDM said:

    I honestly think this talk about soup or non soup is the wrong conversation to be had.

    GW clearly shifted its MO several times over base games the last few years and seems to be moving more towards there old model of Battletome/codex + large model release.  I am disappointed by this move as it doesn't serve hobbyists or gamers well.  The best moment for competitive and organised play was at the start if 8th edition 40k. Everything was out of of the indexes. Balance ensued. They announced codexes which I was apprehensive about but they got them out in around 12 months. The first time ever they had all army books in the current edition. I honestly felt this was great,they can move away from editions and focus on generals handbook/ chapter approved rebalancing and adding new content and units etc in conjunction with better apps.

    My fear is 3.0 will look like 40 k 9th edition. Slow Battletome updates taking years to get everyone fully updated with conflated army rules. This can be better served introducing content in broken realms style story events with new units, battalions and model releases. 

    I believe that being immersed in the lore and enjoying more model releases would be better achieved by not having this slow turnaround of updates to editions and battletomes. I know the fanfare of a new edition and model release is probably hard for them to move away from but  surely they can do that with malign portents and broken realms style events.

    Slightly off topic, but if gw simply removed warscrolls from the battletome altogether and keep them free via download or the app, the battletome would have expanded lore, the allegiance abilities, artefacts etc. that way model releases no longer HAVE to be tied to battletome or campaign book releases, we would be in a much better position 

    • Like 3
  19. 4 hours ago, Grotbag Scuttlers When said:

    You know what, I actually like that aspect of Cities. Specialized units aside, a Dwarf doesn't fight in a MUCH different way than a Human or a Elf. I have already talked about that in this forum, but my dream for Cities is:

    • 6-7, low to medium cost, mixed race Batteline. They would form your core, and really represent the whole "citizens coming together to survive" . They should be sculpted in a style that makes the units feel coese despite the physical differences.
    • 3+ specialized units per race. Humans would have demigryph and witch hunters;  Duardin would have ironbreakers and flamethrowers and gyrocopters; HE would have sisters of the watch and phoenix guard, etc etc. These guys and heroes would be the one to contain the "different flavors" in the rules. 

    Dwarfs should hit harder because they’re physically stronger, whereas elves should hit better because they’re generally more skilled. Humans are sort of in the middle. And then you’ve got armour/defence-dwarfs should be harder to kill, elves easier to kill, and humans in the middle. You can then have specialised units that ‘break the mold’ as it were, but all 3 races fight significantly different, AoS rules just do a poor job of representing that without a strength and toughness characteristic 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  20. The problem is that a reprint is entirely in the hands of a third party, gw have no control over when/if they can reprint it. GW manufacture the models themselves (which is why they can now sell them separately) but all the card is printed in china.

    For books, GW print softbacks in the UK I believe but hardbacks come from China. That’s why Chapter Approved is out on time but Codex Grey Knights and Thousand Sons are late. I’m guessing that dual box has been ready for a while but they’re waiting for the codexes to be available to release at the same time 

  21. @Sleboda my reference to AoS3 was more about the fact getting that out on time is more important than reprinting Cursed City, so with covid still causing problems they have to prioritise some things over others.

    I still don’t buy the lawsuit thing. For one, my understanding is you can’t copyright rules/concepts. Also the day/night thing is most likely inspired by Fury Of Dracula, a game GW originally owned (I think they license it out nowadays).

    ‘there is literally nothing stopping someone releasing a game using 40K rules as long as they don’t use the terms that are copyright/trademark protected (ie names/factions). In saying that though, gw is big enough that the threat of a lawsuit would make people think twice about copying their rules, even if the law was on their side, gw legal department could potentially kill that company with lawyers fees

    • Like 1
  22. 4 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    I can.


    It's abundantly clear they had invested in a long term lifespan of the game. The initial setup work (the videos, for example, and more) was massive, the pre-marketing was expansive, and the hints at expansions in the materials is hard to ignore. This was a game with a LOT invested in it. There was a future.

    And then *poof* it was gone. 

    In other words, they had put a bunch of time and money into establishing a long run. But then it died with absolutely, positively zero, ziltch, nada in terms of communication.

    Only one thing explains it. They were compelled to kill it by a law suit. I'm guessing there was something in the game to which someone else could claim ownership. They sued and won and part of the terms included not publishing any other products. I mean, for goodness sake, they didn't even mention the game when they released the models from it. No "fans of Cursed City who missed out on these models won't need to wait much longer to get their hands on them."

    The complete lack of reference to Cursed City in ALL materials since the vanishing is a huuuuuuge tell that GW is being compelled to act a certain way, and the lack of any sort of explanation is also 100% in line with a court order to shush.

    Do I know this is the case? No. It does, however, fit completely with what has happened and continues to happen.


    A simpler way to look at this is the age old adage: "Follow the money." The game and its future plans were going to make plenty of money for GW. I can see where timing might (might!) have stepped on the Gravelords a tiny, tiny bit, but nowhere near how much the game would have made them, and if there's one thing I trust about GW, it's that they will always go for maximum money.

    Then why is the Cursed City website still up, and the novel still available (digital at least)?

    This lawsuit theory is nonsense and just another conspiracy theory. Covid + aos3 is the only thing that really makes sense - they couldn’t get as much as they wanted in the first print run, the game was already delayed from an original October/November release, and with aos3 they have ‘more important’ things to worry about. Getting additional print runs of Cursed City is entirely dependent upon a third party and their schedule. They haven’t said anything about it because they don’t know when or even if they can reprint it.

    what doesn’t make sense regardless however, is that they’ve gone back through all the social media and Warhammer community posts and removed any references to it being a permanent range item and expansions. The website even removed the hints about the expansions and removed the map that showed different areas.

    **potential spoiler**
    I believe a bunch of the Gravelords releases were supposed to be expansions, the Ratprince and the other vampire, the BR Kragnos Witch Hunters. Additionally, the mysterious envelope, I haven’t opened it but it feels quite thick and my guess is *spoiler* rules for Radukar The Beast

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