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Posts posted by Fairbanks

  1. On 5/2/2021 at 2:22 PM, Fairbanks said:

    Monday: Kragnos (list of factions and one more big model), Soulblight (new stuff that’s actually new and not just resculpts), a 1v1 box set, scenes from the next episode of Broken Realms (will Goku make it in time to save the Z-Fighters?). This will be a 3.0 tease, but next to no new models.

    Tuesday: AdMech, Sisters, Orks, War Zone Charadareadingdong part two.

    I'm 50-50 for everything on each day. Honestly, it just came down to not knowing how far they were predicting things out (Maybe 2 months tops). So let's retool:

    On 5/2/2021 at 2:22 PM, Fairbanks said:

    Monday: Kragnos (list of factions and one more big model), Soulblight (new stuff that’s actually new and not just resculpts), a 1v1 box set, scenes from the next episode of Broken Realms (will Goku make it in time to save the Z-Fighters?). This will be a 3.0 tease, but next to no new models.

    Tuesday: AdMech, Sisters, Orks, War Zone Charadareadingdong part two.

    Wednesday: Books, TV Shows

    Thursday: Blood Bowl Team, Delaque 2nd Box, Titanicus Release, Aeronautica Release, IDK Underworlds Warband

    Friday: Beast Snagga Orks. Chaos Daemons Codex.

    Saturday: Horus Heresy relaunch or other new specialist game (like Epic). Still not AoS 3.0.

    For Saturday I'm still not predicting AoS 3.0 yet because it will likely go up on Pre-Order mid-June to meet the July 3rd Anniversary and we don't tend to hear about the Edition change until the week before they come out.

    So batten down the wallets, full spend ahead.

  2. Monday: Kragnos (list of factions and one more big model), Soulblight (new stuff that’s actually new and not just resculpts), a 1v1 box set, scenes from the next episode of Broken Realms (will Goku make it in time to save the Z-Fighters?). This will be a 3.0 tease, but next to no new models.

    Tuesday: AdMech, Sisters, Orks, War Zone Charadareadingdong part two.

    Wednesday: Books, TV Shows

    Thursday: Blood Bowl Team, Delaque 2nd Box, Cawdor 2nd Box, Neutral Characters for Necromunda, Titanicus Release, Aeronautica Release, something new?

    Friday: Either new army or new releases for another existing Xenos faction. Next narrative setup, and another 1v1 box that will sell out in 5 minutes.

    Saturday: Horus Heresy relaunch or other new game (like Epic). Not AoS 3.0 (that hype train starts in early June)

  3. 3 hours ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    But I would also rather get new models than waiting forever for a new update.

    I totally agree, and can even relate. I spent most of 2020 and 2021 wondering where the Plastic Slann was for Seraphon (I figured they forgot about it).

    But Hedonites just got new models. They're so new that they are still in the shrinkwrap (That may have more to do with the battletome contents)

    2 hours ago, Athrawes said:

    People will whine about anything.

    GW said Broken realms will touch on every army, and the new slaanesh battletome was not tied to any specific Broken realms book yet released.

    And you thought that meant every army but mine will have supplemental rules in a broken realms book? by the end of this every army is meant to have rules in at least two places, Slaanesh despite getting a new tome, is no different. 


    I own a little of every army, so it's not a slight that's 'Personal'.

    I'm annoyed that GW launched an incomplete Battletome, again. Worse still, it's for a Battletome that GOT NEW MODELS DURING THE EXACT SAME STORY EVENT. This isn't an oversight, it's something that should have been caught immediately.

    I'm a fan of GW and a fan of sports, so I'll use an analogy. It feels like they punted on a 4th and 1 at the thirty when they're down by 3 with ten seconds left. The return man downfield muffed the punt and they scooped to score. Sure your team won the game, but there was a very major coaching error that should be raising red flags.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    I feel the same way about any model with a "scenic" base. I mean, really? The same piece of terrain just moves around the table with the character? More than a bit silly. Gorgeous, but super silly.


    That said, heck yes this thing (and many of those other models) is stunning!

    I'm thinking three:

    One for me to paint as-is for display.

    One for me to trim down, paint, and play with.

    One for @TwiceIfILikeIt to break down into a hundred conversion bits, other than the little beasties that she'll stick onto something Skaven, Nurgle, or Gobbo.

    If you can get three. Belakor sold out in the UK

  5. Book 3 Predictions:

    Be'lakor has a really big plan to plunge an entire realm into the warp. Tzeentch is on board, but the others are mostly absent (Khorne is busy prepping for the next book, Nurgle's in timeout and waiting for the whole rebirth of life Alarielle promised, and Slaanesh is having a baby). It's a McGuffin spell, so it half goes off, goes off but doesn't complete, or wasn't going to end the whole Mortal Realms anyway, and just disfigures Chamon.

    Kroak feels a disturbance in the force, and will go on the attack. There won't be much character development here, and Kroak may even put over Be'lakor

    Olynder's forces get sucked into the soul-catchers from Book 1. Teclis' sealing of the Necroquake will also affect her, breaking Nagash's grip and causing her to switch from attacking the Stormcast/City to trying to get revenge on Chaos. She'll also put over Be'lakor.

    Barak-Zilfin gets dropped from the sky, probably on Be'lakor himself to end his machinations. He'll be sent back to the Chaos Realm. KO character death likely.

    Stormcast figure a way to defeat the Soul-suckers with either shootcast or an alpha strike.

    Book 4 Predictions (so far):

    Launch date: Early May

    Kragnos is back due to Teclis' spell. Sigmar likely knocked him out, but a chaos faction will get his ire due to wiping out his people.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Overread said:

    My hobby my army

    Their hobby their army

    While I agree with this sentiment, the question implies a lot that makes me say No.

    When I hear the word “Play” I don’t just think “As an Opponent in a game”. I think “Collects, Builds, and Plays.” And when I read “Gaming Partner”, I don’t think “My Opponent for this match.” I think “My friend, whom I play weekly and talk with daily.”

    If they want to play the Army I collect, build, paint and play with, I’m sliding mine across the table for them to use. If they want a mirror match, I’m grabbing another 2000 points. If they really want to own that army for themselves, I’ll probably sell it to them and buy a different one.

    It’s not “This is my turf, stay off.” It’s more “We share this turf, why do we need more of the same?”

    • Like 3
  7. Id like to say “Because at 2000 points, one model isn’t 1/3 to 1/2 my army (if not more)”

    Real answer is that it’s an arbitrary number tied to another metric: The time it takes to play a game. Read the WFB 3rd Ed book. Paraphrasing: We expect a 1,000 point battle to last 1-2 hours, and a 2,000 point battle to last 2-3 hours. Idea is supposed to be the same, but we’ve gone bananas with points to where it’s sometimes a 1 hour affair and other times it’s 4 hours.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, eciu said:

    I'm only buying GW stuff because I'm able to get 1/3 off the price of GW stuff.  And even then I'm looking for cheaper models, Start Collecting bundles etc. 


    And this is only becouse I'm earning in stronger currency than the one I'm using to buy stuff. 

    I did this for a lot of very large models. I haven't found anyone who has made it worthwhile for small boxes (although, I'd buy a ton, which might make shipping cheaper)

  9. So am I the only weird one who would buy direct from GW if they lowered prices?

    I’d like to help the local Warhammer store/manager, and make sure they keep the local store.

    But (most recently) I was about to impulse-buy a DE Battleforce from the local third party (who has it in stock), but when I saw the rumor that Cursed City was $300, those plans were scrapped immediately and I haven’t gone back ($300 looks suspiciously accurate). So have any Hedonites purchases (The Archers are maybe the only thing close to price-accurate), Lumineth (the current stuff is too high), hell, I was even interested in Kill Team Pariah Nexus (That’s a big f***ing NO. 12 models for $160 is gouging).

    I turned to “Big Box Specials” recently for a reason. Everything else isn’t worth the monetary cost except the big centerpiece models, which is a drastic flip from what dragged me into Fantasy in the first place.

  10. Are we complaining about not getting Battletome Updates or having to buy a book again?

    Basically every army since the first Hedonites (and Sylvaneth), which was DOA) needs an update to be tournament competitive.

    There was a combination of issues with Warmahordes’ CID updates. Leaving out the fact PP necked all their semi-casuals (by saying everything was balanced moving into the new edition, but the worst army pre-update was somehow even worse, then by nuking their own forums because the criticism hurt their fee-fees). When you are left with only hyper-competitive players you only played with the CID rules. When your army was ‘featured’, it was updated near weekly,  meaning the army you submitted a month ago could no longer function or be legal the day of a tournament.

    Personally, I’d rather just pay $50 every two years than ever see an AoS CID. If there are major issues *cough* Kroak *cough* fix it in the FAQ and wash your hands.

  11. On 1/25/2021 at 5:41 AM, HollowHills said:

    Specifically interested to hear from DoK and Lumineth players.

    BR Morathi came out only a couple of months ago and now we are getting a DoK battletome which will presumably contain all the rules.

    Lumineth only officially released in September but are now seeing the range doubled with none of those units being represented in the battletome. 

    Given that many of us haven't been able to play in person for almost a year, coupled with continued price increases this seems a bit scummy to me.

    I wanted to say “No, and I don’t think you should.” since most people got their Battletome when they picked up the Lumineth Box.

    Then I remembered the box was $185. So yea, it’s not worth it.


    It’s in poor taste, and I’d draw comparisons to Sisters of Battle getting the same shaft... but everything in 9th is getting a new book. So it’s more like the SM codex that came out before 9th did, and then was quickly replaced. I am of the conspiracy theory that everything, including 9th Ed 40K, got shifted around due to Covid.

    Alas, there are a few solutions I see that would defuse my opinion:

    1. The rules are entirely in BR Teclis and nowhere else for at least a year, when the last of the Realm-Lords come out.

    2. Lumineth Sky-Lords. They get Archerboys as Battleline, Speardudes and Horsemen as Battleline-If, Teclis, a few new models, but don’t get the Cowdudes or the Great Big Pile of Bull (those can Ally in).

  12. 21 hours ago, Ggom said:

    As someone who mostly paints but would like to play in the future, this is a big thing for me. I love painting different sculpts, and would prefer if the stronger lists in my army rewarded something besides 30 - 90 of the same kit.

    Also, massive props to @Kadeton for verbalizing an excellent theoretical framework for this discussion

    I would feel better about getting 40 man units if a pack of 10 were $30 instead of $50, or there were a lot more Battleforce deals to go around to get more models for cheaper.

    I too loathe unit spam in an army, but don’t mind it as much if it’s the Battleline choice.

    • Like 2
  13. Everything seems to fit in a neat little box these days:

    3 foot heroes, 1 mounted Hero, At least one Centerpiece Hero, and a slightly smaller but otherwise=Centerpiece Hero.  Core Battleline unit. Non-Battleline Unit that’s a ranged version. Cavalry unit. Elite Infantry Unit (Usually a Dual-Sculpt). Big Dude (Usually a combo kit with the smaller Centerpiece). And maybe one more unit. Endless Spells. Terrain Piece.

    I don’t know if I’d like to see the older armies get split and updated though. From what I have seen, Hedonites would be a good option for splitting up (Mortals and Daemons).  That’s mostly due to getting two new centerpieces in Sigvald and the Fat Guy. I haven’t seen anything that strikes me as battleline in similar fashion to Daemonettes though. Maybe new Marauders or an equivalent (Like Kairic Acolytes or Bloodreavers).


  14. 59 minutes ago, Drazhoath said:

    I must say that I am sick of this game. Again, I like the models (new Slaanesh😍



    Do you think too or do you know any possibility to stop this spiral? I mean its totaly worthless to buy a new army. After two or three other tomes and Handbooks your new army which is completed and painted is outdated and without chances against the new stuff.

    Remember the first Hedonites? How utterly broken they were? Look at them now (pre-relaunch), they’ve been needed four times and no longer in the top half of the table.

    As much as we complain about how good the newest army is at launch, that merely makes it a target for the next nerfs, and thus it’s time in the sun is truly limited to maybe a year.

    A worse case scenario is if the army wasn’t good enough to take the top tables on launch. Or if the army isn’t going to get looked at again for a while

    The better case scenario is that it gets a relook and gets near the top.

    The best case scenario is they make an effort to try and balance the game, but that they also rotate the armies they provide buffs to.

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