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Posts posted by Battlefury

  1. On 1/22/2022 at 10:24 PM, kahadin said:

    I finally played a game of AoS 3. It was pretty alright. A lot of the stuff I was afraid would bog down the game or be really cumbersome was not an issue. I'm still nervous about how much grand strategies and battle tactics score compared to objectives though.

    I played 750 points with some skullfiend Khorgoraths. They did pretty well. I was disappointed in my skullreapers. I feel like Wrathmongers would be a better overall pick. I was playing against Soulblight Gravelords against another learner, so I don't think the actual game really said a lot. 

    However, the system wasn't bad. I enjoyed the game and was afraid I wouldn't. I'll probobly play some more 750 games before graduating to 1k and using the real battlepack. 

    Versus wich army did you play? What units did your opponent use? Wich scenario did you play?

  2. Thank you all for the replies :)

    I wrote the initial post a little cocky on purpose to see, what people think of it and are encouraged, to put up their opinion.
    And it worked out pretty nice, since everyone was very polite.

    I would like to say, that not all negativity is negativity in a nasty and rude manner. Sometimes it is the concerns, that come up. That's where I am with the game.

    And we can all agree to discagree, but coexist with each other and have fun playing a game.

    Cheers ///

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  3. I would like to know your opinion about the state of acceptance due to specific points:

    1. Prices increasing with each new release.

    2. Rules bloated. It sometimes takes more than 4 books / releases to have all of the rules together.

    3. Power level increasing with new releases, leaving older armies behind.

    4. GW basically neglecting certain factions, wich just don't get anything new and up to date.

    5. Models being locked behind paywalls, or big box sets, for a long period of time.

    6. FAQ debacle.

    7. Massive FOMO

    Why do you accept this mess? Looking for individual opinions here.



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  4. 6 hours ago, Doko said:

    1-remove random priority and changed to regular turns(as 40k or fantasy)

    2-heroes with 5 wounds or less cant be shooted if they are within 3" of a friendly unit

    3-mortals wounds removed from almost all,and only spells and breaths of dragons or monsters do mortals

    4-objetives are grabed by number of wounds of the models and not by the number of models

    5-changed cost of units of the actual fixed cost by 5\10\15 models etc to a cost per model sistem as 40k

    6-add options of upgrade per points to units,as a shield to a model for 2 extra points or a pistol for 3 points or a rune of strength for a +1 hit etc

    7-a similar sistem of anvil of apottheosis(i think was the name) in each tome that let us give many options to heroes so we can have fun doing our personal hero

    8-combat changed to the two first ranks attack(or attack the models with actual rules and models of that unit at 1" of the attacking models too can attack)

    9-unleash hell,redeploy......or better every 3.0 new cp removeds

    10-save stacking deleted 



    This, plus:

    a) use strength vs toughness to calculate wound rolls

    b) remove any mechanic, that interacts with objectives points ( move it, score 5points per model, etc. )

    c) create a consistent method of point calculation, that will be used for all armies in the same way

    d) create game mechanics ( abilities, etc. ), that are present for all armies ( not meaning, that each armies got all of them in a similar way )

    e) re - evaluate all point cost

    f) write new BTs

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  5. Was in the game when it release, dropped it 2 years ago due to power creep.

    @Salyx101% Agree on your statements.

    I always had the feeling, that BoK was just designed to be the baddies, to be beaten my SCE. At least that's how the gameplay felt back then. Nowadays, basically anyone can ****** on BoK, except even worse armies, where we might have a chance to win some games.

    To be honest, I keeped only like 2000 points of BoK, was 7500 when i played actively. I always got roflstomped by the local armies, and people where telling me, that the BoK army is soooo good. But they refused to play it themselves. One of those did indeed try it on a local event, got stomped too. Then he agreed, that it isn't as good, as he thought.

    Lost hope in GW's capability do design a good game. Now, regarding new armies are released with a massive advantage vs the armies before, I don't see it becoming better at all.

    Gonna play OnePageRules "Age of Fantasy". That's where our army is actually good and fun to play. Even though, the game itself is simpler, the flow of a game is so much better than AoS. More fun for 100% free rules = win, at least in my book.

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  6. @KasperApparently, you don't want to understand it.

    Certain amries prevent people from doin mistakes due to design = not a lot of skill needed.
    Other armies are cursed by design and are NOT in the top played armies, since even "good" players won't use them.


    Even a "bad" player has a better chance with a good armie. A "good" player will not have a good chance with a bad army.

    If you want to show, that it is different, please show me events, that use the vanilla AoS rules, where BoK, BoC, NH, GsG won. In addition show me the matchups, since certain amthups are just not possible to win.

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  7. 1. The current meta is "Monster & Hero Hammer" playstyle. That was intended by GW before releasing AoS 3.0, so people would change their lists and buy into new models / entire armies. ( It would be fine ok, if the game rules where better and the prices where adequate )

    2. A rules of thumb can be use to increase the chance of winning:

    "If a model is new and expensive tu buy, then the chance of winning increases."

    3. The fact, that people won't try to win an uphill battle by figuring the opponent's weakness has nothing to do with the players themselves, but with the army designs, made by GW. There are armies, that have no weak point to be exploited, since they might have none, ot that point is amssively outnumbered by the armie's strength.

    4. Also the fact, that the same 5 armies dominate the meta ebfore, and also after A0S 3.0 is a testament to the point above.

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  8. GW is only releasing miniatures after those limited FOMO runs, when they see the situation fitting of people spending money instandly for those models. Otherwise they won't release anything. ( Even since the release of AoS there are models never being released individually. )
    Also, they make the new rules that way, those exclusive models are a must have for the army.

    Refers to:

    Aborrhant Archregent
    Druanti the Arch Revenant
    Blood Stoker
    Blood Secrator
    Mighty Lord of Khorne

    and some more... .

  9. Unpopular opinion:

    A0S 3.0 didn't make the game better, it just gave more tools to be be bad. The list building isn't straight forward anymore and controlling lists for an event is a mess. The rules book is written in a dreadful way, since the  definition of actions and rules is often all over the place. Rules bloat began with the first AoS 3.0 GH and is still a mess.


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  10. Definetly saw that coming. Talked to some AoS friends 2 weeks ago, and the prediction of this move was already there.

    My personal summary of the developed situation:

    1. GW and their WH+ BS, a wholesome story of profit via desire compression
    2. Price increases, also with old kits, just got new package, almost 10%
    3. Stores with no playing tables at all
    4. The splitting of the community actively further into critics & defenders, while both sides tear up each other, via business practice
    5. FOMO in almost all new publications, when it comes to models and new rules
    6. new rules, causing a massive power creep
    7. FAQ the FAQ to the FAQ, there seems no real interest in game design and reliable product design anymore
    8. WH community, just being advertisement only
    9. White dwarf, a catalogue, that need to be bought ( relict from the 80s I guess )

    When AoS 3.0 came out, I already saw a slight, but noticable stagnation in the local player base. With those moves keepiing on, it will not get better anymore.
    Personally, I waited for the Battle Tome of BoK to come out, before I drop my army. Now I doubt my decision.

    I'd suggest to leave the sinking ship, before it tears people down with it ( financially in this case ).


    PS: Oathmark, OnePageRules (!!! very nice rules !!!) provide better alternatives, than GW will ever be willing to make in the future.

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  11. On 9/6/2021 at 12:47 AM, Noserenda said:

    As i understand it the initial projections for the 40k version should have lasted until Christmas-ish, i suspect the same would be true of Dominion. It was a one and done thing but not suspected to instantly sell out! 

    If you really think, that GW didn't think it would be sold out very very fast, you should watch their Annual Report 2021:




    1. Bring a new product & hype it on the "community" ( advertisement ) website
    2. Release it in limited numbers, so the cost of production stays low
    3. watch it being sold out within minutes, becasue the loyal fanbase will buy it regardless of anything
    4. make $, because the production was cheap, but now the profit is huge
    5. Don't support this product further, switch to another one
    6. Bring a new product and put all the ressources in this...again
    7. rinse and repeat


    Make absolutely sure, that the product sales, even when the prices are raised by average 10% ( also for the old kits, see Ork released products for 40k ). The loyal fans will buy anything, because they will lie to themselves about the business strategy, because they don't want to have a bad conscience, so they excuse their buing decisions with "a company has to make money". And therefore they will write nasty stuff under your statements, to invalidate your points, so they can feel good about bad stuff. Often enoug, they don't see, that GW alienates the community and turns them into consumption zombies to milk all the money from them. Those are then the "loyal" fans.

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  12. Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,

    a new player in my community had some questions. I answered, by using the actual AoS 3.0 rules, but one question was a thing I had to think about.

    Maybe you can 100% verify how to deal with it.


    1. Do I have to take any alliance, or can I just play as I wish, if I don't want any alliance abilites?

    Therfore I quotes from the rules:

    To play a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, first you must pick the
    factions you wish to include in your army (see 1.4). Each faction has
    its own battletome, which contains the warscrolls (see 1.3.1), Pitched
    Battle profiles (see 25.0) and allegiance abilities (see 27.0) for that
    faction. Then, you and your opponent must agree upon a battlepack to
    use (see 28.0). The battlepack contains instructions on how to pick your
    army, set up the battlefield (see 2.0), and what you need to do in order to
    win the battle."

    2. So I can't play Grant Allaince? As the rules state, that each faction has their battle tome?
    Grant Alliance does not have any.

    Then the player told, if the old battle tomes where viable ( to take Grant Alliance ), then he would argue, that he can in fact play with no allaince, as an older AoS iteration
    made tht possible.

    What do think about it?

  13. What really surprises me is, how surprised people seem to be about the state of the rules writing.

    After all these years, people are still willing to clutch for every straw, that GW gives them. Even a Sam Pearson will change nothing, if the management doesn't want to.
    Just look at what they keep doing...the rules are not a main point...they are just the justification to sell you overpriced plastic models.

    As a customer, some of you should really concider to get in the mindset of a customer . None of you is a friend or a petitioner of GW.

    My personal conclusion is:

    The rules they write are an inferior product.
    The mniatures are a really good product, but the price is not justifiable.

    As the MOD told, let GW know, what doesn't work!

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  14. Mostly, it is not necessarily determined via unit choice only, what makes a list problematic. It is the combination of units, spells, command abilities and the alliance abilities, that create it.

    In you example of the wheels:

    Might be, that the wheels themselves are ok, but can they get buffed? How are they buffed and what can they do then?
    That's always to concider.

  15. For the general issue of the massive save & damage bloat I'd suggest it might be time for "strenght vs toughness". Therefore we could eliminate a lot of save stacking and MW spam, since the intended result can be achieved otherwise. A big monster wouldn't be scared of a little goblin group, cause his toughness would be a good and solid thing against their strenth. So effectively the Rend mechanic could become a thing for really good weapons, maaybe even artifacts. And any MW output could be very rare overall then. Mostly for wizards & spells maybe.

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