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Everything posted by Gothmaug

  1. Is it bad I want an army of classic fantasy dwarves? Never going to happen though, its not a defensible Intellectual property, too generic. Which is the same reason why I firmly believe we got Cow-Elves. Thats ok, now I'm on the Dark dwarf hype train, hopefully that will eventually give me my modern army of heavily armored, slow moving dwarves, (perhaps with some blackpowder weaponry)
  2. I totally understand your pain if the current rumors are true, and some CoS models are being retired. And no, GW never said CoS was a stop gap, but many people assumed it was a bargain-bin attempt to keep a bunch of old world models in circulation for just a bit longer. Now the dawnbringer crusade is coming, and I imagine it will lead to another re-shuffle and retirement of older kits. One thing about having an army of really old models, is you kind of expect they will eventually be retired and replaced with something new and shiny. I've watched my Original "greenskinz" army get segmented into Ironjawz, Bonesplitters, and gloomspite, with Gitmob and old world greenskinz casualties along the way (still not sure how bonesplitters survived). GW doesn't care about the models we already have, they care about the new ones we'll buy in the future. Even Space Marines, the flagship of the company, are slowly having the older non-primaris models phased out. I wouldn't be surprised if they were retired with next year's new edition. The point is, Its terrible when GW revises a battletome and retires a bunch of models. But it happens all the time, and its something we need to be aware of as a community of players and collectors. On the other hand, away from the tournament scene, there's no such thing as retired models. Our local meta, plays with "legend" units quite frequently. The player submits an updated warscroll for the new edition, a couple of us comment on it, then its back in play. Right now "Mounted Orruk Warboss" and Soulblight "Bat Swarms" see a fair amount of play, and they've been officially retired for years. Just because GW thinks you should play a certain way, doesn't mean you have to 😎
  3. I have to agree. My Ironjaws was my first army, all customized and meticulously painted. (heck, back then I could ally in gitmob gits and bring archers/siege weaponry with my ironjaws..ahh the memories...) But 4 years in I rarely play them now, as using the same 4 units and 3 heroes over and over again grows old. I moved to Soulblight Gravelords and Chaos armies due to the depth of models and plethora of different playstyles. But each year I pray for a new Ironjawz update, even just a simple Calvary boss on a gore grunta would refresh things a bit. Heck for varieties sake, I sometimes play just plain general destruction, just so I can mix all my Ironjawz, gloomspite and gargant models into one big force. The list is terrible, but its fun to mix it up once in a while and see all those old green skin forces back together in one army again., And yes, I know there's big Waagh options with Kruelboyz/bonesplitters, but its not the same aesthetic.
  4. Ill revive the man-eater rumor. The hook is a man-eater capture tool, and the chaos shield is stolen loot hanging from the man-eaters backpack. Or better yet, its using the shield as a plate!
  5. some nice looking models for gloomspite. I enjoy the comic aesthetic. Some days i feel like warhammer has gotten a bit too dark and grim. Nice to see a bit of fun with the gits
  6. I'm expecting nothing, and hope to be happily surprised. But for all we know that horned skull could be a reference to another chaos warcry warband. The Hashut themed and spider themed warbands both played the same trick with us.
  7. Hey KingBrodd, this one's for all you giant lovers out there. I finally dipped my toe into the 3D printing world. Here's my take on the Fomoroid Crusher from Warcry. Makes a great cyclops though that would substitute well as a small gargant or a unique ogor. Personally he marches alongside my mortals in my slaves to darkness army. The 3D print model is from the OnePageRules miniature line
  8. Dont the chaos warriors now need to be taken in blocks of 10 for 220 points? Can you split them into 5 mans?
  9. So was there ever any weight to the rumors of wandering monsters of more incarnates for the current game? I remmeber when the current incarnate came out there was speculation that we'd get more, or some big neutral monsters for the age of beasts, yet I dont think any of that materialized. I'm saddened by the lack of beasts in my age of beasts. I'll have to go dig up that old Ghur battleplan that allowed for random wandering monsters. I think it was in 2nd edition, or perhaps right at the end of 1st, back when we had real specific spells and magic items. Ooh Ill pick some subterranean beast (like a dread worm) for the neutral model and give it bonuses to eat Galletian Veterans! Will have to test it out this week at our local path to glory group.
  10. SO are there any more rumored releases for AoS between now and Christmas? Or are the battleboxes all we have to look forward to?
  11. Is the head of the big thing on its back the same as the “spider like” bone skull from the rumor thread? if so RIP spiderfang
  12. I wouldn't get your hopes up too high on Malerion. It could just be a reimagined Icon of Khaine.
  13. I never understood the weak rules for most WArcry/Underworlds warbands in AoS. It seems like a golden cross promotional opportunity. Give the smaller side games good solid battlescrolls and people who don't play warcry/underworlds will buy them just to field in their AoS army. Same thing happened with Soulblight Gravelords was released. There was Cursed City AND the Prince DUval Underworlds warband all released right about the same time. Seemed the perfect opportunity for a cross promotional event, you know like "vampire Month" or something. But noting, just crickets. I swear GW doesn't have a centralized marketing department, and each branch of the company works in a vacuum, separate from the rest.
  14. Talk about a deep dive! COnsidering how different the RE "metallic wings/fins" are from any current AoS and 40K aesthetic, I think Bog_Goblin hit it right on the head. Flying units for Necromunda ash wastes.
  15. Ok...now I'm depressed. Just looked back through the entire month of October to click the thumbs up. Theres only been three AoS articles released, and two were for the sons of behemet battletome.
  16. I didnt even realize there was a thumbs up option ===jumps over to GW community site === Oh shoot, I guess there is! Ill start clicking on those for AoS articles. Good idea CommissarRotke
  17. Considering the sheer amount of chaos bits I have lurking around, I foresee a unit of Chaos Marauder Horsemen for my Slaves to darkness army in my future
  18. I really hope theyre not recycling old molds, and dusting off old stock they have had stacked in warehouses for decades. I'd like to see all new sculpts, but that's a huge investment in time and materials, to even have a half dozen forces at launch. Do we know the scale? 25, 28, 32mm? 15 mm epic? (oh god please no) Could GW be going backwards compatible, and allowing you to re-base your AOS armies (hope you saved all your old squares). Soulblight, Cities of Sigmar, Beasts of Chaos, Slaves to Darkness, Skaven, and Seraphon would be easy for direct conversions, since they have so many older models in thier lines. Cities of Sigmar could be broken back intho human, elf and dwarven forces. Its not my favotite solution, but would allow some players to instantly play the Old World, with minimal investment from GW, giving GW time to manufacture and release some new forces. Probably be a mix of the two. Utilizing a few old armies, and then making 2-3 new available at launch. Kiselv, Brettonians, and Greenskinz are my guess, they seem like like low hanging fruit that would sell well. Also im betting Beasts of chaos doesnt get a range refresh for AOS until the Old World launches, thereby allowing GW to double dip into 2 markets..... Oh wait, that would actually be a rational plan that makes sense. Scratch that, BoC is getting squatted and relaunched 2 years later in TOE.
  19. I'd second that. For the Era of Beasts, I think we were all hoping for some more beastly diversity. Huge skeletal/zombie undead monster would be cool, but a 3 model unit of some large undead creatures would be good too. Or a skeletal mega-gargant? Not even the whole gargant, give me some crazy dynamic sculpt of half a gargant zombie corpse crawling along the ground, pulling itself along with those huge arms, while vomiting forth hordes of normal zombies.
  20. I think Legions of Blood needs the most attention. Vrykos got all the cursed city models, as well as the new dire wolves, bats and synergy with zombies. Legion of blood needs help, and its connection to deathrattle forces would allow a revamp of those models to revitalize an old favorite, and boost one of the weaker options in the army. But as a soul blight player, i'd be happy with anything new, Vrykos, Blood, Night or something entirely new. There's still those death-like rumor threads out there that look like flesh eater courts, or possibly vampires. I'm hoping for something death related.
  21. I'd love to see SoulBlight gain a second wave, where they offer the mounted WightKing singly, new graveguard, and new Black Knights kit. Oh and some sort of skeletal foot hero whether wight king or something completely new (a vampire skeleton would be nice ala the Underworlds kit) Basically revamp the entire deathrattle sub faction.
  22. My guess is Old world is waaaay off in the future, like in 2025. That gives them a 4 year rotation cycle for new editions for thier large scale games, starting this year with Horus Heresy, 2023 with 40K, 2024 with AoS, and 2025 with the Old World. That way every year can be a "New Edition" release year, and everything edition resets on a 4 year cycle.
  23. It does confirm there's a Battletome for Ogors in the release schedule (last paragraph of article) . I know we've speculated about it here a lot, but this is the first positive confirmation I think I've seen from GW.
  24. I would hope that if they redo the faction, they concentrate on some additional units and not just remake the older sculpts.
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