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Everything posted by Gothmaug

  1. This image is from the Warhammer community site today. Check out his version of the hunger. The amount he heals is equal to his damage output that turn! Also he has the Vampire Lord keyword. And he's a foot hero. DOes that mean he benefits from the Legion of Blood's buff to unmounted Vampire lords? Or does it have to say Vampire Lord in the Unit Name? Its probably the latter. But he's still a solid character, and I really like the miniature sculpt. Hey GW, if you ever read these forums, was it that hard to make a warscroll for a unique sculpt? Could you step it up and make one for Anasta Malkorian? His spell flexibility is nice too.
  2. Looks like we're getting a unique hero with warscroll. The Hollow King, Cado Ezechiar associated with the novel line. I think this may be the first time since i started (bout 6 years ago), that a unique sculpt for a preexisting mini (vampire lord) has gotten its own warscroll (Anasta Malkorian, event minis, store anniversary minis, etc, i'm looking at you).
  3. The chances that the Warhammer + marketing crew has any overlap with the AOS marketing plan is just about zero. The minis for Warhammer plus were probably designed 2 years ago, or are leftover designs from other projects that dropped along the way.
  4. so, do any of the bits on this guy fit any rumor engines? Weren't there some chains a while back similar to what's on this guy?
  5. I've learned to expect nothing from GW, then I'm pleasantly surprised when something does appear 😁
  6. Aww darn, I was hoping to Print a few warjacks. I really enjoy the aesthetic, especially Khador. I don't know what the future for GW is. I love their products, but the price of late has pushed me away from buying much in the way of new stuff. That's been a boon for my pile of shame, I've gotten two 3000pt AoS armies painted in the last year. I'd really like to buy 40 more zombies for my Soulblight army, but at $120 for 230 points of zombies ...well ouch! AND when I compare it to my other options : $10 for 40 from my 3d Printer (8$ multi-pose STL file and $2 in resin), or buying a box of zombies from Mantic Games for $32, I just can't justify the GW price nowadays. If I played at a GW store that would be different, but our local league is all garages and local gaming stores, and 3d printed proxies have become dirt common.
  7. There are always people who will share and print the filed for free. They already exist, and GW won't ever get them back. BUT, there are a lot of people who own a 3D printer (myself included), that would happily support GW and pay $10-15 for the official GW Primaris marines model STL, and then be able to print them in any loadout I want. And then there are all the people who don't have access to printers, or don't want to bother with the setup, maintenance and hassle, who would rather buy standard plastic minis. I feel its three separate groups, and currently GW only caters to one of them. They're missing an entire potential revenue stream. With the advent of 3D printers, GW will have to do something eventually. Locally here they have become prevalent enough that a whole bunch of us now play Grimdark Futures, and its replacing 40K right now. We got sick of the rules bloat/army imbalances, so our local league shelved 40K for the time being (hopefully awaiting 10th edition) and we've been running Grimdark OnePageRules. Games are faster, seem more balanced, and we get to use our GW models and any other cool custom minis we want. So for a guy like me who likes to kitbash/customize all my minis, 3D printing has been a boon. I just wish i could print GW units as well.
  8. Their total sold earnings went up, their actual profit margin went down slightly. Which means they sold a lot of product, but their material and manpower got more expensive for the product produced, and outstripped how much they could raise their prices. Unfortunately for us consumers, Games workshop is publicly owned, meaning they are beholden to their shareholders, and in my experience shareholders care about profit above all else. Which means GW will be pressured to raise their profit margins somehow, either by cutting costs at the expense of quality, or passing the costs onto the consumers. Now if GW started selling 3D sculpts of their models to the 3D printing crowd, that could be a very lucrative business. I heard Privateer Press (makers of Warmachine and Hordes) are looking into starting that next year for 4th edition.
  9. Ill throw 2 possibilities out here. The picture is rotated 90 degrees, and its a skeleton laying down on Fire. OR.. Remember those weird 3 fingered creatures with bone accents, that seemed to be climbing around in somethings hair? This seems like it could be part of the same aesthetic, of bone ornamentation tangled in somethings hair or mane.
  10. Hey KingBrodd, Did you ever do any conversion work with the BloodBowl Ogre team for AoS? If you did, I'd be curious to see how they turned out.
  11. That's an odd miniature aesthetic choice for blood bowl, though the desert rain frog on its shoulder is kind of cute. I'll give them points for uniqueness thats for sure.
  12. So i'm wondering then if the expansions will have minis, but theyll repackage the various named Vrykos heroes we saw in the Soulblight release. Kile Lord Kritza and a bunch of additional rats. Or dip into the existing nighthaunt line for the haunted gardens etc.
  13. Have there been any updates on the reboot of Cursed City? I'd love to see some expansion sets for that game. If I remember correctly GW was going to relaunch it this fall?? Though I've heard even less about that than upcoming AoS releases. Not that I really need more of the board game, I just want more tasty vampire miniatures.
  14. If Marines make up 40% of your annual sales, you make more marines, that's just pure business. If tyrranids sold as well as space marine's, you'd see a lot more of them. These days im a little burned out of the 40K edition wars and powercreep. Our local group has been playing OnePageRules for the last few months. We can still use our 40K models (or AOS), and can get a game done in an hour, allowing for multiple matches in an evening. Its been really nice. On the other hand we still play AoS. We find the system more balanced than 40K.
  15. new edition means a big pile o new space marine releases. Probably clog up half the year
  16. why don't we ever get destruction humans? Order's got them, Chaos has them, heck even deaths got them (albeit mostly as corpses). There's got to be a ghur themed human culture that could join Destruction.
  17. Honestly? Ill take it! Ironbound dwarves with cool weaponry would be a welcome aesthetic change to the line. Heck I've got 20 of the original metal chaos dwarves, I use them as marauders in my Slaves to Darkness army just to give the models some time to shine. But I think if GW released another dwarven faction that wasn't Chaos Dwarves, the collective dwarven fanbase would probably lose their minds.
  18. The spider Icon for the Warcry book could be misleading. I don't see them releasing TWO gloomspite bands. Didn't they already fake us out with a spider Chaos warband in the Red Harvest Starter? This could be thier hometown or something similar. Personally I'd rather hope this is a chance to release a newly sculpted Spider Rider unit, and that the stinkhorn symbol is Troggoth related.
  19. Well if were wish listing existing destruction, I'm going to add in Siege weaponry for Ironjaws! Even better if its crewed by Gitmob gobbo's And a goblin warg rider unit for Gloomspite, heck I wouldn't mind an entire mini-line that was based around the rippa's snarlfang aesthetic! Could even combine this with the centaur horde/Kragnos worshipping faction. And throw in some uncorrupted Ogroids or Formorians for flavor. Heck, I'd take a subterranean insectoid race ala Silent Ones. But please make them some ancient , decadent society with cool technology, and not just mindless "Sigmar Tyrannids". I'd just put thier society into stasis or hibernation for the last millennium, and the quakes that woke Kragnos, finally stirred them awake. Insectoid Tomb Kings perhaps? Bent on destroying all the new younger races populating Ghur?? Anyways just me rembling
  20. Giant beasts would be fun, but Id rather seen them added as a centerpiece to Bonesplitters. Destruction as a faction concept is terrible, as it pigeonholes the armies inside towards mindless rampaging destruction. Where's the finesse? A faction needs room to expand to new ideas. Something like Sky Grots would give the faction a breath of fresh air. Anything would be preferable to another stompy smashy melee army. Heck give me a nomadic human civilization from Ghur, with a Mad Max scavengers vibe. Large wagons made of beast bones, big mean beasties as herd animals, archers or spear throwers in howdahs, and have them as a nomadic destructive force that terrorizes and sweeps over small villages. Anything but another big dumb brute army.
  21. I also would love to see troggoths expanded on, though I think they should become an ally to all other destruction forces instead of thier own faction. As thier own faction, we'd end up with another large brute style faction simmilar to Ogors and Ironjawz. I want something totally new and different for destruction, something aesthetically differnt than "big dumb things smash you" or "small dumb things stab you" I want Sky Grots. With blackpowder guns. And Squig weaponry, and doom divers making a return. GW, please bring back the Gitmob in an all new glorious faction with their own airships. DOn't leave the dwarves with a monopoly on sky powered armies!
  22. I hope its not because they don't exist.... I have a sneaking suspicion we won't get much of an update to goblins and ogres. Instead we will get a new army somehow tied to Kragnos, and those weird 3-fingered models we keep seeing in the rumor threads.
  23. Love to see the Ruinstorm Deamon Brutes from Forgeworld make a transition to plastic and appear in AoS.
  24. So does everything else in destruction, but we got the Big Pony anyhow. Beasts of Chaos players still cry themselves to sleep at night over that. 😜
  25. I've reached the point with GW that I don't think they really have any long term plan, especially interdepartmental plans. Just a hodge-podge list of ideas each department is working on in their own time, and every now and then, some related items coincidentally get released near each other.
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