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Posts posted by Mutton

  1. 44 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Maybe another reason Hashut is up next is to be a kind of mirror to the GHR.

    I think if Hashut is depicted as a Chaos god of "order" or "creation" that would work well as a foil to "ruin".

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Something like the Conquest approach would be ideal for me, indeed. The same minis are usable in both games. They have rounded bases and square traits, like you said. Square for Armies and Round for skirmishes. It could be done exactly like that for TOW and AoS.

    I'd argue Conquest is just a better game anyway.

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  3. 34 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Supposedly, those leaks came before Adepticon, and most of them are being confirmed now by the Adepticon preview (index, weapon ranges), today's video (counter charges) and wf jr (spell lore, double turn changes)

    Where did those leaks come from?

  4. 2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I pray for worse Rend, Wards, Saves, and Mortal Wounds. Rend 1 should mean something and shouldn’t be nearly as common as it is. I’d also appreciate an actual drawback to the All-Outs if they’re sticking around. 

    Agreed. 3rd edition became an arms race of hyper damage and armor. Everyone and their grandma gets a ward! 

    Back in mah day, wards were rare and fit the lore of the model. Nowadays, you're SOL if your unit doesn't have a ward.

    • Like 4
  5. My only issue with the hyper competitive "meta" outlook is when players start referencing 3/4 of the models in the game as "trash" that no one should ever play. When in reality, these units are fine, just not the best. 

    That's when we end up with cookie cutter army builds all over the place.

    • Like 12
  6. 2 hours ago, Luperci said:


    Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though

    Don't give me hope. I would sell half of my armies for an insectoid faction in AoS.

    • Haha 1
  7. Also, I was thinking...

    I think Krethusa might be a huge idiot. She doesn't trust Morathi's Khaine schtick, fair enough, but we're past the "queen posing as an oracle" phase. Morathi is a literal god now. The only reason Krethusa has any power is because Morathi freed a sliver of divinity from Slaanesh. So she's just mad that Morai-Heg isn't around anymore? I think the time for rebellion was before Morathi deified herself.

    • Like 1
  8. I know it's part of her lore as a renegade or whatever, but it sucks that Krethusa just doesn't play nice with half of the DoK faction. Like why are we deciding to venture further down this road of dividing an already divisively incentivized army? It's dumb.

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  9. 23 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    OK, guys...

    I can confirm that skavens are on their way I've just seen a photo of sprue that someone received by mistake.

    This sprue contains some sort of multi-barrelled cannon (6 to be precise), with a single wheel, a pilot, a gunner and at least four ground servants (I assume they're pushing or manipulating something on this engine). There are two spheres, one of which is attached to a large pipe. The chassis of the machine is made of wood.

    The photo isn't accurate enough to make out the date, but the guy said it’s marked 2024 on the sprue. For now, we're waiting for his agreement to publish the photo and a more precise version to get all this information.

    Cheer up, @Skreech Verminking, @Garrac : the wait is coming to an end !

    You want to share that photo good sir?

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  10. 4 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    "monstrous infantry" being 5W, regular infantry being 2W, and Stormcast infantry being 3W feels like it would work really well. SCE in general feel like they all need +1W for how basic our tome is now.

    For years I've said that Stormcast should be 3W baseline. They're meant to be super elite infantry. It would help differentiate them more from other factions.

    • Like 7
  11. 2 hours ago, Goatforce said:

    Love that Kroxigors got an extra wound, made no sense them being 4 not 5. Was hoping that Saurus would go down in points, imo they should not be the same cost as Chaos Warriors, who are just way better.

    Next up, 5 wound Trolls! Make it happen!

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