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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Stormcast having army-wide Finest Hour is rad.
  2. I don't think it's an error. It's a way to cut down on rolling dice for the sake of rolling. Instead of having to roll a 3+ and then roll D3 mortals, you do it all in a single die roll. It also makes it so you'll never only do 1 Mortal. It's a clever streamlining of what we're used to.
  3. Can I say, I'm so pleased with the direction they took on USRs. Each ones explicitly identifies its effect. It's much easier to understand, and there's really nothing to memorize. This works better than something like "Sustained Hits" or "Devastating Strike" where you have to digest and retain what those phrases mean.
  4. I think this all looks great. Counter Charge in particular is going to be fun. I'm hoping there's less save stacking through spells, abilities, etc., but other than AoD, I'm a fan of these commands.
  5. As much as we complain about this, that, and the other thing. The AoS model design team always knocks it out of the park. It's just a question of whether or not the ball lands into your particular zone of interest.
  6. And with every edition it becomes truer.
  7. I know it's little consolation for the inevitable, but it's worth reminding people that Beasts, Bonesplitterz and Sancrosanct will all get Index battletomes at the start of 4th ed. They won't be updated, but you still have about a year of playtime left with these models. Again, it doesn't alleviate the pain, but these guys aren't dead quite yet. I say enjoy them while you can.
  8. That flag might be a little tone deaf considering the times we're currently living in. But I don't think they purposefully decided to reference ******. Black, red, and white have been Skaven primary colors since old Fantasy.
  9. Weapon profiles being merged is fantastic and should have been implemented long ago. This isn't a WYSIWG game. Let's not pretend people didn't ALWAYS build whatever the numerical "best" option was. There was no strategy, no flavor to it. But now, we can build ANYTHING we want without worrying it'll be nerfed into being the worst option in the next update. All of the AOS players I've ever met already do this and just say their unit is using whatever regardless of what the models look like.
  10. Was kind of hoping we were moving to power dice or something to change up spellcasting, but that makes sense.
  11. The only thing on the warscroll that I can't identify is the shading on the Save value. I'm wondering why the Save characteristic is green while nothing else on the stat wheel is colored?
  12. The new warscrolls are brilliant. Improved clarity and readability. They're pleasant to look at. I honestly can't find a fault with this design--it's so good. Some other notes: -No monster degradation table, just a simple battle-damaged ability, awesome. -I'm wondering if Wizard(9) means how many power dice you get to cast spells. Either that or how many spells you can cast (could we get a confirmation from those "in the know?")
  13. Part of me says: "They just got new Gorgers and terrain, of course they're safe." The other part says: "We still have ****** resin wizards."
  14. I'm an oldschool player, and you're absolutely right. This sort of behavior has been going on forever. But as someone mentioned, this process has only been getting quicker. Fewer years between cullings.
  15. Now nothing is safe. If they're willing to kill 5 year old mainline models, or an entire faction with year-old models, anything could be gone in the blink of an eye. Every 3 years we'll be gritting our teeth and waiting for the worst. But they'll take my Ogres over my dead body.
  16. That is truly despicable. This is why you can't ever trust a corporation.
  17. Well. I guess it finally happened. RIP. Beastmen deserved so much better.
  18. I'm going to predict that we'll have more aura abilities that aren't commands, but the abilities will be tied to a hero being within 3" of a unit.
  19. The whole game is changing. Nothing we know now about armies or the core rules is relevant in the next edition.
  20. I just want to see a 4th ed warscroll. Is that so much to ask?
  21. I feel like if an entire faction in AoS is getting executed, it would have been one of the first bits of information we received. Dragging it out would be truly diabolical.
  22. If we miss out on another 4th ed preview just because of April Fool's... That is the cruelest joke of them all.
  23. If we're not going to a "alternating activations" system, the Priority Roll is a must to keep the game engaging. I see people saying "I don't know anyone that likes the double turn!" This is all echo chamber bias. For me, I don't know anyone that doesn't like the priority roll. So we could go back and forth with it all day.
  24. It is egregiously slow and unhelpful. We still haven't seen either a new model (from a model making company) nor what the new warscrolls will look like (probably the most major component of the new edition). Someone definitely spent time thinking about how long they could drag out each bit of info.
  25. I think there will always be a small set of people who insist that there's only one way to play. I've already heard arguments for it online and we're not even into the edition yet. It's usually the hyper competitive crowd. Which is fine, they can like whatever they want--as long as they aren't trying to force other people to play their way. As for me. I look forward to experimenting with different modules.
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