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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Oi, someone leak the Mawtribes book already, I'm over this ******* delay. Just give us the product we know exists and is in peoples' hands!
  2. Unfortunately I think we're just waiting because the schedule got jumbled up with the Lumineth delay. My theory is that we'll get Maneaters/Butcher in whatever Warcry warband shows up in the "Bloodhunt" box. But then again, I'm cynical enough to believe that GW would include them in a book while simultaneously removing them from production.
  3. If anyone is interested in the StD leaks, they're on reddit right now. Awesome Stuff At First Glance: - Chaos warriors 3+ save and REND - Knights 3+ save, can attack in two ranks - Eye of the Gods more viable, can get it from capturing objectives, heavily incentivized in book - Marks simplified. You just get bonuses now, no longer have to be within X" of hero - Chosen are beefier -Army gets special Ensorcelled banner artifacts. Doesn't take a normal artifact slot and goes onto a unit. - Cool subfaction abilities
  4. They're getting real stingy with their preview articles. They couldn't have teased at least one new rule from the Ogre book?
  5. I'd argue they're not good or fun either. What's fun about making you and the opponent strike last? Or losing -1 to hit? Now add @EntMan's suggestion and make them able to slam a monster into an enemy unit--THAT'S fun.
  6. I don't understand the point of those monstrous rampages. As SoB, you're never going to be the one multi-charging anything, so why waste your action to make you and a monster fight last, if someone happens to run their monster into combat with two of your units? The wrestling move, while cool in theory, also seems just flat worse. What are the odds you'll be able to throw a monster off an objective into the perfect spot where they can't just pile back onto it? And D3 mortals doesn't make up for the -1 to hit. I'm no professional SoB player, but the fact that the rampages have significant downsides makes me think you'd never choose to use them over the generic ones. Maybe I'm missing something.
  7. But leak the Mawtribes one. Throw 'em a curveball.
  8. Maybe the the Ogre holdup means they've yet to announce the new plastic Butcher that's totally coming and isn't a lunatic's pipedream. *crosses fingers until they bleed*
  9. The gaslighting in that video of how powerful Seraphon are is mildly infuriating. They act like it's been balancing itself out somehow, but they are and have been the most overpowered faction in the game. The stuff they can take and do is egregious. Multiple people at my shop refuse to play against them, it's that bad.
  10. I've considered cutting off this model's cannons and using it as a Chaos Warshrine, but I don't play much StD right now anyway, so it's never come to pass.
  11. The Nurgle book is an exception. The rules of that battletome quite literally moved me to build a Maggotkin army, which I'm quite happy with. I think the Nighthaunt/Stormcast books, too, made people excited to bring out those particular armies. I haven't played my DoK much because their book was closer to a Skaven/DoT book with few game-changing rewrites. We've had a similar problem here. After talking to a number of players, I think it's the complexity of 3.0 and the lack of consistent releases that are keeping people away. I can sympathize with the fact that after a long day/week at work, sometimes you just want to roll dice and smash armies together. But because AoS now has so many interlocking systems: grand strategies, battle tactics, battalions, GHB specific rules, and the whole Gelato Vet thing...it's too much to remember and prepare for. I try to say, "These things are modular, and you don't have to play with them if you don't want to." But gamers are compelled to play the way they're "supposed to" and are less willing to strip away content, even if they might have a better time with it. TLDR: Although AoS 3 is the most balanced it's ever been, it's also the most complex, and we've strayed far from the easygoing beer-and-pretzels game we used to enjoy. Also, few actual major kits to get hyped about.
  12. My heart goes out to DoT players. This book looks totally phoned in. Barely any meaningful changes (ironically), tons of copy/pasted content, and nothing interesting added or issues fixed. Whether the army is "good" or "bad," I can't say. There's just nothing about it that's exciting.
  13. What if an entirely new faction emerged from on of these "alien realities." Something completely unaffiliated with Warhammer lore.
  14. Hoping there'll be a mercenary version of the new Beast-smasher Mega. I'm guessing Brodd will be SoB exclusive.
  15. 5d6 damage is closer to what I'd expect a Mega to do. Not 2.
  16. A rumor with actual teeth or just some elf players bemoaning their current lot?
  17. And it's true for every warmachine in AoS. Nobody takes any of them. But hey, maybe the Ironblaster, the CANNON OF THE SKY TITANS, will do more than D6 damage this time around.
  18. Players generally don't like: - Removing their cool models from the board before they had a chance to do anything (hyper damage or ranged projection) - The loss of self-determination (non-interactable or "shutdown" mechanics) NPE results from an overflow or cross-contamination of these instances.
  19. Honestly it's Tzeentch that should have tons of anti-ward abilities.
  20. A couple models for a niche parody game isn't what I'm looking for.
  21. Speaking of which, where are the badass female Ogres, GW? What's your excuse this time for leaving women out of the lore?
  22. I hope they change literally nothing about Blackpowder's Buccaneers. That dude and his petting zoo are underrated as heck.
  23. I hope I like the battletome's rules as much as its cover art. Please let Gutbusters be good this time around.
  24. GW really trying to keep AoS under the staircase this year. Can't let the neighbors see it in front of 40k and HH.
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