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Everything posted by Eevika

  1. Thanks! When working on forgeworld models it really makes me want to push my skills further and try a lot harder to do a good job.
  2. Forgeworld is a premium product and pretty much never necessary it allows exploration of things outside of GWs main line of minis for those interested. I see literally no downsides to it
  3. Fun fact its the same team. AoS team makes all the rules
  4. I mean yeah it was created just this week but Fimir had the chance to be repointed 2 weeks ago and you bet GW knew Troggoths were dropping too. Now its a year of waiting for a maybe drop on fimir or its just completely forgotten and they never change
  5. A long shot but I'm looking for the oop forgeworld model Incarnate Elemental of Beasts I'm located in Finland and interested in pretty much any condition
  6. HI everyone! Didnt know this kind of thread existed but here are some of my Forgeworld models! This was the first forgeworld model I ever painted an absolutely lovely sculpt Then I did this Squig gobba which I think is one of the best models out there like probably top 3 sculpts in my opinion. And here is the most recent beauty painted this about 5 months ago and its still the best model I have ever painted its such a beauty I love the Hag. Right now I'm working on some Fimir warriors and a Fimirach noble cant wait to finish them. I currently have plans to get maybe a Merwyrm and a Basilisk in the future as they are very lovely. Also hoping to find an Incarnate Elemental of Beasts from somewhere but seems like those are very much under a rock right now.
  7. I play with forgeworld and oop models and my GW store just thinks thats cool. Im glad we have such a nice store here in Finland
  8. They pretty much had a full Forgeworld line up coming we have 2 units released and there were i think 3 at a wip stage. If they had released those it would have been nice we would have had a good fimir line up. Seems like they just threw the wips in trash and now we are left with a weird 2 unit army
  9. This is a super weird thing. Like it ships from the same place as the regular models just put them in the box thats leaving to the GW stores. I think all shops that stock GW models should be able to place orders for FW models I bet there would be waaay more orders when you dont have to pay for the expensive shipping
  10. I personally think the monstrous archanum should be an ally choice to all armies
  11. In AoS I believe there are like 2 models from FW that are somewhat playable Mournghoul is good and Troggoth Hag actually pretty great. Everything else is awful just look at stuff like Fimir Warriors 140 points compared to Rockgut Troggoths also 140 points. They dont compare at all. Atleast my local GW allows me to play my Hag and love it. The model always get people to come and look at it
  12. My usual army is Gloomspite GItz Troggoths with a list something like this Troggboss Fungoid Fungoid Madcap 60x Grots 6x Fellwater 3x Fellwater 3x Fellwater 3x Fellwater 10x Loonsmasha Fanatics Arachno Cauldron Scuttletide
  13. Thats a total cop out answer though videogames have been doing this for years. League of Legends 144 champions each with 5 abilities and each has access to hundreds of items and runes with almost infinite combinations. Every single one of those is 55-45% in winrate becouse they know when something goes above 55% its toxic and creates a negative experience so its nerfed fast
  14. I would say Sylvaneth or nighthaunt. Then you can make almost any army to look like they are stone statues come to life works best on Stormcasts aka Stonecasts or Duardin in my opinion.
  15. I agree that this is not a problem with older units but it is with pretty much all of the new stuff and thats what really matters as it shows GWs current game design mentality
  16. Horde discount is so weird I just dont get it. The more guys you take into your strongest unit the cheaper it is??
  17. Yeah I bet they had planned to change the rules but something happened and the rules change was forgotten
  18. Ok I might have to correct myself horde armies are not that dominant 150+ models. But horde units aka units of 30+ models are the most dominant thing in the game and better than everything else.
  19. I do totally get this and I agree that plastic models look fantastic now days. I just kinda wish we could still get those exiting one off releases of super cool models. Also forgeworld models do have that extra level of texture that I havent seen in much plastic only the Guo really gets close to that.
  20. I have lately been wondering what is going on with Forgeworld and AoS. There has been I think two releases in the past 2 years one of those being Stormcast heads and one being a Massive dragon that was most likely designed before AoS even launched. The support we are getting from FW is really lacking and its showing on both the rules side and the model side. I was recently looking at cool monsters to add to my swamp based Troggoth army and took a look at the Merwyrm looks great fits the theme and everything but then I realise. Monsters of destructions are not available as allies you can only take them in GA destruction. It's no wonder if forgeworld AoS sales are low if Dread Maw, Magma Dragon, Basilisk and Merwyrm are not available to anything but the Grand Alliance they are absolutely amazing looking models and I bet people would buy them if they could use them. Now there is some good stuff Legion of Azgor is a huge success in my opinion and I think thats great but the it seems like the other Forgeworld army for AoS is not coming I'm talking about Fimir. There are two models for them the Noble and the Warriors and there was plans to make it a full range they even teased 2-3 new models for them back in 2013-2014 but nothing came of that. It's kinda sad as a huge lover of Forgeworld to see that support for AoS seems to have completely stopped and all the attention is 30k and 40k. PS. I think everyone should show more support to Forgeworld maybe they give us new models if we show our interest? I currently own 6 kits from them and so far all the horror stories most people tell about resin has not been true. Sure you need to use greenstuff when you join two massive pieces together but its a fun modelling project and the models stand out on the table like nothing else.
  21. Im totally expecting the solution to the issue in GWs design to be just make them strong as hell so they destroy everything in combat with no other finesse
  22. Thats kinda the point low model count is almost always the sucky combo
  23. Gloomspite Troggoths suck ass and are designed to be played as their own army
  24. I have never said I want them to be standard not once. I said I want them to be viable. Multiple times in this thread. I want everything to fall between 45-55% winrate. BcR is at 30% and most low model count armies are the same
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