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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. White Dwarf's next Month: Glogg's Megamob


    It sounds a very very gargant name to me.


    But... I think it will be troggoths...

    EDIT: Ok, the backsheet cover is an image of a Troggoth artwork... so... as always is the next theme month issue.

    • Like 6
  2. 10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Mate I really hope your predictions are true!! 

    My predictions is:


    Next Sunday they will show Warcry Catacombs and if they show the SoB the next week after, then the release date will two Saturdays after that date. Exactly the Saturday 10-Oct, the release day of the audiobook. ;)

    • LOVE IT! 1
  3. 45 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Oh I was never under any assumption of seeing them for a couple weeks at least, it's just when seeing the sparse planned release it makes me think the Sons may be further off than I first thought. 

    Well, we have other two weeks of potential releases... I'm gonna enumerate all the thing we are going to have in the next months for all the games

    •  Underworlds: Next season is in December
    •  Warcry: Without a release date.
    • AoS: Broken Realms date is in November
    • 40k: The big releases are in October, and the next Codex are for the 4Q.
    • Necromunda: Orlocks are for the 4Q (October-November-December)
    • Titanicus: I think the season is over.
    • Aeronautica Imperialis: I think the season is over.
    • Blood Bowl: The Necromancer team and the new edition don't have any release date, but the rumours said that the next season will be an end of the year release.

    So, the things that could be announced in the next two weeks are:

    1. Sons of Behemat
    2. Necromancer Team
    3. Warcry Catacombs.

    Also, sorry if my English is not enough good or clear.  :)

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  4. 7 hours ago, Overread said:

    This is one of those annoying areas that GW really needs to clean up and has been messy ever since they did away with Old World (where it was very clear how it worked). 


    Some warscrolls do suggest that the same model can be both or at least do not suggest that such cannot be done. Heck go back to AoS at launch/1.0 and there wasn't even a limit on how many musicians or standard beareryou could have. In theory every model could be both at the same time except for the 1 leader model. 

    In the vast majority of cases players expect both to be separate and distinct roles within the unit. Even if its not spelled out on the warscroll its how most interpret it and how most would expect GW to rule on/change with FAQ/Errata/new editions. 



    Personally I am also not a fan of the whole "1 in every X" approach either. I don't think having 3 standard bearers in  15 model unit looks good. It looks, for most units, daft. Yes the rules allow it, but personally I stick to "1 per unit". for those specialist roles for musicians and standards. Special weapons I'm more open too because having more specialists with a different weapon doesn't look visually jarring. This is my personal view though, not cannon nor rules at present. 

    It looks good in big blobs like Grots or Skavens, but in Ogors, Ardboyz they look like a rave.

    I hate the "special weapon in the leader of the unit because the rules don't say anything..." For my, a Moonclan Stabba Boss with a net or a Stormcast leader with a huge hammer looks awful and antiaesthetic.

  5. I think our best matchups are the lists that requires short ranged shooting to destroy us but they haven't got enough screens to stop your little boingy-boyz, very slow armies or lists with few wounds and very low armour... Our worst matchups are defensive lists or longshot armies.

    Jaws of Mork don't need to destroy your opponent to win, we are crazy fast. I win a few games because I captured all the objectives during two rounds and my opponent can't get enough points when my army was almost destroyed in the two last rounds.

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  6. Jaws of Mork is a competitive suballiance that improves the squig lists and makes better the mixed armies, but the mixed armies are two steps below the average lists of other armies.

    The problem with Jaws of Mork is the same you have with the old squigalanche armies, you have very poor matchups that you can't afford, so it is an army for a 4-1 in the best of the tournaments. 

    Although, squigs continue to have very favourable matchups so Jaws of Mork is a very good list in team tournaments.

    Another point, are the grot lists, they are the more balanced options we have to go to a solo tournament, but we haven't got any good matchups so all the games are very hard to win.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Stryga said:

    Jaws of Mork sounds like so much fun!  What happens if you take the Jaws of Mork keyword but Skragrott is your general?

    Skragott is your general. 
    - The Jaws of Work command trait is not asigned to anyone because the named characters can't have one.

    - The artefact must be asigned to a none named character as always, so other one of your heroes must have it.

    -The Loonshirne rules are the olds one because Skragrott don't have the Squig Keyword.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Any issues with the app, email gwapps@gwplc.com


    I usually send a lot of comments, problems, bugs or erratas. This patch, it's very poor and not even include all the content of the GHB20, I'm a programmer and it's very hard to defend a patch with this content.

    • Thanks 2
  9. @Evil Eye I love the idea. The old Behemat lore says this:

    "Brodd carries a huge granite pillar – both his symbol of rulership and his weapon
    in times of war. The stony artefact was a part of the old Behematian Temple that
    once crested Tor Crania, a monolithic structure toppled by cyclopean mutants long
    ago. "


    Brodd lives in a swamp area, so we will think the cyclopean mutant face were the Fimir and, of course, they will be a builders in Destruction. It will be a bit contradictory, but if the constructions are for be safe and hunt enemies make sense. The Destruction races aren't dumb, the Gloomspite build undercities and the ogors have big villages were the Overlords live.Brodd lives in a swamp area, so we could think the cyclopean mutant face were the Fimir and, of course, they will be a builders in Destruction. It will sound a bit contradictory, but if the constructions are for be safe and hunt enemies make sense. The Destruction races aren't dumb, the Gloomspite build undercities and the ogors have big villages were the Overlords live.

    Not all the factions are nomads, the nomad-destruction relation was the AoS1.0 Lore as we can't say that Death are all mindless in the actual Lore.

    • Like 3
  10. 5 minutes ago, The Nameless One said:

    Just checking the Loonshrine rules of a new unit returning with half the models (rounding fractions up). 

    So if you return a unit of minimum number, then they all return? E.g a unit of 5 Squig Hopper is destroyed so I could return a unit of 5? 

    No, you return 3 models.

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