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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. 2 minutes ago, Alfcam said:

    It does say Sons of Behemat Blowout there though, so I'm guessing that's the Tome Celestial

    I've all the Destruction Tome Celestial and all of them starts with the "Tome Celestial: Faction"

    Tome Celestial: Ironsunz
    Tome Celestial: Jawz of Mork
    Tome Celestial: Troggoth
    Tome Celestial: Grimscuttle Tribes


    I think it would be an article about how were they designed.

  2. The King of Bretonnia presented in the article was the king during the events that occurred in 2200... that means that Old World happens 300 years before the Fantasy classic game. That means that the Empire is at the Civil War, the events of Mordheim are in fact active in this years, the gunpowder weapons are strange in the Empire, the Magic College was founded 100 years after.

    If someone wants to play their old armies would be a letdown with this premise.

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  3. "2021 promises to be an amazing year, packed full of rad Warhammer releases – with something new and exciting arriving every month. That said, the global situation means Warhammer releases in January and February will be lighter than in recent years. 

    Rather than weekly, you’ll see new releases every fortnight, with the first pre-orders of 2021 on the 16th of January"


    I'm very worried about when we are gonna see the next Broken Realms book.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Anyone tried a pure Moonclan Grots list?   I'm thinking something like this:

    Loonboss with Giant Squig, General with Clammy Hand

    2 * Loonboss

    Fungoid Cave-Shaman

    60 Stabbas

    40 Stabbas

    20 Stabbas

    20 Shootas

    2 * 6 Sneaky Snufflers

    2* 5 Sporesplat Fanantics

    5 Loonsmash Fanatics

    Skulkmob Horde

    Moonclan Skrap

    All fits into the mega battalion, so one drop with plenty of bodies and Skulkmob/Clammy Hand for masses of unit recycling.  Hopefully combination of snufflers and Sporesplat will buff the Grots to a decent level of damage for clearing out objectives, but never played grots so open to thoughts and suggestions. 

    It was a very good list one year ago, before the shooting meta crush all our hopes with your small heroes.

    You can change one of the Loonboss for Skragrott, remember he is a Loonboss too, and I would change the Fungoid for a Madcap because the Mommet is one of the best artefacts of the book.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Bozgum said:

    Hi guys, is it possible to field Glogg's Megamob, including the warscroll Stomping Megamob AND the generic Gloomspite Gitz Troggherd?

    In de WD introduction of Glogg's MM I read use these Allegiance abilities "in addition" to the Gloomspite gitz one. But on the next Warscoll battalion page I read the keywords in the necessary units for the Stomping MM.

    So could it be like; you can make a Glogg's MM with in it the Stomping Megamob AND Troggherd. But (obviously ) not a Gloomspite Gitz trogg army with the Troggherd AND the Stompin MM , because the lack of GMM keywords.

    Or is there any way to field both warscrolls without needing to make two separate armies? 😅

    btw, as i read it, the Loonshrine updates are not only for the white dwarf armies, but for all gloomspite gitz armies : by including a specific type of general you can use the loonshrine ability on certain type of units. Hopefully a new faq will come out soon.

    And hurray for the upcoming spidertribes!

    You are right in all. The Megamob could have any of both of the battalions without any restriction.

  6. 45 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Is there another photo leaked? The image of the silver-armoured dudes on dark red steeds are the regular old Helstriders on their regular old Steeds of Slaanesh. 

    We can get a glimpse of manes or neck ruffles in the little circle portraits but you can't tell what they're riding. They're the ones that are supposed to be atop Exalted Steeds of Slaanesh.

    You are true. Sorry, I apologise for the confusion I have had in my previous post.

  7. 15 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Haha, yeah, fair play on using the exact same photos I guess. 

    HOWEVER. Note under the lore for Blissbarb Seekers that is specifically mentions that they're mounted on an Exalted Steed of Slaanesh. That sounds to me like the good old fashioned boobworm or something like it.


    Nah, the miniature is seen in the leaks. It is a normal slaanesh steed more stylished.

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