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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. 18 hours ago, Me-dude-sa said:

    I think I may have figured out the new Idoneth Underworlds Warband. These specific pieces seem more organic than BoC and Orruk models and also more aquatic, so it seems like the models maybe some sort of IDK hunters and a Beastmaster using a flute like a pied piper with some critters in the warband for good measure.








    The hands of the flute pic are from a nurgling

    The spear has bent nails and it is like the Frostlord spear

    The net is like the Spire Tyrants net.

  2. 2 hours ago, Dingding123 said:

    Quick question: is it possible to take Skragrott as the general for the Jaws of Mork subfaction?  If so, does he simply not benefit from the Jaws of Mork command trait or can he not use the command ability either?

    Yes, he can be the general but he can't get the CT. He can use the CA anyways because the CA of this subfaction can be used for all the Heroes.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:

    As far as factions that haven't shown up in BR yet we've got:

    Sylvaneth, Skaven, BoC, Khorne, Slaanesh, Gitz, Orruks, Ogors, Sons of behemat, and soulblight.

    There are decent odds soulblight won't see anything because of when the book releases.

    We still need that new kroak warscroll somewhere so its likely seraphon will return and we could easily a new city as well.

    I don't think its a coincidence Destruction started getting a bunch of white dwarf rules ~6months before broken realms (the ironsunz and gitz stuff) or that destruction hasn't shown up yet in BR and is narratively completely unified on a march to excelsis.

    I don't think destruction will show up in BR at all (unless we get a 5th book), and the siege of excelsis will be a big narrative event for 3.0. Destruction was probably cut from BR because they'll be pushed hard in the next edition.

    Kragnos will probably be BoC, Sylvaneth, Slaanesh, Khorne, skaven, seraphon and maybe cities.

    I think Slaanesh is in the same situation as Soulblight.




    • Like 5
  4. 11 hours ago, silverstu said:

    That Lord Kroak model is jaw dropping! Absolutely fantastic model- the detail.. what a centrepiece! 

    Also this fits into the prophesy - 

    Seeing as Kroak is surrounded by serpent iconography ... BR: Kroak is maybe a possibility ..

    Kroak is not named in the last Flashpoint as part of the BR Be'lakor

    • Like 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I’m not saying Seraphon aren’t in Be’lakor, they clearly are as they’re getting a box. But it seems like Kroak is coming later, or he’d be up for preorder this weekend too with the rest of the Be’lakor stuff. 

    I'm 99% sure that the new Warscroll appears in BR Be'lakor. This is my point.

  6. 2 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    I'm all down for a Hobgoblinesque / AOSIfied Gitmob army. Current Rumor engines could fit that theme, like @Nezzhil showed ITT a possible Wolf Chariot, and the WHU Snarlfang Rippa would find a better home than Gloomspite Gits

    You can't say me that... OMG!!!!

  7. 1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

    Instead of the old Ork chariot...Could we be seeing bits from Gordraaks ram? Perhaps as a big centerpiece model, swarming with Orruk drivers?


    Or perhaps it is an Orruk Chariot and will appear as a Broken realms expansion. 

    It could be too! 🤔

  8. 1 minute ago, willange said:

    K guys, I know I've talked about it before, but seeing our latest witch hunters really gives me hope for "Order of Azyr" as either a subfaction of CoS of a full-on faction of its own.  There's a bunch of rumor engine pics (which I believe are unsolved) that support my theory as well.  I think they'll more or less replace "Devoted of Sigmar".  
    They'll get, 
    New Flagellants (the crazy poker stick and club)
    Crossbows that are like baby witch hunters, lesser witch hunters, not hunters of infantile witches (the arrows)
    Some type of lesser priest or deacon (the arm carrying books and scrolls which I'm interpreting to be some form of scripture)
    Various inquisition and priest-type heroes (the holy water, pierced hand, candles)
    Some kind of elite melee assassin squad (the dagger)

    I could be totally off-base and wrong, but this isn't the "Accurate Assessment of Facts Thread" now is it?








    someholy thing.jpeg



    The first is a very Destruction army. It could be the weapon of an Ogor or a new type of Orruk.

    The second rumour engine is the classic weapon of the orc boar chariot. 

    The hand nailed to wood, I think it pertains to the yoke of a chariot.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Hey friends, getting back into Sigmar with Lumineth and also wanna get back into my Gitz again. How do Troggbosses perform these days? They worth the points? I was considering going a mixed list of Gitz, Squigs and Troggs. 

    Troggbosses are worse than ever. The random damage is a pain and they are only fine if your intention is to play Megamob sub alliance. 😢

    • Sad 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Oh I never considered  Destruction to be stupid or savage. The Great Gutfort in Ghur rivals a lot of Free Cities in size and the Gits have Empires that are vast kingdoms as you say. I wasn't talking about culture per say just how they view the world. Gordrakk himself has amassed a Waaagh larger than any before in AOS and indeed far larger than any from WHFB, you dont get to that sort of position from being a dumb brute. 

    As they say Might makes Right.

    I would love to see a Destruction based Human faction, there are definitely mortals out there who dont want to worship the God King and why would they he abandoned them and why join Chaos? They would surely rather die in combat. 

    Well, In my opinion Gordrakk is a big problem for the evolution of the Grand Alliance Destruction. My hope is that Kragnos becomes the rival of the Big Waaagh and we can see lads worshiping Kragnos over Gorkamorka.


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  11. 22 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I interpret that Destruction Factions more so cause Destruction for want of a good fight or is just a bi product of their actions. Warclans just love a good scrap, Ogor Mawtribes constant search for food causes them to Destroy what they need to, Sons of Behemat cause Destruction by simply being, where they go Destruction happens. Gloomspite Gits are the only ones who seemingly have a plan in wanting the Bad Moon to take over the Realms.

    BOC want Destruction for Chaotic means, they dont want a fight or are searching for something they want everything to burn to the ground, no civilisation, no order, nothing but the Wilderness and Chaotic wilds. In that sense they are more Chaotic than the Grand 4. They literally want to watch the world burn.

    Destruction is not only fight, the big monsters or the elemental incarnates are affiliated to Destruction too. Destruction is the wild hunting, the law of the strongest and surveillance over the civilization. 

    Ogors rule big cities where they eat and they have big parties. Gloomspite have big underworld empires and both factions are good crafters. I think Destruction don't understand Order, but they are not stupid savages most of the time.

    Druids and shamanic humans could be a Destruction faction too.

    • Like 7
  12. 7 hours ago, Chaos Shepard said:

    I don't understand why there seems to be so many people who what Kurnothi to be these savage forest dwelling animal men who hate Sylvaneth. We already have that, its called Beast of Chaos.

    Don't get me wrong I would love to see Kurnothi expanded as either their own force or a branch of Sylvaneth, but I would like them to be their own thing and not just Beast of Chaos but elves and better, because you know they would be.

    My problem with the Lore of the BoC is that almost all their motivations resembles a Destruction faction to me. 🤔

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