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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. 7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I dont believe they are their own faction, @Whitefang even hinted at them being part of the Orruk Warclans, which personally I think is a fantastic idea!!

    Oh!, I understand from him that the new boyz are a new faction with a big relation with classic orcs and goblins.

    • Like 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    There are a few rumour engines that we can retroactively think of as being strong contenders for the new guys. The new guys seem to have a bit of a thing for nails, what with that mask thing having nail teeth, and some sort of cut off tongue being nailed into place there.


    Trophies, like that tongue. And more things with nails. And a hook too!

    Yep, we talked about that a lot of pages ago. There are two or three rumour engines more with that theme too.

  3. 14 hours ago, Feii said:

    has this been posted? could be a faction terrain/totem





    The face looks like the old artillery and war machines of the very olds Orcs Goblins when they didn't look so different between them.

    I feel that the new faction is more an army of Destruction. The rumour engines and the use of the metal resemble more the old times when the orcs were an army and they were not only a horde lurking for a new fight.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Aeryenn said:

    Regarding White Dwarf: do they still publish these small factions like Squig Allegiance or Troggoth Allegiance?

    No, they publish Flashpoint articles now. I suppose they could add new Celestial Times when AoS3 is out.

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  5. 7 hours ago, KingBrodd said:



    They add more info of the Broken Realms events. For example, the Neferata story we can read in the last WD, extend the ending of the conclusions for Death faction and prepares them for the events coming later.

  6. 7 minutes ago, pitzok said:

    it makes even more sense if you look at the bigger version of the banner, it's visible that there's a centipede near the face of the thing that would mean troggoths and it really reminds me of what the dankhold trogboss is holding r/ageofsigmar - This might be a hint to the new army. What do you think it is?

    Brak opisu.

    The yellow shield is clearly a Bad Moon in that version of the pic!!!

    • Like 1
  7. 50 minutes ago, cyrus said:





    red mask and red effigy look very similar

    black mask seems to have horns in the same manner khan hobgoblins/ wolf riders

    "three holes skulls" on both bases look the same : i can't find them on any other miniatures.


    What if the banner represents:

    - Evil Sun faction.
    - Troggoths.
    - Gloosmpite Gitz


    The red fog is coming out from his mouth could be the red points in the video.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:


    Vyrkos seems to be the coolest due to rerolling casts and the +1 to wound.

    I‘d imagine Radukar the beast, 30 Dire Wolves, 1/2x 30 Grave Guards, 1-2 Wight Kings, and some support pieces

    I think Radukar + Vengorian Lord General with the CT to use his wounds to capture objectives is a must.


    Vyrkos army is absurd at the moment you can see 5 generals at the same time on the board without counting Nagash.

  9. Just now, Raptor_Jesues said:

    How are you cryiers and not so much cryers feeling about the vengorian lord? I feel like we got a pretty dope medium boy wich can do a lot of stuff and hits like a brick

    An Avengorii army would have a couple of debuffers easily with a -1 attack with the spell, -1 hit with a Mourngul ally, -1 wound with the alliance, removing -1 rend with a Vengorian... I think is a good start point for the subfaction.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Others who have seen the full battletome leaked agree that it's very similar to the Slaanesh tome, with weaker allegiance abilities than LoN and rather plain Warscrolls. The only thing they have over Slaanesh is the points costs

    I have a feeling there's movement from one of the ruleswriters to tone down books in AoS 3, but unfortunately they're not being very clear about it and it doesn't quite balance out with AoS 2 battletomes. 

    It is not as bad as Slaanesh, it reminds me more of the new DoK book. It is a very hard book to dominate with Dynasties like Avengorii with very powerful synergies if you dig a little.

  11. 2 hours ago, Tali182 said:



    That is thigh plate armor right? I do not think Ogor's wear that type of armor and it definitely is not Ogor style armor, to clean and simple, more human armor style imo.

    They seem arrows for a Composite Mongolian Bow to me.



  12. 8 minutes ago, Feii said:

    Well this is some peak garbage profile for an elite unit. I would at least expect a better Rend on charge IN ADDITION (I guess we got a wrong writer here heh) to +1 damage.  

    1 inch range on Lances??? I play Evocators on dracolines and the 2 inch range on their grandstave is clutch. 

    I am not a native speaker but what kind of sentence is: "Blood knights are vampires obsessed with battle, and their codes of chivalric honour are warped indeed." ??  (followed by the sentence that doesn't describe anything that warped in their behaviour) 

    From a power level perspective from just these rules: 3/10

    From a lore perspective: 1/10 hire somebody else for the lore bits. 

    With all the rules they are better than 3/10. They are an improved version of the previous Blood Knights and they weren't bad units.

    • Like 6
  13. Just now, Sigmarusvult said:

     Deathless minions changed into a wholly within 12" 😮

    That's way too short for a horde army imo It's been an issue for Nighthaunt since their release :/. I guess that now it is just going to be an occasional defensive buff.

    The rule has changed completely to be a copy&paste of the Gloomspite Gitz rule.

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