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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. A series of campaign books for ToW was on the pipeline since the beginning. That rumour is not a rumour, It is like saying that AoS next edition will have Battletomes
  2. That's a good accurated wish, but the motivación is only a wish. The return of this book, or something related to It is very easy to predict because It is one of the theatres of the Core Rule. The second book was calles the Battle of the Blackfire Pass with dwarfs, empire and greenskins. That book was not a secret, It was shown during a convention.
  3. The WD Chaos Dwarf Lore describe their society as a mix of industrial-middle west asían religious culture but the first models were not that related, and It was very confuse. With Tamurkhan they fixed that and warmachines were industrial but the crew mantain the babylonian style. If you go deep in their Lore they are way different to Fyreslayers. They hate everything and everyone, even the other Chaos Gods. They only work with people like Archaon because he provided fuel to the Chaos dwarfs. They don't care about gold or money like dwarfs, they care only about power to submiss they others, they are crazy because they don't have a real objetive as common dwarf.
  4. You don't need to worry, the Chaos elementals are machines powered by daemon essence. You Will think something more steam-persian/parthian army. Hobgrots and Horns of Hashut have that style of armour and weapond.
  5. Seraphon needs a revamps in their design because It is one of the hardest faction to balance and I am bored that all the editions happen the same. Maybe removing summoning and changing for return destroyed units is a way to balance. But the CPP is the same bad design as always, and a faction that requieres changes and fixes during all the editions is a design problem.
  6. I am not worried about KB and IJ Battle traits because they were very little and lame, I really think that Index will improve the actual book. Seraphon is other history. Check SCE, they are almost like the actual book but better an even more flavourful. They can mantain the actual rules, improve them and change thinks like Big Waaagh rules and time Tricky Treats for something more flavourful and simple to play. My point is the expectation of having a full end of edition book with an Index booklet, or even more complete than that.
  7. Check Aeldari Index to have some hints.
  8. This is all temporally. Balance is not the purposal of the Index system
  9. My bets: Brutal Waaagh!, Cunnin' Waaagh!, Speed Waaagh! and Big Waaagh!
  10. But that's the index problem. With the new book you will recieve a lot more options.
  11. I edited my message, thanks. As you said that article says that are used at the end of the phase
  12. EDIT: From the CA article: "which are used at the end of their respective phases"
  13. Index will be different to the next Battletome, and of course, to the old Battletome
  14. Battletomes will mantain the Battle Formations. EDIT: This is not a change for the index, it is the new policy
  15. No, the rules will be the same. They remove the names only.
  16. Set up implies it counts as has moved. EDIT: Sorry
  17. Legends factions are not in the focus. We are gonna get campaigns, new models and new lore for the 9 factions for the next years. We can talk about the Legend factions on the next cycle of the game. Who knows in the future.
  18. None of the Legends factions will return on a short period of time.
  19. You don't need to be worried for a while.
  20. My mantra is: if the rumour say something about a Legend faction then is fake
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