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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Because is an Orruk Warclans Vanguard and we have a lot of Vanguards that have 0 synergies or very weak, and of course, It is the box for the whole book like the Gloomspite Vanguard. That type of boxes tries to be a point to start a faction but they are bad to build an army buying multiple of them. Vanguards have a different phylosophy than Start Collecting boxes.
  2. Ardboyz kit is not on the webstore anymore. It is happening!
  3. My bet for the Orruk Vanguard: Weirdnob 10 Guttripaz 10 Boarboys 3 Weirdbrute
  4. Because the Gloomspite Vanguard is fully playable
  5. Check the Gloomspite, Ossiarch or Soulblight to understand how it would be composed. One infantry, one hero, one light cavalry, one elite unit/small monster
  6. 2 Ironjawz units, 1 Krule and 1 bonesplitterz
  7. And Vampires is the most rumoured to be the next team.
  8. I can't wait to mix my old ardboyz with the new gymboyz
  9. They are clearly shorther than a Brute but they are chunkier than old ardboyz
  10. You can see the new Ardboyz on the Maw-Grunta
  11. It would be cool if the Weirdbrutes looks like him with huge weapons and half-naked
  12. Well, we have a rumour engine that could be a Weirdbrute hand...
  13. I think we can say that the Weirdbrutes are an elite unit of 3 spellcaster models on bigger bases, or is it still too hasty?
  14. The nerf is decided but they want to wait until the first half of september to release it
  15. The video is very insteresting: Ossiarch that are gonna be hitted hard: Mortisans, Arkhan, Katakros and Immortis Soulblight: All the whole range is a problem Slaanesh: Blissbarb archers Skaven, Nurgle and Stormcast: They are looking to fix the BT problem of these 3 armies.
  16. The sword is like one of the Blood Knight swords you can pick.
  17. It is only one, I don't know where you read that would be múltiple Troggoths
  18. You are using the same argument that some squig players claims when other Gitz players said that the book was too cheap. The points must be adjusted to avoid multiple big combos on the same list like the Skragrott + two big blobs of squigs + double sneaky snufflers + double Squig hero that were very common when the Gitz book was released
  19. That's right. Big could be a quantity or a quality launchment, and Cities is gonna be the peak quality release of this game without doubt.
  20. Second half of 2025 could be the date to expect new waves.
  21. Lumineth have two waves in less than 6 months. A Wave is a closed planned release that happens on a week or two. Exceptions caused by COVID, warehouses problems or mold errores are exceptions that doesn't change the common use of that concept. I don't understand why are you trying to change something that is used on that manner during years because you won't want to accept my opinión that 8 kits on a release would be impossible to me.
  22. Because a wave is a launchment on a stablish short period of time. If we don't do that then It is impossible to stablish if a launchment is big or small.
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