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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. I want to be caitious because CoS is a very big release. If Dawnbringers is not coming It could be a full release but with the yesterday's article I'm sure It comes this Sunday too
  2. They will release the Warcry warscrolls today and then a bunch of Cities kits and Dawnbringers this Sunday preview
  3. But It was because the COVID crisis. Most of the books have printed dates of months before.
  4. It is a Ratling Sniper rifle, we have a rumour engines with a pie so It is almost a confirm
  5. Why are you expecting multiple kits for Necrons and/or Mechanicus?
  6. We know that Nagash is searching him. We know that the Morghast Archai are directly controlled by Nagash instead other Ossiarch that have some initiative. We have two Morghast rumour engines, and the campaign is the best opportunity to launch big heros. And, finally, Morghasts are too big for Warcry
  7. Ghyran is more easy to think what is comming. - Morghast Hunter with the Archai Army of Renown - The Summerking and their escort. For Aqshy we need to wait to read the book. KO and Orruk Warclans get their own army of renown. Their appearance seems closed.
  8. We have two more previews this year, one on November and another one at the end of the year. So...
  9. They can release an armybox during december and all the full release one or two months later like Cities or Seraphon
  10. The roadmap was shown with the idea of Epic being released in August.
  11. Orcs VS Empire is coming in August at the earliest. The two windows for FW games are August and November. November will be the next BB edition so August is the perfect window for Old World
  12. Epic is "dated" for November, and we have content for at least 2 weeks. You forget the Battleforces that are launched on November too. You need to squish the calendar a bit more.
  13. HH's preorder from yesterday is still two weeks
  14. 5 books or 4 books + 1 book more, but we know that something must link with the next edition and usually is a model of the next core faction (Nighthaunt, Kragnos, Necron, Tyranid,...).
  15. We still at two week preorder so Cities are not coming this month. Epic or Cities is the next Sunday preview
  16. Because it links with the next edition as always
  17. Ogors, IdK and Fyreslayers appears on the third book
  18. Ossiarch is one of them, we have two rumour engines of a Morghast model. The last one could be a Skaven one to link with next edition, or a new army with big hats... Or It could be the Warcry Ogor models because their warscroll are included on third book and we know all the factions.
  19. You can check the date of the hidden videos. Two of them are very old videos that were removed by something. I'm not guessing, you can check that.
  20. Only three videos are for tomorrow event, the other videos are discarded ones
  21. We have a line of product that must go away as soon as possible, and two characters that are included inside have a big role on this campaign
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