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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. 14 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    If I remember correctly, Stormcast have it on a spell with CV 7. And I agree with @Lucentia -1 charge dice is concerning as a mechanic. Coupled with end of phase redeploy it basically means neutering a melee hammer unit.

    Not sure about the cannot be affected twice:


    the shark net/harpoon doesn't seem to be a CORE ability, nor a passive one, and the unit on the receiving end would not be the one using it.

    It was explained in the Fyreslayers article, passive and persistent effects can only be applied once. That's the reason you can not stack It.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    I'd much rather have units over endless spells or terrain. Meh so hard. 

    They'd really have to drop something special for me to care. Most of those models are very lackluster imo. But with emphasis on them now I fear you might be right...

    Ideas on what those could even be for the bog boyz?

    Faction Terrain being shootable and Endless being that easy to remove from table made them both less powerful than before the impact of both to the game must be decrease significantly

  3. 4 minutes ago, Sabush said:

    True. I think I will just play without endless spells until KB gets their own hehe.

    I will never put my coins on terrain faction or endless spells. They comes sometimes since second edition. Saying they are coming is like betting, you can be right or not, but the actual pattern is that only a few of them are produced per edition.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Chikout said:

    Yeah but the early battletomes are almost certain to be cursed by weak rules and or lack of models. 40k got admech and Necrons at the end of last year. 3rd edition had delays so it doesn't really count and at the end of second edition's first year we got beasts of chaos which only got terrain and endless spells.

    Someone must be the first and second books. I think that Slaves and Seraphon are two great candidates:
    - Big releases during past edition
    - Almost all there content is new
    - Both are in the cursed list

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Yes but any battletome plus one or two midels other than stormies or rats is still something. 

    I just couldn't  imagine absolutely zero is what I was saying. 

    One or two battletomes are almost sure before end of the year. Maybe Slaves and Seraphon are the two first books.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


    Gitz were the last big update after a launch, but they changed the model with the COVID, that's the reason some people still thinks that after the November-December book is released the next is a big release.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I don't think we know that right? The only info about Mistweaver Saihs is that they're Aelven Sorceresses from Ulgu. That doesn't mean they're affiliated with Umbraneth (presuming you mean Malerion Aelves with that term).

    They were mentioned as Malerion's agents long time ago.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    On Warcom the Human aspect was promoted specifically for a while now, and this is the first time that they've re-emphasized the multicultural aspect of the cities.

    I am using the book as reference. If the new Warcom text says something new or different. Cities is the same.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Sabush said:

    What makes you think that's the case?
    And which factions are you referring to specifically?
    BoC and Bonesplitters will just have free to download PDF battletomes.
    Slaves to Darkness just had the warcry warbands removed.
    Skaven and Stormcast will be the first two books 100%.

    So the remaining factions with removed models are Sylvaneth, Gloomspite, Seraphon, Khorne and whatever faction Mistweaver Saith belongs to.
    But these were just 1-2 warscrolls per faction.

    Slaves Chaos Sorcerer is removed too.

    Other kits were removed for other factions too but not announced in the article.

    They did the same in 40k, they removed a lot of resin kits, they were still playable in index but they are removed in the book now. It looks like the same pattern.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Mortal Wound said:

    The Gloomspite faction focus specifically names Spiderfang as one of the four Battle Formations for the army.

    Beasts of Chaos still exist, they didn't poof out of existence in the universe. They will still show up in background material. They ceased being playable and are an 'NPC faction' like Wanderers.

    The origins of Tzaangors specifically, and Beasts of Chaos in general, has always been a mystery, even going back to old Warhammer Fantasy.

    I am using the lore part of the article. Spiderfang was omitted there.

    Tzaangors were related to BoC before, and they are avian mutants now.

  11. 1 minute ago, Snarff said:

    FS also had the sentence 'It's a good year to be a Scion of Grimnir!' in there, which is exciting.

    Multicultural aspects of CoS were promoted with focus on Duardin and Aelves.

    Regarding BoC: Weren't their origins always a mystery in the Mortal Realms? So maybe people are reading too much into that.

    Kharadron don't have anything specific, but Brokk Grungsson has been mentioned for the first time in a long while AFAIK.

    In Nighthaunt, I could not find anything new.

    CoS is not something new, in terms of lore hints they are in the same position.

  12. Hey lads, help me looking hints that we have with the #newAoS articles:

    - The factions that had announced removed warscrolls could be the first books.
    - Gloomspite lore doesn't mention Spiderfang
    - BoC doesn't exist anymore and Tzaangors are undefined mutants
    - Ogors seems will receive an update of the lore with the DB content. Gutbusters are not anymore "big hungry orruks", they have a purpouse and their own rituals
    - Fyreslayers advance a bit more the lore with the DB content with the Fyrequeen as the most new thing

    The other factions doesn't seem to have something new so they don't seem to be in the radar.

  13. 55 minutes ago, Xil said:

    Those aren't in the shop anymore, are they?

    They don't count if they aren't. 😝


    We should move this to the Random Chat that we have now, i derailed the thread xD

    They are not gonna be renewed. They will stay FOREVER.

    • Haha 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The guy at the front I am not sure if it is a human or a Kruleboyz based on how ugly it is, but the thing at the back seems to be a Stormcast being stomped by a lighting?

    It is Stormcast grabbing another one inside Ionus' Tower, maybe he is trying to help the angered one

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, novakai said:

    Or maybe even a Darkoath Shaman 

    It is more and more clear, that the factions they said they are gonna lose warscrolls is because they are the first year factions (summer 24- summer 25)

    • Thanks 1
  16. 14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Could they be the newer "bigger renewal ever"?

    Who knows who is gonna be the next "BIG THING"... GW made Lumineth the main protagonist during the second edition's ending, with a lot of people excited for the next temple that, of course it was inminent, and they were forgotten a few months later. Later were the Kruleboyz, that they will receive a second wave for sure and they were forgotten too...

    • Like 1
  17. 49 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I think Ogors could get the Ironjawz treatment with a Gutbusters wave. Gluttons, Leadbelchers, new big unit and a leader.

    They need something bigger than that. The policy is remove all the metal/resin this edition.

    • Like 1
  18. 56 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I was just joking. Also, we do not know if those themes will be continued for the Ogors...

    The themes are clear and even have more Lore than before in the faction focus.

    - Beast Riders nomads running with the Everwinter curse

    - Gulping God fanatics, terraforming the Realms on a hungering Beast using rituals

    • Like 2
  19. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

     Let's start now the talk about why Beastclaw and Gutbusters should have their own tome as well... 😅 

    It is impossible to have own tomes for everyone. If they start splitting tomes is because they are not thinking to make new factions.

    40k is merging factions because they are adding a lot of content, I don't want to return to the WHFB era.

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