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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Maybe will stay or dissapear, who knows. Tau's Codex removed a few old resin characters without explanation meanwhile Space Marines mantains old ones.
  2. The only thing I had known previously was: "free restrictions but the team want to reward being more friendly to the army lore using multiple warbands commanded by heroes instead battalions". I am as everyone here right now.
  3. Heroes will be splitted in "general purpose" with very high possibilities and common abilities and "specialized ones" with a more restrictive list like wizards or combat heroes.
  4. Like Skaven will be more integrated but you don't need to worry about the clan feeling, or Big Waaagh is not in peril because this design fits It completely. ???
  5. You can do what you want, 0 restrictions about list building but if you are more creative and respect the lore you will get real rewards.
  6. I told you new system is gonna be FUN
  7. Add that the unit they could have standard bearer now and it is a must buy for everyone that don't want to kitbash
  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/02/liberators-reforged-heed-sigmars-call-with-the-first-miniature-of-the-new-edition/
  9. If they are horns then they are for TOW.
  10. You don't need to be worried about that. Skaven flavor of the army will stay as ever but with a more fun design.
  11. Building lists is gonna change, armies will be less constraint and it will be more FUN™ to build lists.
  12. Skaven will be more integrated in next book. Orruk Warclans will be more integrated in next book. Ogors will be more integrated in next book. Slaves to Darkness and Darkoath will be more integrated in next book. DoK and Malerion aelves will be more integrated in next book. The future is a new way of making factions after cleaning the "bad design heritage" of the actual system. More variety, more integrated, more possibilities and more deep lore. I am hyped about the future.
  13. I am not claiming about Duardin unification. A lot of people is speaking about splitting factions (Orruk or Ogors), maintain all the content (Dispossesed, Bonesplitterz, Spiderfang, BoC) and add new content always as new factions (Malerion outside Dok, Chaos Duardin, Silent People). All these is impossible without removing other stuff when in 40k to add new content they are doing all the things that they don't want for a smaller game as AoS is.
  14. They are souping lines that are not on the roadmap to be expanded. We can argue that we want standalone factions but the reality is that they want to expand new concepts every year because they found that new things are more profitable that updates and revamps of the same all the time. We are gonna have new factions every edition and that implies remové old stuff or unify to have space
  15. If you think GW is not souping, then wait for the Grey Knights codex.
  16. We are gonna have more soups instead of splitting armies. While Workshop use physical books of factions as launch references for update factions the number is limited to the production of books.
  17. No one remembers Bonesplitterz, even the rumours don't remember them
  18. Updated DA LIST!, It seems next week will be full 40k
  19. But 40k 2ed was almost a skirmish game. If you played, 40k was a bad game, so complicated and plenty of rules that doesn't make any sense. The 2ed ruleset was perfect for a game like Necromunda but really bad for a big game.
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