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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. If endless spells are normal faction spell lore and require a spell slot like others is easy to understand why are free now.
  2. Spider riders, Araknarok, Goblin Hero Spider rider, night goblins (except heroes) and savage orcs are in army lists but not shown in photos.
  3. I only want to say something: - The old cycle was that Kurnothi was gonna receive a big bunch of kits. - The new cycle is that Orruk Warclans is going to be splitted. Please, repeating too many times something in this forum don't become taht thing in a rumour or a possibility. Mind calm.
  4. The actual Orruk Warclans Vanguard is gonna be the Orruk Warclans Spearhead.
  5. Okay, I am updating DA LIST, it is big day.
  6. If they remove Pestilens and Eshin is because all the clans would be unified.
  7. If you require a reset as a designer is because there are not gonna be changes, it is a new system and you can expect new things coming. AoS 4.0 doesn't exist it is NEW AoS
  8. It is because Wyrdhollow was released last April week past year.
  9. Your source is right but he is expecting one week preorder
  10. I heard preorder is 22th and It will come first July week after two preorder weeks.
  11. I love the Mounted Clawlord. Finally we see him
  12. They are really old rumours but it seems the leaker knows a bit...
  13. There are 3 or 4 videos. 1 or 2 are old stuff.
  14. Maybe it is the perspective, but the arma don't look like CoS human arms, they are really strange looking
  15. The only thing that was really true and it was proved by Workshop publishing part of the book in the WD was the Spider Incarnate. I was claiming that the Kurnothi wave was really small and I was almost acussed of being delusional. Bonesplitterz rumour was not originated by players, it is a problem that GW has created by himself removing them from the competitive game and ghosting them. We have examples like you didn't get a prize playing them on Worlds and they don't appear in Metawatch since months.
  16. It is the Blood Angel Sanguinor Sword
  17. Cool! But the pack of plastic kits make me sad.
  18. Nezzhil


    UPDATE May 26 Necromunda Yageloth Proxy and the Fixer Secundus + Corrupted Genestealers + Van Saar + Orruks + other Spyre hunters Support Weapons Age of Sigmar Starter box - Skaven vs Stormcast Liberators, Reclusoners, Prosecutors, Questor, The AXE, Lord Crow, Blind priest Clanrats, Engineer, Jezzail, Seer, Rat Ogors, Machinegun, Clawlord Warcry 2 Warbands (Ossiarch vs Sylvaneth) Underworlds Horus Heresy Tybalt Meduson Traitor White Scar Command Plastic box Little Horus Mechanicus + Thanatar + Achmagos Warhammer 40k Genestealer Cults + BRAINS Adeptus Sororitas + Cononess REDACTED faction Chapter Approved: Pariah Nexus Kill Team Votann vs Genestealers LotR Knights of north + Captain Old World Greenskins New shaman Dwarfs! + Old kits + Really old kits + king + urgrim + engineer + plastic box + plastic kits + slayer pack Blood Bowl Epic HH Drillers Devastation Tallarn book Solar-auxilia Super Heavy Sabre tank Others
  19. Temporary doesn't mean anything. The important point is when It says "not avaliable online"
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