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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. It is the Blood Angel Sanguinor Sword
  2. Cool! But the pack of plastic kits make me sad.
  3. Nezzhil


    UPDATE May 12 Necromunda Yageloth Proxy and the Fixer Age of Sigmar Darkoath RoR Darkaoth Marauders, Riders, Beast and Leader Dawnbringers 6 + Abraxia Starter box - Skaven vs Stormcast Liberators, Reclusoners, Prosecutors Clanrats, Engineer, Jezzail Warcry 2 Warbands (Ossiarch vs Sylvaneth) Underworlds Horus Heresy Tybalt Meduson Traitor White Scar Command Plastic box Little Horus Warhammer 40k Genestealer Cults Adeptus Sororitas REDACTED faction Chapter Approved: Pariah Nexus Kill Team Votann vs Genestealers LotR Knights of north Old World Greenskins New shaman Dwarfs! + Old kits + Really old kits + king + urgrim + engineer + plastic box + plastic kits + slayer pack Blood Bowl Jordell Epic HH Drillers Others
  4. Temporary doesn't mean anything. The important point is when It says "not avaliable online"
  5. Poor Mr.Prosecutor, you don't feel good
  6. It is a cool design for the Clawlord's mount.
  7. It could be Blight City rune and the unified clan. I remember an old rumour that Skaven are gonna be redesigned to be more unified.
  8. There are three factions now. - Mercenaries that even can stablish in Free Cities - Nomadic force of nature of Gutbusters or Beastclaw - Fanatics of the Gulping God that are terraforming the Realms
  9. Spaces Marines, Dark Angels, Necrons and Tyrannids still have resin models and have new codexes
  10. I put only one big release and two medium for each year. (Chaos Dwarf, Sons of Morghur and Silents Ones).
  11. DoK and Malerion are the same book. I only put the medium-big releases. I expect small ones for Idoneth, Tzeentch, Waaagh or CoS.
  12. AoS 4.0 wishes: 2024 - Skaven vs Stormcast 2025 - Chaos Dwarf - Fyreslayers - Kharadron 2026 - Ogor Gutbusters - Sons of Morghur - Ossiarch Legion 2027 - Lumineth River Temple - Ulgu Aelfs - The Silent Ones
  13. Skaven was one of the top sellers during Fantasy era and they are still selling really well as Seraphon was selling even with that old bunch of kits
  14. They thought that Dominion box was bonkers too
  15. Why is big this one? How do you know it is different to Dominion?
  16. But AoS Starter boxes usually have more models and smaller than 40k Starter boxes. I mean, it is more reliable we are gonna get 1 Clawlord mounted, 1 armoured Warlock, 20 clanrats, 10 vermins, 3 rat ogors and 3 jezzails
  17. Screamer killer is not that big. The new piece of artillery or a mount is more reliable as part of the starter box.
  18. The Ossiarch horses are punished Ossiarch that failed in past, so the dogs are the same.
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