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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Gencon is for small games and they skipped that event last year. It is very hard to see on stores the armybox before the full roster is showed on a big event Kurnothi and Fyreslayer are gonna be Warcry warbands. Dawnbringers book 3 is a Hero book.
  2. They usually reduce the quantity of content during July-August. We have enough content until October and I can make a small list with that. July - Two holidays weeks with very low content like Mail to Orders and Blood Bowl star players. The Horus Heresy Knight and the Underworlds Skaven or the Warcry Starter would be good releases for the rest of the month. August - One or two weeks with very low content. They have a lot of kits allowed only on big boxes to sell like the Agastus boxset, Arks of Omen characters, Warcry and Kill Team warbands and, of course Epic. September - 40k month. Space Marines, Tyranids and starter sets. (They are gonna show the new models on two weeks, and It is gonna be BIG), and of course the Cities armybox. I want to say something about the Cities box. They are not gonna sell It before the Nova Open, It is impossible because the Battletome would reveal kits that they don't show yet.
  3. I updated the list with the preview content (italic)
  4. It is easer: Kruleboyz (symbol) vs Fyreslayers (axes) - Warcry (warcry warbands icon over the shield)
  5. I put the Krule box by a small left-corner motive
  6. The past preview showed Gorkamorka between two or three Realmspheres. They showed the Big Pig during the event. I think that these images only shows the factions but it is not more related than that
  7. Gloomspite have 4. Khorne have 3. Soulblight have 4. SCE have thousands...
  8. It is a Chaos Underworlds warband by three motives: 1- The Underworlds roadmap says that the next warband is a Chaos warband 2- The next Warcry warbands are Order and Destruction 3- The next Dawnbringer book is a Orruk one so the most logical pic must be an Orruk sygil
  9. Bretonnia is the Imperial Nobility team and the Kislev team is the Slann team.
  10. Temporarily doesn't means anything. They work with two states: -Temporarily: a simple out of stock and you must wait for restock - Sold out online: the database is marked as not avaliable to restock so something is happenkng with that item
  11. The Destro wave is comin' lads! You are not prepared!
  12. US store right now. Irish, British, French and Belgian is the same warehouse. EDIT: The stock is not depleted on all the stores at the same time normally. The common case is that the warehouses are getting "sold out online" over time until the articles are removed, reboxed or fixed if it was an error. But, the Sold Out Online is a clue of something is happening. If you check past posts in this forum you can check how we posted about Be'lakor, Kroak or Battletomes that get Sold Out Online a few months before the new model or book was announced
  13. Europe&UK is the same warehouse. USA works with another different. EDIT: If you want to check changes you must use any european country, USA and Australian stores.
  14. Ardboyz are a good candidate to become a warband
  15. Ironjawz SC is out of stock online on Europe and Ardboyz box is out of stock online on EEUU store. Could it be new Ardboyz are coming?
  16. We are gonna get Dawnbringers rules over this week.
  17. The past summer was a Skirmish summer event. It could be something like that.
  18. The second Dawnbringers book is an Orruk book buuuut It could be only Ironjawz.
  19. Ok! It is a new Troggoth heroe. @Whitefangcan you react with a laugh if It is a Gitz unit or a trophy if It is a Orruk unit? If you can't react cry instead
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