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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. The poor sales of the last two boxes could be the culprit of that decision.
  2. New terrain https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/09/25/scramble-over-the-scales-of-talaxis-in-this-new-warcry-terrain-set/
  3. With the two weeks Space Marines preorder I think we can expect this release schedule: October: Spaces Marines Underworlds/Warcry/Horus Heresy Cities of Sigmar November: Kill Team new starter Epic Underworlds/Warcry/Horus Heresy Dawnbringers 3 with 4 new boxes Battleforces (two weeks) December: More Epic Blood Bowl/Kill Team/Warcry Annual book FeC Armybox Holidays
  4. Forgeworld and Mail To Order in between, if we want to get hope we can expect something small like a warband or something like that. They normally don't release anything at the same time that a two weeks preorder if it is a big release like this case
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/09/24/sunday-preview-codex-space-marines-slams-into-action/ Spaces Marines, Agastus kits and two kits of HH
  6. GW is the most predectible company I have ever met. We know that the next window is between October-November and, without Epic, they must release: Space Marines Cities of Sigmar Warcry Underworlds Battleforces December is a small month of releases and they sometimes releases Army boxes and Christmas content like Almanacs or gift packs. I'm expecting one or two kits for Kurnothi of they are gonna be released during the next months. If you are expecting a medium or a big release then It must be released during March-April. The main problema of the Kurnothi is that we are waiting for content of at least 7 more factions and the size of the books is limited. You are expecting more content than Arks of Omen and Broken Realms together and that's impossible.
  7. I'm saying that because Skaven players were overreacting to the Whitefang likes and they get very dissapointed when reality came out. Release windows are the only thing that make us to especulate if something big or small is coming. The window to release the third Dawnbringers book is a small one with the GW release history. Meanwhile the forth book is coming early winter when It is a good time to a big release.
  8. He clearly said that Eshin was gonna receive a small release and it was the Underworlds warband and the Deathmaster.
  9. 40k is receiving scenarios and other free stuff too. I don't understand why you attack a player base to reaffirm your election because the problem with the 40k stuff affects us too. Your point is not more different when other players says that AoS is a bad game because the Lore is "silly" or the double turn mechanic exists.
  10. The PoG rules from the Dawnbringers book are not free. The basic PoG rules were free since June.
  11. It was announced with them but It is not a Barnes&Noble box
  12. I was sick yesterday and I couldn't update the list but I'm fine right now!
  13. The subfaction is broken. I think it is crazy.
  14. TRUGG IS BIG AND BRUTAL https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/lQR8doCdKS14oWPO.pdf
  15. I think that today is a good day to see the last Warcry warband. What do you think?
  16. Zoggrok 35€ Big Boss 30€ Maw 65€ Brutes 45€ Arboyz 50€ EU conversion
  17. GLOOSMPITE DICE!!!!!!! And of course the list.
  18. If It is not then I will not have any options than start a Waaagh against Nottingham
  19. Army of Renown are not Regiment of Renown.😉
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