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Posts posted by Televiper11

  1. I'll try not to repeat what others have said but I do think AoS needs to be find balance in thematic ways appropriate to each particular armies lore and abilities. I think GW tries to have it both ways by making armies like Gloomspite or Nighthaunt thematic but then underpowering them as a result instead of giving them abilities that play to those strengths while also serving as a counter to other armies abilities.

    The Cities tome gives me hope given the diversity offered and a return to shooting, which is essential for defeating armies like FEC & Slaanesh.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jator said:

    I think it was around twelve when a classmate lent me a White Dwarf and I get hooked. I was already a fantasy fan into LotR and Dragonlance, and I started collecting a few minis and monopose plastic boxes in a disjointed manner. I even asked for the 4th edition box for Christmas (Grom vs Eltharion) and manage to get a single game at the LFS where I played D&D.
    But the lack of money, skill (for painting) and a gaming group frustrated me and I gave up on the hobby.

    Years later, with all the End Times fuzz, I realized that I had money and knew friends into the hobby, so I jumped in (Some might say it wasn't the best moment, but hey, people were underselling their armies).

    Honestly, I get bitter when I think about all the years I missed, so stories like the ones shared by @Minis by Night and @Televiper11 helps me reconciling with myself.

    I understand the bitterness. Now I use it as motivation to truly enjoy my hobby and passion while I still can.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    @Televiper11 Well... compared to other CoS lists (Hallowheart, Tempest Eye) and the armies I commonly play against that would depend. Steam Tanks really are not that great and the list has no CC threat at all. It can (and will) be ran through easily but like I said; should be fun.

    I had a good amount of store credit from a months-long escalation league that I won so I decided to go ahead and make an army that isn't as ultra-serious, but has room to build upon if I desire. I'll be busy painting the next few months, for sure.

    I plan on running two Steam Tanks in Tempest Eye. I agree that on-their-own they are not that great but in TE that get a small buff.

    What I like about your list is this... the bombardment factor, which forces your opponent to make hard choices about which units to target first. And Handgunners have overwatch so you have effective screens that your opponent will be hesitant to charge. 

  4. On 10/5/2019 at 3:46 PM, Gwendar said:

    So, here's my final concept for my 'Panzer Division' themed Greywater. Competitive? Nah. Fun? Yeah. I have other cities\units\armies for competitive play.

    Stuff should be arriving by next week. The joy of getting all this painted and on the table with Ghost DIvision on repeat will soon be realized.

      Hide contents

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - Stronghold: Greywater Fastness

    Steam Tank with Commander
    - Trait: Drillmaster
    - Artefact: Mastro Vivetti's Magnificent Macroscope
    Freeguild General (100)
    - Artefact: Mastro Vivetti's Magnificent Macroscope
    Cogsmith (60)

    Steam Tank
    Steam Tank (200)
    Steam Tank (200)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)

    War Machines
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    3 x Gyrocopters (210)
    - Gun: Steam Gun

    Greywater Artillery Battery (120)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 121


    I think you could kick some serious butt with that list.

  5. 16 hours ago, dekay said:

    Hawk eyed is better used with other units. on something mobile running around the field. For crossbowmen you'll get better mileage from Hold the Line!, no need to use up trait slot for them.

    But in general - multiple shooting blobs holding the line are a scary prospect for anything in range.


  6. Playing in a 1K tourney soon and this is my first pass at a list:

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Tempest's Eye
    Warden King (110)
    - General
    - Trait: Hawk-eyed
    - Artefact: Seerstone Amulet
    Runelord (90)
    - City Role: General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less)
    10 x Hammerers (140)
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)
    20 x Freeguild Handgunners (200)
    Steam Tank (200)
    Steam Tank (200)
    Extra Command Point (50)
    Total: 990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 64

    Edit: If I can get my Freeguild General painted in time, I might drop a Steam Tank to take him and a unit of FG Guard.

    Edit 2: Am also considering giving the Runelord Thermalrider Cloak to keep him near units that need his prayer buff.

  7. You don't see them in many tournaments because few of us play them or even know they exist. Plus they are cost-prohibitive. That said, when they do appear, they are strong. They have a win percentage over 50% going back to when they got Allegiance Abilities, etc. They are competitive. I've had lots of success with my list in tournaments and Matched Play games: Tauruk, Daemonsmith, CSL (ally), Fireglaives, K'daai, 3x Magma Cannons.

    Draz/Shartor/Centaurs/the rest of the artillery are all weak, imo. But as for updating them, forget it, not gonna happen. Forge World lost their AoS team and my gut tells me they will phase the Legion out in a few years time. They threw us a bone and made us viable for now but we will not be getting terrain or endless spells or new models, period. Eventually, we will be Legends'd.

  8. 9 hours ago, TheNotebookGM said:

    Welcome! If Brooklyn is your scene feel free to reach out to me and we will get you a game at Carcosa Club! If you go to www.carcosaclub.com you can get access to the Slack channel and get you set up. Alternately, you can shoot me a message on here and we can set up a game!

    I play there too. Great community.

    There are also regular games at Brooklyn Strategist.

  9. Handgunners all the way with Tempest Eye. Get them out in a long gun line for excellent board control with overwatch. Use them as a charge deterrent and screen. Sure, they'll fold up quickly but in the meantime, you've brought up your heavy hitters and are wrecking havoc in the backfield.

  10. Lastly, I am beyond happy we didn't get any CoS specific Endless Spells as they wouldn't have made much sense, lore-wise. Why would each City have its own city-spell? I think GW was very creative in just giving us fully empowered, regular Endless Spells instead. There are plenty to choose from and some a very thematically appropriate to the two realms these cities are in.

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  11. I'm honestly shocked at all the negativity here. Yes, the culling of models was hard, especially some of the newer plastics. But now that I've seen the tome and what they've done with what's left I am excited as hell. More excited than I have ever been about AoS. The majority of the Warscroll re-writes have been buffs or laterals, which is fine. They standardized cavalry charge bonuses, which is big. The various City allegiances are excellent! Very thematic.

    Could we have used new models? Yes! So could have LoN and BoC -- the forebears of this Tome. Might we get some someday, I'm betting on it. Would a terrain piece be nice? Sure, but it is not urgent. Get creative with all the great Warcry and Forbidden Power terrain that just came out.

    In terms of aesthetics too, I don't get the gripe. Who would be living in Cities, those that were drawn to them after the Realmgate War -- the Dispossessed (they lost their homes), the Wanderers (kicked out of Ghyran), all the humans who suffered under Chaos, etc. It works, it fits the lore (especially if you've been reading Black Library), etc.

    I think CoS is gonna be a big hit and last a long time. 

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