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Posts posted by Lucur

  1. 1 hour ago, Carnelian said:




    I like this A LOT


    Now just to work out a way to get Decimators into combat with the Ironclads...(beyond the charge buff guy)

    You can cast speed of lightning and oray teleportation for almost a 50/50 chance to make that 9" charge.

    Considering disappointing units, it's every single stormcast hero in a fight, Lord Celestant moreso than any other. Not a single one is a capable duellist, most are not tanky and all of them are (at least mildly) expensive. Considering their lore of single handedly slaying greater demons and such, it's just silly.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Evantas said:

    I'm still sore about the loss of my 20 Sequitor discount. 😭

    What kind of balancing is this...

    Yeah, but then again, it opens up using 10 or 15 and not feeling like a dumb-dumb :P

    Has anyone tried dropping the pride leader Lord Arcanum? I didn't play much these days, but the last match i really struggled to keep the Arcanum in position to buff the unit (read it worked turn one and then never again). If we don't use Sequitors as battleline it's just such a huge investment and we don't really get the CP to buff the dracoline attacks all that much (i mostly run CVs and that CA is plain better if you got only 1 CP to spend).

  3. 2 hours ago, schwabbele said:

    Totally agree, it’s so important that they somewhat survive the counter attack. 
    The cogs never came to my mind, so thanks for mentioning:) I usually mystic shielded them + castellant. 

    Cogs is pretty good, it also helps with offensive with celestial blades + empower. In my original list i ran 20 Sequitors and used cogs on following turns to quickly close and charge with those.

  4. What was the issue you were having? Were you lacking in overall bord presence and outscored? Or did the cats get nuked before doing enough damage to cripple your opponent?

    As i stated above (several times, i feel like an old grumbler :D ), i like to buff my cats to maximum tankiness (castellant + chrono cogs) to survive the counter attack after they charge and delete a thing. From there you can get a second major threat on the board, as ballistas or some raptors or whatever, and then flesh out the scoring options. It's the latter where i find your list a bit weak, i'd drop 5 Sequitors and a CP for some Palladors. Then there's the Vexillor, imo the cats don't need a teleport, the ballistas are not a good target as they want to stay clumped around the LO, that leaves the Sequitors, which i just recommended to cut ^^ that'd leave you wih some wiggle room for a few aetherwings to get to places.

    That's my 2ct ;)

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Nizrah said:

    Hey guys, what about little challange? 

    Lets make a list that will make our fav HAMMER boiz - Retributors work :D 

    Take Gav, surecharge them in, wonder why you didn't take Evocators in the first place :P

    I don't see a slow, expensive unit accomplish much against current lists. They lack the survivability to weather shooting and MWs, they lack the speed to cover the board (which can be fixed but increases the investment even further) and even if they hit melee, those hammers don't quite crunch the way they should. Which makes any first generation SCE fan sad. The other paladins at least get skyborne slayers to deliver them.

  6. The issue is how easy this would be to work out: make a community post. Maybe even offer a month free of charge as recompensation. They waste so many resources on their petty whc articles, they could easily come up with a short "apologies, we're on it" and there would be no reason for a thread like this. But they didn't, so...

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    “I do wish those rules were written in a clearer way, that would save us some time "fighting" about how to interpret them”

    You can blame the hyper competitive win at all costs players for that

    Actually the hyper competitive waac players have a vested interest in precise, reliable rules writing. You can thank the "they'll play it as intended anyway" rules writers for sloppy stuff, that's not to blame on competitive play (and i am not a grand advocate of competitive warhammer in general, mind you)

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  8. Looks solid, i personally would advocate a Knight Heraldor. It gives you the opportunity to a t1 charge, allows fall back and charge to keep that charge bonus up on the kitties or just pulls those Sequitors up faster with run and charge. The mortal wound splash is the cherry on  top.

    Other than that i really like the 3 threats this creates, looks really fun!

    Considering the spell, empower is better than celestial blades statistically. For the Arcanum i'd consider something more offensive with unlimited range, ie Stormcaller or lightning blast. His innate spell is short range and prime electrids arcane bolt is better in most cases, while azyrite halo isn't that good without rerolling saves. Might work well on the Sequitors though.

  9. 7 minutes ago, jeanfluflu said:

    Thinking about new possibilities have you guys tried stuff with sequitors and evocators.

    I played a bit arround the warscroll builder and got some lists for fun.
    This one i'll try against one of my friend next week.

    Sequitors are our most reliable battleline, with the correct buffs and enough MW support i thought using something like this.
    i really want to try dracolines with celestial vindicators buffs, the CA and the celestial blades it's starting to look really nice.

    With a lord acrnaum on dracolines results are even more impressive but i don't have the model yet.

    Have some of you tried them?

    sacrosanctumchamber (2).pdf 5.73 MB · 3 downloads

    You might want to check out the Dracoline thread, most of what is in there wasn't touched by the recent changes, we might just get more toys.

  10. I'd assume you can just cut off the weapon heads, drill a 2mm×2mm hole in said heads, plunge one magnet in there and the other on the shaft of the weapon, thus creating a guide for the magnets to slip into and hold firmly. I don't own the kit but went with this for others where it worked like a charm. Not sure the weapon heads are wide enough to drill into though. Just thought i'd bring it up until someone with actual experience chimes in ;)

  11. Considering 10 vs 20 wardens i'd assume 20 is better as long as you have bravery covered. Even more so for sentinels, as the unit leader doesn't shoot. If you're lacking cathallars or have too few CP (or have them planned otherwise) or just want the cheapest battleline, pick 10.

    Ofc i haven't played yet and this is purely theoretical, but as it pretty much fits for many armies, i'd run with it ^^

    • Like 1
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  12. 120 points is still way too much for 6 gryphhounds. I love the models and the utility, but they're not efficient.

    Palladors are the cheapest fastest chunk of wounds we can get. Consider them as objective grabbers and screens, any actual damage they do is icing on top. Plus they look . So. SWEET. ;)

    You might also want to consider Vanguard Raptors with Hurricanes. These are unsung heroes of our tome, i run two units of 3 with a unit of aetherwings each as a roadblock /screen clearer. They're hard to charge due to aetherwing intercept and -1 to charge bubble and they generate a whopping 27 shots when they scions in or teleport with a Lord Aquillor.

  13. 1 hour ago, Yondaime said:

    Why the hate tho? cause they are the posterboys?

    Never found some1 in my locals that hates SCE, especially now that they are almost gone in the competitive meta xD

    Part of the hate came from old fantasy players and Stormcast epitomizing the loss of the old world as poster boys. Other part is the fact our units were bonkers good when AoS 2 dropped as noone else (poor Nighthaunt...) was on the current powerlevel yet. Then we got nerfed and everyone else got to that new powerlevel and then some. And we were left. Crying. Lonely. Tears. ^^

    • Like 1
  14. I can't see a follow up release that quickly. They  said on several occasions that a production cycle for new minis is over a year in the making. Before they'll expand a line they'll most likely wait and see how successful a release the original ine is. After that they'd pump design or not depending on the numbers. Assuming GW has any intentions at all of a follow up for LRL we wouldn't see it within 2 years of the original release if my assumptions are correct. If at all.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Falkman said:

    Yeah, several of the translated summaries are pretty iffy. Here's the actual sentence in the book run through google translate. Also note that even without translating you can see the keywords used, the weapon adds 1 "schaden" which you can compare to the warscrolls to see that schaden = weapon damage, not attacks.


    Tysk översättning.JPG

    If i read this correctly (i'm german) it adds one damage to only one of the bearers attacks. That would be the worst artifact ever ^^

    Considering the SCE profile, both Lord Arcanum and Knight Incantor get 3+/3+/-1/d3 attacks, 3 or 4 respectively, and they usually just bounce off of every target. Might just be my luck, but a Chaos Lord out performs both regularly while being cheaper. They are still useful as casters and their support rules, but as melee dudes they don't pull their weight.

  16. 39 minutes ago, Yuviel Lightbringer said:

    To be fair the stonemage is no slouch in combat in ymetrica, armed with the artifact. 3" 2-4 attacks at 3+, 3+ -1 d3 has the power to be on par with a vampire lord, then the command ability to discard your attacks to inflict d3 mortal wounds on a 2+ with the 6+ fnp and 5+ ignore spells makes quite a tanky hero. and the spell solar flair can soften a unit up nicley before the charge.

    not perfect I will admit but far better then we would have otherwise had with a mage who normally only makes 1 attack with a staff.

    I ran enough stormcast caster heroes into ACTUAL melee heroes to know that profile is not adequate for combat, though. I wonder if the battle cattle should originally have had a hero keyword?

    • Like 1
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  17. 11 minutes ago, TeclisGod said:

    @Duke of Mousillon yeh they definitely are important I was saying more for the fact of running a 10 man rather a 5. I wasnt sure if it was too much. It seems like only 5 to me has a harder time killing a 20 sized unit rather than a 10 man but we shall see.

    Statistically a 5 man unit on the charge will deal 9.6 wounds vs 4+save 1w infantry with power of hysh on. This drops to 8.2 without PoH. So to wipe any large infantry unit you will not only want 10, you'll have to drop the aetherquartz to improve the odds. BUT you could always use two smaller units and utilize lightning reactions if you fear retaliation.

    I assume to build around a dawnrider lance with 2×10 squads to sweep chaff and some (2×20?) Sentinels to plink heroes. From there we'll see how wardens and Stoneguard fare on the table. At least that's my plan going forward ^^

  18. Biggest bonus for Desolators is they're the cheapest points wise, getting you more table presence/ wounds to tank with. Concussors do the most damage over all, Fulminators do a bit more on the charhe and get bonus save vs shooting. Tempestors are best at sucking, why in the heavens would you give your shiny knight on a lightning dragon thingy a crossbow?!? ;)

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