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Posts posted by Shankelton

  1. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    Ogors I think are definitely the next destruction release, unless they decide to squeeze Bonesplitterz in as a quick minimal release.

    Ironjawz will probably be last, just because I think they'll get a bit more story focus when they come out and that focus appears absent at the moment.

    Yeah, I think your right. Ogors need it in a big way


    I'm more then happy to wait for my jawz. Looking forward to the waugh spells and some new units though eventually xD.

  2. Agreed with your thoughts @Overread.


    Though I still have no idea where the rumor for an orruk combined tome comes from. I just cannot see it. Bloodsplitta lore is predicated on the fact they are tripping so hard on Waugh juice that their too deranged to even fit into what you could even call society for orruks.


    Much more likely they are kept separate. With Bone's getting a small release of hopefully the spells, terrain, and a centre piece. With ironjawz getting a larger one assume the role of the major orruk faction in the vacuum greenskinz left behind.


    In a perfect world they all get fleshed out, but if there is a combo tome coming it's for sure for Ogors. Just hope they maintain the Everwinter flavor

  3. 6 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    I love spikey knights! But that's just me, isn't it?

    Same here. Chaos warriors hooked me on this hobby.


    Personally I'm hoping the STD update brings new Chosen in all their glory. Not much for the conan aesthetic, but it's good enough that I'll deal with it so long as my commanders keep that look.

    I just cant wait for archeon to come back into the story. I dig his lore in a big way, and chaos undivided in general.

    Let me look like Sauron, bowing to a bigger Sauron, or let me die.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

    3 people here not including me have started it. They pushed Deepkin to backburner for me. I see tons of chatter online they sold really well don’t worry. 

    Agreed. Just looking at their view page combined with troggoths, they are one of the most discussed armies on here. The opposite is more likely. Gloomspite sold so well they want to pair them in another skew with Sylvaneth who are getting an update.


    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Jator said:

    Not sure where this idea of  IJ and Bonesplittersz fused together is coming from: Thematically they work better as separated armies, and as others have pointed out, battletomes like FEC or Fyreslayers proves that GW is still ok with armies with a limited range. They're even differentiated factions in Warcry, something that won't make sense if they're going to be reunited before/at a similar date.

    I could have seen vanilla orcs fused with IronJawz (or with regular goblins) but seems like those miniatures are done for good.

    Yeah, people seem to have combined tome fever lately. Ogors combining, Ironjawz and Bonesplittaz combining, dwarfs combining.

    Honestly, I cannot see Orruks combining. The themes are unique and strong, you have bone for your unhinged primal orruks, and Ironjawz for your more intellegent (relatively), larger orruks in armor. Given the fact we've seen orruks as basing material on stormcast and Ironjawz was a brand new range, I'd put my money on new sculpts coming for Ironjawz. Especially now that greenskinz are gone. All that remains of the old, butt stuck out, Orc line are ardboyz.

    They have all this free room to create something new for an iconic faction, and we've seen the modelers incorporating some into other models. An Orc refresh is due, and this sets the scene perfectly.

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  6. It would really dilute the heavy winter theme for BCR honestly. I'd much prefer them to stay separate and Gutbusters to get a fleshed out tome to be the ogor's who populate the realms at large. With the BCR being the cursed, niche tribes so GW can really focus on the winter theme/ upgrade yeti and other winter beasties.

    Buuuut, If the fluff was written right and I wouldn't be against combining the ranges again. THey fit well together, but it would likely mean losing the heavy, heavy winter theme. As most Gutbuster units don't fit it at all without conversions. Would have to see BCR become Gutbusters, not the other way around.

  7. Just now, Walrustaco said:

    They should do a shadespire warband for ogors then. Maybe 3 man warband or something. Even 3 might be a bit much, but one of them could double as a hero model. 

    Could honestly just do one big, fat ogor and have some flavorful grots scuttling around him. Ala the troggoth warband! 


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  8. Honestly, I'd be happy with just that basic treatment for Ironjawz. A book, terrain piece and spells would do a lot to spice things up for the limited, but quite functional, range.

    Destruction in general seems quite in theme with the idea of a terrain piece. Where some of the more recent ideas coming out don't make a ton of sense to pop up on the battlefield (ie; the FEC Throne or FS Forge), destruction doesn't build things. I'm fairly confident what we will get will be something that makes sense to move with the Waaghs, given the transient nature of orruks. Not to mention spells will be a good send. Big issue I have thematically is seeing things like the death magic that is so out of theme with the orruk army... Doesn't make a whole let of sense to use, ect.

    More then anything... just bring on the lore. I feel like destruction in general just has no place at the table. They get used as a token third party to complicate things for the other big three... never any fleshing out of them as a people. Ogor, Orruk and grot alike. 

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  9. 5 minutes ago, prochuvi said:

    Seeing how slanesh have been confirmed i dont think we are getting more news for aos in adepticom : (

    I doubt they'd give away everything for AoS in a teaser before the panel. 40k just had a new release so its unlikely there will be another huge preroder so fast. Expect Sisters of battle teases and such.

    Slaneesh is for sure the big model event, and it doubly goes for my first point since the demon releases are for both 40k and AoS.

    Very likely we see more battle-tomes and such in addition to the slaneesh goodies. As well as probably Warcry, Forbidden power taste, and of course more boxed game stuff.

  10. Going to just say, everyone who is screaming elves must be coming...

    Temper your expectations a bit haha.

    The idea that Teclis and Malareon will ride out to meet a weakening in Slaneesh is mostly, from what i've seen, a community idea. We've got next to nothing to support elves are coming out. Sure, they absolutely are coming at some point, but all we know is Slaanesh release is up to bat. Elves could be later this year.... they could be next year... or the year after.

    Tons of excitement is great, but just be careful about drawing it as a definite conclusion. Seen so many people saying a Teclis release is gospel because of this trailer. xD

    • Like 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, Ironbreaker said:

    Oh wow, this is a surprise. I expected Slaanesh to be a bigger deal. Like campaign worthy. Not saying it won't be, but I expect more build up. 

    Well this is likely tied very closely to Forbidden power, and its surely a very large release. Rumors have been out for a while, with pages of people pointing out foreshadowing that Nagash would inadvertantly shatter the bonds on Slaanesh. Feels sufficiently big to me! :)

  12. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    Honestly we've had "rumours" for pretty much every single faction. Thing is they are all the same kind of rumour "someone somewhere that I can't say who said that it might be this". A few factions appear more than others, but overall we've heard rumours for most. The thing is we know Battletomes are being updated and we know that 2019 is chock full of them so in theory its hard to prove is any are correct because we've such a smattering that some HAVE to be correct by the sheer fact that we've rumoured and guessed at everything possible. 

    Have there been Ironjawz rumors? I think they might be one of the few early tome armies not to have some rumored release/ update!

  13. 22 hours ago, GutZilla said:

    Are yhetee models really that bad? What is so awful about them? They don’t seem too bad online in photos. Maybe I’m missing something, or just have poor taste lol. 

    Its all subjective really.

    My issue with the Yeti kit is the fur. It looks like something i'd be able to do pushing a tool into greenstuff, and when you compare that to the rest of the range, it looks terrible. That, and of course being Finecast. I actively try to avoid factions with it.

  14. Bring on the buff warrior grandmas.

    Cool sculpt, fine with the occasional stormcast hero release and she's a great model.

    36 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Hey look a new Greenskinz modelStoreOpening-Mar19-Details1ck.jpg.9a63034875dfa6248ec94992b2a411ef.jpg


    it ironic that it underneath the boot of a stormcast

    aaaaand of course a destruction army is base terrain. As is tradition :( lol

  15. 1 hour ago, Sev said:

    Khorne isn't out yet and you already "hope" for something new in AoS :D


    Less a new announcement, But i'd adore some kind of rumor or teaser to chew on xD

    Bit sparse on those atm, since the forbidden power one didn't give much of anything! Other then a rush of adrenaline for Tomb Kings Anonymous xD 

    • Haha 1
  16. Anyone have any tips or tricks for spicing up Ogor pants? Painting my lot up and decided on blues and reds, but they seem a tad plain! 

    Skin I plan to do a few tattoos, or at least try too. But Im at a bit of a loss for the britches. Don't really like the old style of pin stripes. Bit too old world for me!

    • Like 1
  17. 8 hours ago, Kaz said:

    Beastclaws do seriously need a new battletome if they don’t get merged with Gutbusters, though. They suffer similar problems to Kharadrons and Fyreslayers, cool concept, but poor execution. Everwinter’s blessings seems pretty random, lots of resin kits, no magic at all, and lots of angry faces about thundertusk snowballs and equally angry faces about stonehorn stoneskin nerf

    100% agree. Those yeti are one of the ugliest models that GW has ever put out, on top of being resin. When measured up to other allegiance abilities the Everwinter table is not only bad, but horribly boring. Really doesn't translate the theme to the tabletop like Blood tithe, the cycle of corruption, ect. I think what I want to see most is a change to dirty snowball. Its not Op, but it just feels awful to play against. Would much prefer it to me something that deals with hordes then a massive snipe.  Also, perhaps, the option to make them *slightly* less elite. 4-5 models is a bit too elite for me, and primarily why I swapped over to guts.

    Also, give Guts Allegiance abilities already. They are one of the few factions that literally have nothing. No lore, No Allegiance ability. Least they can do is throw them a bone lol.

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  18. 21 minutes ago, blueshirtman said:

    ok, that is sad.  I guess I will just wait for next edition or something.

    Skaven, Flesheater, and Khorne all really came out of nowhere. So I wouldn't lose hope entirely. From what I heard from the forums and online the Beastclaw sets sold fairly well, so I imagine they are on a whiteboard to do list somewhere lol.

    Enjoy the hobby side of it! 

  19. 4 minutes ago, blueshirtman said:

    Any words on priests or casters for BCR, or maybe a merg with other oger factions ?

    Not a peep as I'm aware.

    There are a few fractured rumors floating around that Gutbusters might see an update in the near future, but I doubt it!

    As far as concrete rumors, Ogor's in general are quite absent.

    Edit: On the merge note, this is super unlikely. So far the factions have stayed very true to the new groupings on the getting started and store page and Gutbusters + Beastclaw are very much their own thing. Besides that merging would leave them with next to no allied options. 

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