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Posts posted by Dreadmund

  1. 1 hour ago, extermina said:

    Stupid question that might have been answered already: Witherstave goes off on 6+ . Does that mean that if my opponent has some +1 to Wound abilites, they would have to re-roll natural 5s? Same question for Cycle/General Trait.

    I believe that re-rolls happen before modifiers are applied, so no they would re-roll their 6's and then apply +1 to their rolls afterwards.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    I don't want to be harsh but maybe your lads should have thought about that before eternally dedicating their souls to an insane god of plague and becoming a load of shambling, bloated, puss dripping, pox ridden nightmares. 

    Don't try to talk sense at me about my weirdo, scab cult. We don't get Disgustingly Resilient saves against emotional damage :(

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  3. Just now, Charlo said:

    The move is D6", so could be 1" ! Giving up allies? HARD Pass for that!

    Oh I missed that in my skim read. Shame.

    The problem with allies for Nurgle is that unless they already have the Nurgle Keyword lots of our abilities hurt or hinder them so for the most part we only take Pestilens or StD units. We'll have the same problem with mercenaries...

  4. 1 minute ago, Charlo said:

    But you can take marauders already with the mark of Nurgle....?

    Yup, but with this Merc group I can also grant them a free 6" move. Depending on how much extra it costs to do that, it could be a nice little bonus to us.

  5. 18 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    Glad to see some StD as a nurgle player. Seems like it could be a beneficial way to take some Marauders into an army that already synergises well with them. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about mercenaries personally!

    Edit: Seem like they are like mini battalions?

  6. 28 minutes ago, peasant said:

    Have you seen that fake generals handbook points?

    Well, a lot of ppl said its a fake:

    Guo +40

    Rotigus +60

    Thricefold +60

    Glottkin -60

    Maggot lords -20

    What would you do if that was true?

    I Will put my army un a box until Next year

    I'd start painting my Glottkin, cause daemons are just for summoning now.

    It's gotta be fake. Made by someone with a huuuuge grudge against a player who runs thricefold.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  7. 34 minutes ago, Nurglete said:

    Hi all,
    after visiting this great forum and learning so much from you, I´ve decided to register myself so I can participate much more.
    As I newbie, I have some questions (very basic ones I suppose):

    - If I cast Foul Regenesis at the start of my turn to reset the Cycle of corruption to Rampant disease, does the effect apply immediately (1D3 mortal wounds to 1D3 units?

    - If in last battle round Cycle of corruption stage was at 5.Nauseous revulsion and now it moves to 6.Rampant disease, can I cast Foul Regenesis to reset the stage again to the same  stage (Rampant disease) to apply the damage twice in the same hero phase?


    The hero phase is split into 3 parts, and the wording of the ability will tell you which part it falls under by saying either:

    1: At the start of your hero phase (start)
    2: In your hero phase (middle)
    3: At the end of your hero phase (end)

    You can choose the order in which abilities activate, but all your "start of hero phase" abilities have to be used before you can use any "in your hero phase" abilities which must in turn be used before your "at the end of your hero phase" abilities.

    Unfortunately spellcasting happens in the middle of your hero phase, so although you could cast foul regenesis to move the wheel to rampant disease, it wouldn't activate the ability since it is no longer the start of your turn. However, the Grandfather's Blessing command ability is a "start of your hero phase" ability, so you could use it to:

    1: Activate Rampant Disease
    2: Use Grandfather's Blessing to turn the wheel forward to Corrupted regrowth
    3: Activate Corrupted Regrowth

    Then you could cast foul regenesis afterwards to move the wheel again to another stage like Fecund Vigor which would benefit you for the rest of the turn.

    Hope that helps.

  8. 5 hours ago, Fluxlord said:

    How do feel about the new endless spells? Could, especially those movement shenanigans, be good for us? Lauchon is great, but loosing 1 out of 5 blightkings.....kinda sucks. I feel that the bridge and those pyramids might be worth tryin, especially the pyramids....what happens if you use glorious afflictions on a unit that has crossed the line between the pyramids? I guess it's not half of half the movement.

    Lauchon teleporting big units of plaguebearers/plague monks/marauders around is obviously great. There a few ways that movement during a hero phase could be interesting. For example, it seems like you could use Lauchon to retreat units away from a threat, allowing them to move and charge later in the same turn... It will make it a lot easier for slow armies to get a big unit to either engage the enemy or move into a strategically advantageous position on turn 1. I bet there will be some creative use of that spell enabling some new strategies.

    I'm way less interested in the bridges. Kind of like a convoluted way of granting units fly, but the restriction of having to place your models more than 9" away from enemy units limits how you can use this a lot. With all our movement shenanigans, I don't think we'll benefit much from that spell.

  9. Quote

    Every Plaguebearer wields a plague sword that exudes lethal filth, meaning that a single cut from its jagged edge can kill in seconds. Unfortunately they only attack using their much less lethal plague spoon which doesn't even have an edge and can, at best, raise a small but ugly welt upon the flesh of it's victims.


  10. 2 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    How about the joke of the opponent being able to shut down any contagion point generation via the Gnarlnaws by simply taking the "risk"  of a single mortal wound 50% of the time. You're aright about these 1 contagion point here and there abilities. If I was able to summon multiple units of drones a game using them.. then yes I would consider it. But at this point the Witherstave is the ONLY thing that is keeping nurgle treading water with these new armies and is absolutely mandatory. The Tallyband (which used to be the SIGNATURE nurgle demon battalion) is a husk of its former self. 220 points is laughable. It should be closer 120 points. Gnarlmaws should deal d3 mortal wounds on a 4+. Or reduce attacks/save/hit rolls.. as if those tentacles are holding nearby enemies, or spraying acid on them. Even a random debuff similar to Gift of contagion would be fun. Perhaps they could return slain models to nearby plaguebearer units like gravesites. Or even "muster" like the varghulfs. (1-5 get plagebois, 6 get a drone). If enemy units nearby it should reduce the contagion by 1... not shut it down. Sure you roll a 1 or 2 and you get nothing.. but iy should WEAKEN the ability not disable it. 

    So many creative mechanics. They were scared of making summoning WAY to strong in this book and played it safe... as this was the first "free summoning" book in second edition.

    Oh god yes, when I tell my opponent that the Gnarlmaw only has a 50% chance of doing 1 mortal wound they always look both confused and relieved. They always start by saying "so I should avoid standing near that?" and end with "So I need to stand something near that?"

    I love the idea of a Gnarlmaw being able to return slain models to daemon units nearby. Very thematically appropriate. You could tie it to the battleshock roll returning models that Plaguebearers and Drones already have, like "if a unit of PLAGUEBEARERS or PLAGUE DRONES are within 3" of a feculent gnarlmaw, you can treat a battleshock roll of 2 or more as an unmodified roll of 1". Enemy armies then have to at least try and give a debuff to our battleshock rolls to prevent it:  there is a clear counter to it.

    There are so many ways a rewritten gnarlmaw warscroll could help us. What if Gnarlmaws could also activate Locus abilities like a Daemon hero? Or NURGLE WIZARDS standing within 1" of a Gnarlmaw can add 1 to spellcasting rolls by taking advantage of the mystical energies emanating from the Garden of Nurgle? Or units without the NURGLE keyword within 3" take a minus to bravery because they're close enough to glimpse the horrors within. Or the damage from a gnarlmaw could increase with unit size (0-10 models: 1 MW, 10-20 models: d3 MW, 21+ Models: d6 MW) making it better against big battleline units but not making it unreasonably strong against heroes.

    I don't think we're going to get any re-written warscrolls though. Historically that's not what the GHB has been used for.

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I agree with you, but at this point Nnurgle summoning is a joke. What do you guys summon? 10 plaguebearers a game? MAYBE 3 drones? Ive never been able to drop 3 drones on the table. Its always 10 plaguebois, maybe a second tree. Ive never been able to SNIFF summoning a GUO. But in contrast, my slaanesh opponent last game had enough depravity to summon a KOS, and was only 9 away from summoning another KOS

    Truth. I find that I always either summon a Gnarlmaw to allow run and charge or I save points to put down as many plaguebearers as possible to reinforce a unit of 30 plaguebearers that just got massacred on an objective.

    I honestly think that if you made no changes except buffing our summoning mechanics we'd be in a much better place. It seems thematically appropriate to me that Nurgle Daemons should multiply and spread quickly over a landscape like an outbreak of a virus. Compared to other summoning armies I've played though we definitely very slow. Seraphon seems to summon a whole second army worth of skinks every other turn. I know there are builds to maximize summoning potential, but it comes at the cost of all the other things we have that keep us relevant. Nurgle's menagerie for example will net you tons of contagion points, but you have to take Nurgle's menagerie. Also if my opponent was taking Nurgle's menagerie you know I'm going to prioritize killing Horticulous as fast as possible so the battalion becomes a dead weight. Command traits and artefacts that grant additional contagion points tend not to generate much or generate them reliably (usually 1 point at a time based on a set of conditions being met). And if you take those, you're missing out on things like the Witherstave, Rustfang, Grandfather's Blessings etc etc...

    • Like 1
  12. I think it's important to consider how changes to Matched Play Point cost of some units will affect things like their perceived value for summoning. For example, if Spoilpox Scriveners and Sloppity Bilepipers have their value reduced to 80, that means that they would cost as much as 10 Plaguebearers to summon but be worth almost half as many matched play points. Are they going to readjust the summoning point values along with the matched play points?

    Also, they may have a worse damage profile than a feculent gnarlmaw, but a unit of 3 Nurglings has 12 wounds and self-healing. A beast has 7 wounds and can actually do a little damage, even though it's infuriatingly swingy and unreliable. I actually agree that they could both do with going down to 80, but I also think there's a really good chance that won't happen.

    I don't want people to get their hopes up too much and be disappointed. I would love to see some of these predictions come true, but they're very optimistic.

  13. Normally I would be cagey about allying in something because so many of our abilities have negative effects on units without the NURGLE keyword. However, with that 2+ Mortal Wound save she's protected from the worst of it...

    Allied wizards can't take a Lore spell, either from their own lores or Nurgle's I believe.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Darkfine said:

    So, I’m curious if anyone else is struggling to stay relevant lately?  

    The army has always been dependent on getting spells off and stacking various bonuses but it doesn’t feel like enough anymore.

    Has Nurgle just naturally passed out of the limelight for the time being?

    I think we suffer a little from being the first battletome made with AOS2 in mind. We got the unique scenery, but no endless spells. Newer armies have lots of abilities that emphasize things like being able to attack first or attack twice which we don't have. Like you say, some of our best tools are powerful buffing/debuffing spells but we have very few ways to improve our spellcasting, which means that some of our best lists also have some of the hardest counters. We're probably going to be at the bottom of the list for further rebalancing or new toys too since there are many more factions waiting for their AOS2 battletome release. Best get comfortable with what we have, it's unlikely to change for the foreseeable future except for some gentle point tweaking in the GHB2019.

    That being said I think we're doing better than a lot of other armies. We have a great set of tools, they're just not as dependable as the newer armies benefitting from a bit of power creep. We have to pursue our unique strengths to win games, like our innate tankiness, excellent unit synergies and easy access to units from Skaven Pestilens and probably the upcoming Slaves/Darkoath battletome. We're in a fairly middle of the road position now, but these things change and when they do you won't have the heartbreak of being overpowered and seeing your uber-powerful army get nerfed to a shadow of their former selves. By the time we're the new hotness again, your experiences playing with an average powered army will have made you a better general because you won't be able to rely on whatever overpowered gimmick is currently the flavour of the month.

    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Hideaki said:

    Nurgle sorcerer still WiP, what do you guys think?

    Beautiful! Will look great on the table.

    48 minutes ago, soak314 said:

    Would 2 of the start collecting boxes + a GUO do me right?

    What size games are you looking to play at first? I recommend getting 10 more plaguebearers so you can field a full unit of 30 where their unit size buffs improves their tankiness substantially. But that will only leave you with 1 unit of battleline.

    50 minutes ago, soak314 said:

    Also what's a good amount of gnarlmaws to own?

    IMO you should have no less than 2, ideally 3 or more. You start with one for free and will regularly summon them even without horticulous slimux. They're very useful.

    • Thanks 2
  16. 1 hour ago, sal4m4nd3r said:


    Does blight cyst require 4 units of blightkings? I could be mistaken but I think it does. It’s hard to combine Glott and Blightcyst. I did for last years NOVA and came in 3rd overall, but I had a couple decent matchups, and got a lucky roll doing 10 damage to Nagash in game 5 from Glotts vomit shooting attack! So a bit of luck. 

    Its funny because I don’t particularly like the epidemics model either. But I used him and a corpse cart to kitbash my own warshrine. Also I used poxwalkera from 40k death guard to make Nurgle maruaders. Just tossing out my own experiences with these models. It’s prudent of you to wait for a darkoath/everchosen/std book. Plaguebearers having 10 bravery and a natural 5++ is ability to regenerate via battleshock is GREAT. Especially since your list doesn’t include a harbinger. I think it will be a dope combo with Glott. 

    Nope, minimum 3, maximum 6. I actually really like your idea of replacing Glott with a GUO. Not least because Glott isn't painted yet and that's going to be quite a big project since that model is so wonderfully detailed. I'm going to have to tinker a bit more and come up with a list that I'm happy with.


    PLEASE report back on your experience with Rancid/portals/vortex. Btw we need a nickname for this 😆

    Oh yeah, all the best cheese needs a name for people to use when they demand a nerf in the next FAQ :D Rancid BS? (Balewind Spellportals)?

  17. 10 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    glott, harbinger, gutrot, sorcerer, 40 marauders, 25 kings, balewind, spell portals, +1 cp


    That seems like a really solid list. The Harbinger will make a great combo with the marauders and you can never have enough blight kings.

    • Like 1
  18. 4 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Not bad! but the list comes in at 2320 ^_^

    You quoted a version I posted by mistake halfway through. The edited version above is dead on 2k.

    You make a decent point about the warshrine and I vastly prefer the model. Epidemius is my least favourite model in the nurgle range by a mile. Maybe my least favourite model in general. It's worth switching just for that. I'm keeping the Plaguebearers though, because I already have those and they're already painted lol. I'm holding off picking up any marauders until the Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath battletome comes out hopefully later this year. I suspect there will be some changes to warscrolls and maybe even some new models so I want to hold off on investing in them until I know it's a good investment to make.

    • Like 1
  19. Here's my first draft of a list I could paint up to make use of this. Any thoughts/suggestions? I wouldn't normally bother with Epidemius but surely this is the list for him. Apart from potentially getting all his buffs on the table much faster and easier than usual, he won't be the main target for deepstrikes/sniping while that sorcerer is on the board.


    Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle [200pts]

    The Glottkin [420pts]: Blades of Putrefaction

    Lord of Blights [140pts]

    Sorcerer [120pts]: Muttergrub, Rancid Visitations



    30 x Plaguebearers [320pts]

    5 x Blight Kings [160pts]

    5 x Blight Kings [160pts]

    5 x Blight Kings [160pts]


    Battalion: Blight Cyst [220pts]

    Balewind Vortex [40pts]

    Umbral Spellportal [60pts]


    ++ Total: [2000pts] ++

  20. 1 minute ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Well if you put the RS on the 30.5" line from enemy deployment you can get an un-unbindable balewind cast off. Then it goes 1" in front (so 1 free inch essentially) and then the balewind is >4" so thats 5 inches extra total. Now your basically on the front of your line. You would still only be able to cross 18"/24" no mans land. but with the 9" range you would be able to reach into the enemies lines 3"

    This would make only rancid visitations unbindable. 

    Stop, I'm getting lightheaded :x

  21. 5 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Also is a 5,6,6 not 5,6,7. Spell portal is 5. Balewind is 6. Rancid Visitations is 6. 

    Oh damn, I guess I must have assumed wrongly since most Nurgle Lores are 7. Probability of rolling above a 6 on 2 dice is 68.75% and rolling above a 5 is 87.5% so that just makes this combo even more attractive. The biggest threat to it's success is a good unbinding roll or some kind of unbind buffing shenanigans from a magic heavy army. Still, you can get great results even without the balewind range buff - being able to project that zone of death across such a range and with no immediate risk to the caster is excellent.

    I guess my Rotbringer Sorcerer just moved to the top of my painting queue!

    • Like 1
  22. 16 hours ago, Dreadmund said:

    Upon further thought I don't think it would actually work. I think I would be able to target a unit within 3 inches of the spellportal, but it would only deal a number of wounds equal to the amount of models from that unit within 3" of the caster which would be zero. I got excited at the idea of using a mortal spell other than blades of putrefaction for once but alas...

    Sorry for the double post but this has been bugging me all night. I think it might actually work! Here's my reasoning.

    I posted a topic in the rules questions section yesterday asking about the interaction between Rancid Visitations and the Balewind Vortex:

    In it, @Isotop cited the designers commentary for the core rules where it says this:


    Q: Sometimes a spell will have an area of effect (e.g. all models from a unit that are within 18" of the caster, or all models within 3" of a point on the battlefield that is within 24" of the caster). If an ability increases the range of the spell, is the size of this area of effect increased by the same amount as the range is increased? A: If the area of effect is measured from the caster, yes. If the area of effect is measured from a point on the battlefield, no – the ability will increase the range to the point on the battlefield instead. To carry on your example, if an ability increased the range of a spell by 6", then in the first case the spell would affect all the models from the unit that were within 24" of the caster instead of 18", while in the second case the range of the point on the battlefield would be 30" instead of 24" but the spell would still only affect models within 3" of that point. Note that if area of effect is measured from a point on the battlefield, and that point is ‘anywhere on the battlefield’, then an ability that increases the range will have no effect on that spell.

    This means that Rancid Visitations can be cast from atop a balewind to affect a 9 inch radius around the caster, instead of 3 inches. Pretty dope. But it also seems to imply that the "range" of a spell is any part of a spell that measures from the caster, rather than from a point on the battlefield. If this is true, then a spellportal which says it allows you to measure"...the range and visibility of the spell..." from the other spellportal should in theory move both the point from which you determine a target unit and the point from which you determine valid models in range to being the portal instead of the caster. This is in contrast to Plaguewind, where it specifically says you have to "draw a line back to the caster" to determine the area of effect and therefore doesn't return to the spellportal (as has been discussed earlier in this thread).

    This implies that you could A) cast rancid visitations at range through a spellportal and B) could cast rancid visitations from atop a balewind, through a spellportal to affect a 9 inch radius bubble at range. That seems ludicrous, but also within the rules?

    Am I crazy for thinking this works? It just seems too powerful, especially against any horde unit that only has a single wound per model and doesn't have a mortal wound save. You could certainly lock down an objective with it since the area of effect is bigger than the scoring area around a point. There are ways to play around it obviously: kill the caster, unbind any of the three spells, the maggotkin player failing any of the spell rolls (it requires three successful spellcasting rolls of 5, 6 and 7)... Also, since rancid visitation is a Rotbringer lore spell and standing on a balewind require you have less than 9 wounds this combo could only be achieved by a Sorcerer or Festus the Leechlord. Casting through a spellportal could be achieved by any Rotbringer wizard though.

    What does everyone here think?

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