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Everything posted by Alexonian

  1. so (allegedly) the mangler squigs are 50 £ , rockgut troggoths 35 £ , sneaky snufflers 25 £ , dankhold troggoth 40 £ , gobbapalooza 30 £ and lastly loonboss 15 £ not sure if its been posted already
  2. up on preorder on NZ, squig hoppers are boxes of 10
  3. If that turns out to be true that changes things a lot, the box goes from a very bad deal to as you say a very good deal, and I'll take 2 to start with
  4. I love it, will reward GW by buying all the squigs
  5. I just hope we get squigs and that they are not boxes of 5...
  6. that's exactly what I would do, but as they teased moonclan I'm saving my money instead
  7. not sure what I want the most, but I hope there is at least a small gap between cause I cant afford moonclan and slaanesh at the same time
  8. they do really like to use "soon" I don't think I'm on same page as Gw what soon is though
  9. yeah and I hope it isn't to far of, but since they showed the moonclan battletome but didn't show any new models and claim they are the next battletome one can assume its gonna be while I bet its going to be precisely that
  10. only need plastic keeper of secrets and I'm going to be super happy
  11. if they give me plastic squigs and slaanesh stuff at the same time.....how am I supposed to handle it all
  12. I think you are right, Gw loves to neglect destruction after all
  13. Something tells me that with (one would assume) 5 boxed for each system, that stormcast is definitely one of them , and nighthaunt is almost a certainty another, then with Deepkin being one that only leaves two more which have me very interested, I assume one will be chaos of some sort(khorne/tzeentch or nurgle, and with tzeentch getting one last year and deathguard being one of the 40k ones my money is on nurgle) could the last one then be destruction? beastclaw raiders or ironjawz?
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