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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. 9 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    The current Tzeentch book is ... not accurate. It doesn't contain the new summoning rules, and almost every warscroll has had a lot of errata. I think Kairic Acolytes might legitimately be the only unchanged warscroll (and that's only because they should have been and I think GW forgot). Maybe the blue scribes? 

    Several traits don't do what the book says anymore, same with spells. 

    Yeah, with so many changes the book is a true mess. I also think the LoC is highly overcosted at the moment - I mean Thanquol is 400 points and arguably a better pick in most situations.

  2. 3 hours ago, Asimov said:

    I cut the plastic bit on the back of the mini and then drill for a 2*1mm magnet. On the quivers/scrolls/daggers there is a hole already, you just need to make it a bit bigger. The magnets are poping out a bit, but once put together it is unoticable. I can take a picture once at home if you like

    I found the hardest part was drill the feet to have them magnetizd on the discs. It is hard to have them balanced. 

    Just shows me how dumb I am - I never thought about just cutting away the round shape and replace it with a magnet... magnetizing the tzaangors to the discs - I totally believe you how hard that is... it's already quite annoying to have them stay in place with normal glue. I think I'll steal that idea from you with magnetizing the accessoires, that seems manageable, but I guess mine will be fixed to the discs with plastic glue when the time comes (I've currently fixated them with a tiny bit of superglue so that I can take it apart when it's time to paint them...).

  3. 1 hour ago, Asimov said:

    I magnetised the quivers x)

    You're pretty handy then! I didn't glue that part yet as my Disc Tzaangors are still unprimed plastic but I'm not sure how if I will pull it off with the tiny Enlightened parts (scrolls, dagger, etc.). Seems pretty damn hard. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Elmir said:

    I don't mind answering at all...

    I've used bird sand. It's the type of super fine sand (often with some ground up sea shells in there) they put on the bottom of bird cages to act as a type of litter.  Costs next to nothing, but is indeed a lot finer than traditional modelling sand. 

    Thanks so much for the help! I've looked into chinchilla (I hope that's how you spell them...) sand on amazon but didn't order it because I wasn't sure that the sand would be finer. Well, now I at least know that sand for birds is the perfect size! TY!

  5. 1 hour ago, Asimov said:

    I totally with Magnus. I would add that I magnetized the tzaangors on discs so I can run both as I wish. It is fairly easy with 2*1mm magnets that you glue on the little plastic bit behind the chest by just cutting half of it.
    Moreover, I plan to run them in 40k in my Tousand Sons army where the bows are better than the spears. 
    So go for magnets!

    As long as you don't run into THAT guy who complains about them having no quivers (or Enlightened having quivers). A friend told me about that when he visited a local GW, apparently there really are such people around! 😂

  6. That archregent looks really great, I really dig the pale, blue-ish look you got going on the skin - and I also love your basing on it. Would you be so kind and give me a hint where you get such fine sand for basing? It looks really awesome as its size works way better with miniatures than most sand I've seen used - hope you don't mind the question but there are so many talented people here I kinda have to ask and learn a few things... 

  7. 11 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    I think flamers, exalted, chariots, and screamers just all need full rewrites honestly (along with the Fatemaster). They are all just incredibly flawed warscrolls, simultaneously being way too fragile and offense light for their cost while also lacking any support roles. I don't think points changes are going to fix them. Changeling and non-foot horrors need some tweaking as well, though to a far lesser extent.

    Enlightened should go back up to 160 and I would like to see Skyfires drop to 180 given the modern state of the game, and their recent changes. I think the Ogroid should go back down to 160 as well. GS with Familiars should go up in points given it effectively has 4 more wounds and +1 to cast over the normal version. I still disagree with the LoC being 380 for what it currently brings to the table. I feel it should be a 3 spell caster at that point. I feel the Chaos Sorcerer Lord could also drop down a small bit as well.

    Can you quickly get a job at GW just to pitch them those changes? :D

  8. Well, they could easily have some kind of Mordheim up at the Allpoints - maybe a haunted city of "normal" people that used to live there. It does sound interesting and I can't wait to see the terrain that might come with it.

    Personally I was really hoping to see new Chosen minis (or more of Darkoath/Slaanesh in general) but at least the 40k Chaos reveal was lovely. Yeah, I'm impatient.

    Khorne getting endless spells prayers before Tzeentch is kinda ironic though. :D 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    I'm picturing a Skaven vs. Skaven game now with the tabletop absolutely riddled with holes like a big Swiss cheese, units popping in and out of them all over the place in a big endless game of rat & mouse.

    "rat and mouse" here, take my like! :D

  10. 44 minutes ago, chord said:

    Really?!?  I've had to put a rule up, I refuse to play anyone that speaks like that during games.  I'll take a loss first before have to endure it

    I've never heard someone do IRL. Just on this forum and I find it hilarious. xD

    I've heard it in this awesome (and very weird) video though and loved it: 


    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. I like the new releases (especially the throne) but sorry to see that not everyone is happy. I don't know why but Skaven are tempting me more and more.... I guess it's Skreech with writing yes-yes or kill-kill all the time, I love it, "Skaven-speak" always makes me smile.

    Edit: Oh and those dice are the first really cool ones. Easy to read and looking very cool. I wish the Tzeentch ones were this good.

  12. 2 hours ago, Asimov said:

    Really liked painting Vilitch:

    I agree though, it could use a  new style and the Fatemaster do need a good revamped. 

    I'd say Vilitch is still a great model (I also got one but mine isn't painted yet - nice job btw.) and the right size but Finecast isn't plastic... ;) The Fatemaster needs an update ASAP though, you're right on that one - he really sticks out in a bad way IMO.

  13. Well, Darkoath so far doesn't look sophisticated enough for Tzeentch anyways. They're not far from mere animals compared to our glorious minions. ;) Nobody you'd want to play with would mind you using acolytes as marauders though.

    I hope that we get new Chaos Warriors or at least Chosen/Varanguard on foot. I love my Tzeentch stuff dearly but I want at least a unit or two of sexy new Warriors or Chosen simply because they are iconic, got me into Warhammer and while the basic models are actually still quite good, their static pose really dates em. They'd also be great for converting Curselings and Fatemasters (I do dig Vilitch though).

  14. Thanks for the answer - I don't see the extra spell on the online warscroll of the BWV but that is probably outdated. Either way, a Gaunt with three spells is amazing. The guy (and the LoC, though he's so damn expensive at almost 400 points...) is the one character that always does his job.

  15. 17 hours ago, obmik1 said:

    Make the gaunt your general and give him arcane sacrifice on the balewind he has an impressive 3 spells at 33" and also kills d3 pinks or blues to farm points for summoning.

    Sorry for troubling you but how do you get the GS to cast 3 spells a turn? That would be truly awesome...

  16. What strikes always strikes me as a bit weird is the way their judgement from afar is worded: "... inflicts d3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound/save roll)" - kinda reads as if special abilites like Nurgle's couldn't be used here either (of course they would but the way it's worded it sounds as if no save ability (including Disgustingly resilient) was allowed)

  17. 1 hour ago, Goodapollo4 said:

    IJ vs Sylvaneth, updating both books, maybe a new hero for each ala-Carrion Empire...This is how you give a quick update to all our "old" AOS factions. 

    IJ could really use more than a single hero though. They are pretty limited in terms of units, perhaps the most limited force so far (I don't know all, so I could be wrong). What they do, they do well but it would be great if IJ - or Orruks of any flavor - had more options to choose from. Maybe they'll start fusing stuff together more now that some factions had a few pretty awesome releases. Or perhaps give some armies more of a bonus for taking certain allies... (like more than so many % of the army could be from X allied faction or Y allied faction will benefit from certain army rules and so on and on).

    Then it would be up to the player to make limited, ultra-elite lists like current IJ. I'm feeling extremely blessed with my big love Tzeentch having so many options - I could use Warriors, Tzaangors/Arcanites and Daemons all at once and that is amazing. The only thing I could wish for are new sculpts (for Warriors or Chosen), a better way for Varanguard to work under Tzeentch (one can wish...) but the first thing is probably just a matter of time - and I hope other factions will land at such a great spot one day too. Not that they are as great or deserving as loyal followers of Tzeentch but let's just say us Tzeentchians are merciful creatures. B)

  18. Oh, I certainly don't want to give off the vibe that I doubt they'll get there in time and create a great new high-fantasy world.

    I just think they need to do it in such a way that people who don't read the books still get a great grasp of what this world (or these worlds) are supposed to look like. They did that in WHFB and 40k already - long, long before fans of the setting got a new book every few weeks and usually only had the armybooks (and the odd (I mean odd as in irregular, not weird) story in White Dwarf) to go by. If they can add some of that crucial world-building from the BL into their gaming supplies (like the next core books etc., the last one was a first try to explain things better - but hell, even the video with Phil Kelly explaining stuff left lots of people dumbfounded, it's kinda messy), many people (myself included) would be less confused and much more into it.

  19. 14 hours ago, TheGreatEnchanter said:

    I appreciate that this forum is a place for AoS positivity, but surely I’m allowed to say I like the system but hate the lore without being told to not play a game?  

    Yes, and personally I think someone telling you that your choice of words is a problem ("detest" whine whine - nailing his post down to the use of a particular verb just shows that you never wanted to give a single thought to his argument anyways, so don't reply) is a problem in itself. I agree that the setting really needs something to ground it/some more work as I still don't feel like I really know all that much about it. Endless space with countless worlds is a simpler universe to relate than the realms at the moment - so GW needs to find a way to make people relate to it.

    I don't know the perfect answer but I think some kind of limitation is actually the key - either you limit the endless realms (i know, I know, they are so unstable at the edges that they kinda have ends - but then again each one of them is still so huge they make Earth seem tiny) or you limit what like 95% of towns/cities look like (with the floating city in the skies being an exception and not just one particular special snowflake out of 1000000000 snowflakes (the others being underwater, built in trees, built on cogs rotating around themselves and other stuff) so that people can at least get some kind of feel.... or you limit the perspective by finally adding a more normal perspective. 

    Right now it looks like Darkoath will be the most normal faction there is (not counting the old ones from WHFB) - and Chaos-worshipping barbarians aren't exactly normal either. 

    I really like the whole He-Man/Diablo vibe they got going and love AoS for making my whole group care about WHFB once more but they need to give us some reference "fast" (it's okay to take your time actually) and stop doing the whole 10000000 snowflakes thing, it's poison in a way as the mind can#t construct a definite image. Dumb example: I got no clue what a standard house in the mortal realms looks like. In WHFB I knew exactly what to expect. Hell, even in Eternia or Sanctuary (from Diablo) those things were clearly defined. I'd like AoS to give us some kind of idea as this will actually add to it being something tangible, not make the whole thing seem smaller. I know they do this because they want people to be able to make up their own ideas (like houses insides living trees in Ghyran or floating cities in Chamon) but in the end us consumers want to build on an existing world, not one we have to create ourselves. We already create our army for said world.

    Just my 2 cents, might be worth less than that but I get if people think something is amiss - and I'm very fond of AoS so far and don't mind Stormcast one bit (I don't find them very interesting though, but hey, everyone's taste differs).

    • Like 2
  20. I just wanted to add one thing to the above post: Small units of Screamers are trash. I love the models dearly but their use is so specific that there are usually a million better options for those summoning points (or points) out there. They'd be great if they always did 1d3 wounds but so far I haven't found great use for them that Enlightened aren't way better at for only a few points more.  

    My friends don't field many monster though so your mileage may vary. As it stands they are the one Tzeentch unit that IMO needs a buff the most.

    Reading this thread, it also looks like regular Tzaangors are in need of some love now as well... well, let's hope Darkoath will bring good Chaos Warrior sculpts (well, good is the wrong word, they aren't bad but pretty dated compared to the new stuff thanks to their poses), then at least we got a sexy alternative for them.

    Oh and while I'm at it: I think our sorcerers cost too much now.

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