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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. 21 minutes ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

    I guess it's just a practical consideration, if they didn't have resource to produce fully redone Chaos Warriors with all three weapon combinations, and also Chosen, there was no point having the one new set look gigantic or majorly aesthetically different  compared to the old ones they sold/are still selling in a Battleforce box

    The fluff has always been like "if you run into a chaos warrior it's game over man"; in Vermintide they're basically giants and killing one of them takes a fair while

    Then they should get their priorities right xD - no other single unit sold as much as Chaos Warriors in WHFB. If Chaos got a dedicated multipart release, it would've sold like mad too. Easily outdoing many other popular kits. I think them being hulking brutes is part of their charm. Nobody asked for Fish-Aleves or SCE (I don't mind them at all, just saying), but people asked for new CWs since AoS first dropped. This is a case where company interests ($$$) and fan interests 100% overlap. So I'm quite baffled. But I'll try to see the good in it - perhaps a good plastic Chosen kit will come in the near future and those guys will be as big as CWs should be according to fluff. 

    But the major gripe I have is this: I like the whole "two sides of a medal" thing - like when loyalists and traitors were the same size or when now SCE and CW would've been the same size. It might just be my weird mind but it feels so much more epic if two "evenly matched" warriors face off. I know, it's not exactly realistic and doesn't have to do all that much with height anyways but still - it's a beautiful picture.

  2. 5 hours ago, bsharitt said:

    I don't think Chaos warriors needed to be bigger, and certainly not as big as Stormcasts since they're just normal humans who happen to fight for Chaos. So this isn't a situation like the new Chaos Space marines being bigger where that was just a correction of their scale(why they couldn't just do that for regular space marines instead of going the Primaris route is a discussion for another board).

    Not fully on-topic but: Even normal Chaos Warriors are "superhumans" though. At least they used to be. When their armor became part of their body (it's not really removable and "heals"), their normal strength and size were remade as well. See the old Champions of Chaos book for an example (I started in 5th ed). I'm fine with them being less than what they used to be ...but why they change that is beyond me (it also lessens the reason to become a worshipper of Chaos when you can be a just as great if you serve Sigmar). And meanwhile Varanguard are so gigantic they make SCE look like shrimps that they're almost too big. Oh well...

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, RUNCMD said:

    Here's to a new tome for us in 2020 btw! I'm very much looking forward to it :D

    Apparently Battletome DoT and KO are gone from the store - I guess this is a good sign that we'll very soon get a new BT. I do hope they won't have to change so much after they release it....


    Oh and a Curseling and/or Fatemaster. We could use some cool armored heroes. Hell, the Curseling could look the same just make him in plastic as Finecast sucks big time and I never got a metal one.

  4. A bit off-topic but damn, the new Chaos Warriors are still shorter than Blood Warriors or Stormcast. :(

    Some of their details seem to be tiny - either they can print even smaller now or they scaled them down to fit in with the old Warriors - which would suggest no new kit. And there's my rumour theory! :)

  5. Might not be what you initially though of but strongly drybrushing their armor in a dark metallic and then using a shade like nuln oil or a contrast paint (like black templar) can make for a decent, almost-black but metallic look that suits Chaos Warriors exceptionally well. And it's quicker than both regular painting and contrast as the pooling is less of a problem here than on regular tones. Plus you could give a very light second drybrush with a lighter metallic tone to get a pretty good result and that would take an extra minute per figure for a truly superior result.

    Black needs a bit of love with a regular paintjob - it's IMO one of the easiest colors if you're good at edge highlights (as that is like 80 percent of the work unless you go for a golden demon), less so if not (as most of it should stay black, else it'll look grey, dark blue or dark green) and I don't think the armor has enough details to be a good candidate for contrast black.

    Hope this helps a bit and good luck!


    edit: if you go for a wash or contrast, get the respective medium as it makes it usually try better on the flat surfaces/panels/shields etc.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    my hope is that they do something similar but even more out there for the Tzeentch tome, I can imagine an ability where you could roll your priority dice for every turn right at the start of the game, so you know what your results will be and can plan accordingly

    One of the guys in our group rages because of the destiny dice already (in his defense, he had to endure some really lucky rolls from me even before the DD came into play), this would definitely give him a heartattack. 

  7. 46 minutes ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    Side note: I don't believe the game is anywhere near good enough to carry itself regardless of the quality of the miniatures. 


    Y'know, it would be interesting (in another thread) to see if people could come up with rules that made the gameplay much better than it is. I guess speeding up certain phases would make it more fun but I'm no game designer. 

  8. 12 hours ago, Túrbóbelja said:

    There are many things we do not know yet. What will happen to the weapon options for knights and warriors? Are we stuck using old warriors for banners and musicians? Will the new lord replace the old? What is the deal with a flail being a weapon option for a lord on foot? Is he on a larger base in today's picture? Will we get more kits in a new year? How will the warcry units mix into the book? What is the cultist keyword? How awesome will Archeon be? How will marks work? Will we get god-aligned battalions? Chosen might remain the same models or not, but aren't they resin? New GW doesn't like resin.

    Perhaps they're keeping the old stuff in there (like the Chosen/old warriors) at the start so that those plastic/resin kits get sold before they bring out new Chosen/mp warriors. Which would really ****** potential customers off. :/ That would just make some guys bitter. 

    Maybe there's a better reason for it and Chosen will get an upgrade and become more integrable into mono-god lists, y'know as in chosen by their patron. Still, a trickling release for STD units that won't have overlap (as in monopose and new multi-part warriors) is a weird decision. Unless the new Chosen would be so much cooler nobody would ever buy regular Warriors again. 

  9. Keeping old Chosen (when they could easily make new ones by ripping off their own Varanguard kit, GW is into copy/paste these days anyways) and not doing a new multipart kit for Warriors (like they (and I before them) said - the most iconic Warhammer Fantasy unit) seems kinda dumb to me to be honest. But whatever, I'm fine with it as these will be good enough for conversions. Still a dubious move when this army sold me more than a few others combined back in WHFB days and would now sell more than fringe group factions like Fyreslayers or Idoneth Deepkin.... I don't get it but perhaps they know something we don't or maybe most heavily armored Chaos warrior fans went on to collect Khorne and Nurgle and won't bother switching now. There's gotta be some reason as they're not exactly allergic to money.

  10. Well, having bought the Fimir warriors before they were gone, I can only say that the mold wasn't too shabby, so that didn't seem to have played into it. Or I got lucky as I got a great cast. That said, I pretty much only had great casts from Forgeworld so far. 

    Being quite big on the whole "******" look of the Death Korps (yeah, I know they're not really ****** and with my nickname one shouldn't go there anyways, but the nickname is from one of my favorite CDs (by an American band) I ordered a HUGE amount of them back when they were new. I only checked the casts to see if they were good and I wouldn't say the Fimir are any worse than prime DKOK. Which reminds me that I should really sell them as I'll never get around to painting them anyways. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Deepkin said:


    Male elves would be nice too I guess, but why start making them now after 30 years i guess.

    Wow, what a burn! xD 

    Nice points about the SCE, I learned something new.

    I think the whole female discussion is really only down to execution. If they do it well, nobody will complain unless it's really not fitting in any way or shape. No concrete example springs to mind but let's say an army gets some high-born hero class that is only available to the first-born sons or something. Personally I identify more with male models as I'm a guy but it would only help the hobby as a whole if more women got involved. 

    They should be a bit braver and play with gender when Slaaneshi Mortals come around. That's like the perfect place to add all that stuff in nowadays, where where on social media a loud few are so confused as to what they are xD

    One thing that baffles me is how few are fans of Sister's of Battle faces - I saw a few attractive ones in there (often with huge scars, that's even cooler IMO) and at this scale they do have to exagerrate certain features. Most noses e.g. are too small on minis. A nose can be almost as wide as mouth, especially when screaming. And a broad-nosed black Sororita gets flak now because her nose a bit too wide. Yeah, probably they think it's racist, I disagree on that. Or would it be racist if they gave some white guy a bump on his nose, as we have them most often? And I think everyone knows that there are black people with tiny noses, whites without bumps and so on and on. No wonder everyone in Hollywood gets a nosejob.


  12. 46 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    To me it doesn't feel like it's been handled in a natural and realistic way. It can come across as their being a quota.

    AoS's background has a long, long way to go before its realms will feel like a truly good setting IMO, but hopefully it'll get there - right now we can only judge it by standards of similar or related settings and in there an overabundance of females would feel "off". Anyways, totally agreed about the female quota - a female character is cool if done right; e.g. Ripley or Sarah Connor (funny how old examples from the 80s are so much superior to the new brand of "super-OP-mega-female chars). If not, it feels tacky and the creators will whine about sexist man-pigs not being open enough to give them a chance. Which is simply an excuse.

    It's really simple: all they need to do is make/write them good. The Avengers scene with all females was cringe-worthy. That Bat-Woman thing from the show was pathetic ("suit's gonna be perfect when it fits a woman!"), Ripley was awesome, despite some cheesy stuff and lines ("get away from her, you b...!" "mommy!"). All that's needed are a few things: good characters, a plausible explanation and not a single guy (except for idiots) would ever dream of complaining about a female figure in a work of fiction or otherwise. In the case of Stormcast Eternals it's kinda unusual to see many women, as "realistically" (based on humanity's history, even if that doesn't really apply in fantasy), not many females would become legendary warriors that get reborn as SCEs but whatever. I feel the female characters work much better in more rag-tag units like barbarians or an all-female force but it doesn't bother me yet in Warhammer. Could be done more organically but it's kinda difficult here as well to be fair. Either way, long story short: get good writers and lots of things will work that might feel tacky otherwise. Especially when I look at Hollywood that advise is much-needed: so few movies nowadays have decent scripts, feels like a lost art.

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  13. No idea what politics have to do with mini sizing and why Trump's name gets thrown around - it's kinda insane to blame the man for everything even if you don't like him or agree with his politics. I'm not blaming my president for unrelated problems either and he was out of all our candidates the one whose politics I least agree(d) with - but so what... 

    Either way, subtract the hight of the bases and some minis fall into 28mm scale. It doesn't really matter though. Yes, nowadays most GW stuff is too big for 28mm, some less so some more so because they're supposed to be huge. That often recited heroic 28mm is an excuse to simply be creative with the scale and proportions.

  14. 44 minutes ago, Túrbóbelja said:

    I play both S2D and Tzeentch and my primary opponent collects Seraphon. I don't know we are going to handle the first months of 2020 O.o 

    I hope Seraphon get some cool stuff. I play Tzeentch (and now with some STD Warriors) too but we got almost everything we need. Spells would be fitting as T is the God of magic, the two missing chars in plastic are less important (would be cool though).

    But.. here's the actual thing I wanna add: with sisters getting a multipart release after the pushfits (like many other units before them), it's kinda safe to assume that Chaos Warriors might get one too at the start of 2020.

  15. Personally I'd like them to focus less on adding new left-field factions but rather add to/flesh out some of the "mini-factions". Fireslayers, KO, IJ or FEC for example. They got very few kits, that doesn't feel like a proper army to me. Other factions desperately need updated kits, like Seraphon, Skaven or CoS (which unfortunately seems to be the red-headed stepkid). I still believe that a proper human/mixed favtion that represents "normal" people is what's needed to give the setting some kind of footing even if things are becoming better.

    I expect them to add one more Aelf faction, not sure we'll see new SC that soon but it's a good bet. I don't know how well they sell but they got more kits than a few other armies combined so a sinbgle kit or two would be enough as well. While I get that Aelf players might want something more classical than Fish-Alves or Almost-Nekkid-Aleves, I personally think that a third Aelf faction (fourth if the Beastgrave-guys become a proper faction outside of being added to the Sylvaneth force) isn't exactly what's needed most at the moment, so I'd rather see lots of armies get a kit or two instead. Then again I understand fans of classic Aelves being hella impatient by now. I'd be. I hope they'll find the right balance so that the least amount of fans is unhappy... (not easy) But how big's the market for more Aelves anyways? Lots of people "dislike" aelves so I'm not sure how big the market is for too many Aelf factions (Kurnoti, Idoneth, Morathi's gals, "Light" + "Dark" Aelves? That's a lot...)

    Tzeentch, whom I play, should )in theory) get endless spells as the God of Magic and I'd love to see a plastic Curseling and/or Fatemaster but none of those things are terribly important. With a few changes the army would be in an amazing place so no major update is needed. My one wish would be to not need 10 pages of errata with the new BT. 

    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Actually if you compare a top end computer or even a modern generation console - that's an army in cost before you can even play. In contrast many of the tools for wargames are pretty simple and cheap (even if you get them at Gw's inflated prices). Plus most (barring paints and glues) will last you YEARS. A new generation console might last you a handful of years before its replaced. 

    Of course in contrast a new game might only be the cost of a few models and you can argue that your home PC does more than "just" play games. However in general I don't think the price difference between the two is all that great if you're buying new products. 


    Heck I've got a harddrive failing (boo) and that's likely going to cost me as much if not more than a Great Demon of Slaanesh to replace. 

    Indeed, very valid points - the cost of the consoles and/or PC have to be taken into consideration as well. At least nowadays you won't need a new computer every 2-3 years. I can remember the times when a PC was hopelessly outdated after like 3 years because specs got better so fast. Now I only got a MacPro (the trashcan) and for my work stuff it's good enough despite being far from perfect. I do play games on a WIN partition with it and most stuff runs reasonably well but I plan to buy a ridiculous gaming PC soon. It should light up like a christmas tree! And well, when I think what that'll cost me, Warhammer is suddenly  a less expensive hobby.


    Edit: Oh and good luck with your hdd!

  17. Well, I don't want to brag but so far price increases haven't bothered me. Yes, it's far from a cheap hobby and compared to fun stuff like videogames it feels terribly expensive to shell out the same amount for a few pieces of plastic but oh well... going out and getting a few good drinks or an expensive dinner is even more expensive if I think about how much enjoyment I get out of these things - good food and/or drinks are literally gone the next day and I can enjoy them over the course of a couple hours at most, a videogame or minis can last me days to weeks to years, depending on how long I tend to stick with them.

    I always break down any kind of investment into just that: price per hour of fun. And with that kind of thinking it's not expensive anymore, really. I'd pay even more if I didn't have to clean mold lines. ;)

    What might have helped me though is to stick with one theme - 99% of the time I only buy Tzeentch stuff or something I can use with a Tzeentch force (that limits me to DoT/StD and 1kSons/CSM, both with daemons, respectively). Obviously there are other cool factions and models out there too but seeing how I'm a very slow builder/painter I already got too much. 

    When I was younger I was a more impulsive buyer and owned a few armies. in the end I sold most of them off, not even having opened the boxes. i still got some stuff like a lot of Death korps of Krieg minis from FW that I never took out of their pack outside of inspecting the casts. That's where i was dumb. Now I know that I'm very, very slow (and purposeful) and stick to my true love, big T. And suddenly it's not a very expensive hobby anymore for me. 

  18. 8 minutes ago, Eevika said:

    I am allowed to cry owning some fimir and the entire gloomspite range 

    You could use them as troggoths I guess. I have no idea how big Fimir actually are but I think they should be somewhere in the troll range size? I don't think any guy you play against would mind as long as it's clear and the bases are the same size. And if they do mind, you might need to find other people to play with. ;)


    Edit: Oh, and you are allowed to cry of course! It's a shame. Such beautiful models getting such a bad treatment.

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