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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. 7 minutes ago, Vitch_EGS said:

    That's right.. I'm so used to normally doing mono god stuff I don't know why I said that at all.

    Yeah reading up a bit it does seem like theirs better bang for my buck in the book but the model is so cracker and a must get for my Warcry side of things. Just be a shame not to use it.

    Ah, don't mind me, I just didn't have enough sleep and thought I'd be funny. Yeah, the Myrmidon is a wasted opportunity although it's likely he'll sooner or later will get an updated (and better) warscroll. He's a prime candidate.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vitch_EGS said:

     A nurgle/khorne mono based force.

    "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means"

    That's not a mono list. Always go for mono lists to earn the favor of either Nurgle or Khorne, unless you can go for Tzeentch. Then always go for Tzeentch. Might not be the strongest but Tzeentch is the best. YAY for change! Especially spare change - this campaign runs on donations so open your hearts and purses to the Changer of Ways.

    Sorry, I'll see myself out now...

    Regarding your list: the ogroid is a handsome gentleman but those points could be used more efficiently IMO.

  3. I also see Chinese/Asian design elements, especially in Teclis. Combined with cues from other things although outside of the helmets there's very little Greek in there IMO. Whatever it is, the end result is really nice however. 

    I could imagine that since these are pretty "normal" the Malerion Aelves will be way less classical though.

  4. 5 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I am actually pleased that regular horses are still a thing.

    You need some grounding for the weirdness to show through.

    Hell, I am going to change a significant percentage of my horses to be mechanical, which would not be unsettling if there weren't any horses around!

    Plot twist: There are no horses on Hysh. *Space Puppy whimpering sound*

    And Teclis' Tauralon got the next best thing next to plastic surgery - a mask. 

    This army has enough weirdness going on. :)


    • Haha 2
  5. Kinda ironic to see Zoats (it looks great) come back before Seraphon get some new unit sculpts. That is really, really unfortunate IMO. 

    The new Aelves IMO look great. Less out there than many other new releases but I think that's actually a good thing.

    • Like 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, NJohansson said:

    The Thaumaturge seems to be strictly better at everything for just 20 points more and is a wizard with a good spell. So I do not see any reason to use the mundane Ogroid as anything else but a count as Thaumaturge (if one really likes and want to use the particular model).

    Yeah, no idea why they gave him such bad rules. It's a beautiful model that deserved much more! :)

  7. 37 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Many people already do that with the ogroid, mostly for 40K because he fits so well in a TS army 😉


    He's a bit too small for a DP I guess but he's such a fantastic model that nobody should mind. And unlike the thaumaturge this one has pretty meh rules IMO.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Drib said:
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    Keep in mind that you can not fight twice for a second time, as the Lord of Chaos and the Varanguard only allows a unit to pile in and attack a second time.

    Hmpf, true. Well, 3 fights would've been overkill anyways in 99% of cases anyways. :) Thx!

  9. 2 hours ago, Enoby said:

    What would people say is the best weapon choice for varanguard? I'd be tempted to go with daemonbound weapons, but I want to hear what others think.

    If you just use the unit without any extra things to consider (like circles), then daemonbound is the right choice IMO. If you play them with circles, I think ensorcelled weapons would trump that option.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Hannibal said:

    Bullgors or Varanguard?

    Hi all, just wanted to get your opinion on wether to run Bullgors or Varanguard.

    I want to field a rather low model count, somewhat elitish army that basically consists of Flamers, Exalted Flamers and either Bullgors (phantasmagoria of fate battalion) or Varanguard (maybe the Varanguard battalion, I´m not sure yet). Reasons are I love these models. Though I´m currently not able to decide wether to run Bullgors or Varanguard. That´s why I like to know your opinions here.


    I´m leaning more towards Bullgors, but they do not really scale, meaning I´m not able to field Bullgors + battalion in smaller games. This has to be a 2000 pts list.

    On the other hand, Varanguard offer Tzeentch keyword on their warscroll, meaning I can run them even in the smallest games.

    Or should I get a unit of Varanguard for smaller games and build a 2000pts force based Bullgors?

    So many decisions...


    Any advice you like to share?


    Thanks in advance

    Personally I‘d include a Lord of Chaos if I ran Varanguard - having them fight a second time (plus a third time once per game due to their own ability) is much needed to make them a more viable pick. Just an idea... of course it‘s kinda annoying to have them stay close to the Lord... then again, said lord could be near a unit of chaos warriors to give those some more iffensive power too and later on catch up with the Varanguard.

    I‘m also looking for good synergies with the StD units as I really want to use them without feeling I‘m totally wasting points. But IMO there‘s nothing more beautiful than a diverse army, so I‘ll probably aim for Guild of Summoners and get some Kairic/Tzaangor/Warriors mix going - getting pinks through the Gaunt... might not be ideal but with lots of heroes and the realistic chance of summoning two LoC, I think there‘s enough budget for some cool heroes and /or Varanguard.... :)

  11. 3 hours ago, Naprapaten said:

    You dont want ethereal on Fatemaster, the amulet negates his +2 against melee. Paradoxical is better.

    Isn't it also that a 1 is always a fail? So giving him the paradoxical shield is not helping him in CC at all unless he goes up against another flyer? At least my opponent argued that in my very first game with DoT years ago.

  12. Usually clear colors always refer to transparent colors that work as filters for your minis - e.g. they tint the underlying work strongly yet you don't lose all of your shading/paintwork before spraying them on like with normal paint. Hence why they work well for candy colors/colored metallics. They can also work well for colored shadows and the like but few people add shadows back in after having painting details as it could go wrong. Hope this helped a bit.

    This video shows a Forgeworld Clear color (used with brush, contrast medium and finally via airbrush). 



    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Beastmaster said:

    List building was never easier, thanks to the Warscroll builder. I wouldn’t mind another Dropdown menu if it helps diversity. 😊

    Oh, I'm also all for JPjr's idea, it's one of the best suggestions I've come across for a game. That said - especially because I had a discussion about a few days ago with another player - some people don't want quick progress in these things as it would invalidate their battletome (which is something I disagree with on every possible level... battletomes are cool for the background and hobby aspects but warscrolls, points and the like do not need to be linked to printed stuff these days as every gamer has access to the net 24/7 usually and I'd rather see great balancing... I always think about Starcraft 2 here, much of its charm was/is how well they balanced it (and yet it still isn't perfectly balanced like Thanos' dagger).

  14. I totally disagree.

    Leftover armies from WHFB need better/new miniatures on top of rules. There are a lot of very unique armies/concepts in there like Seraphon, Cities of Sigmar, Beasts of Chaos and Skaven that are a much bigger part of what makes Warhammer unique than just another flavor of Aelves. In fact I'd argue for them to concentrate on what's there instead of adding totally outlandish new armies...

    Now I wouldn't be against them modifying those armies (new/altered background, new minis) but if they squatted those armies, I'd be really pissed off. I'd rather see them squat some of  the Aelves cause who needs 5 kinds of them anyways when we could instead get more diverse new stuff? :P

    • Like 5
  15. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    That could be said of the books themselves too, though, right? Same info in the books as on the cards.

    Now, I know some folks would be fine ditching the books as well, but not me. It's harder to find what I need on a phone or tablet, harder to read, and makes me more worried about theft or damage. 

    Well, the books have other things to offer - from backstory to general tactics to painting guides and a miniature showcase... the actual units are usually just a few pages and it's not like ALL of them would need to be changed either. 

  16. 39 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    There's a good chance I'd get out of the gaming part of this hobby if printed materials went away. I just like the physical experience so much more than the digital one.

    Totally understandable but I didn't wanna suggest that - just that warscroll cards, despite being a nice thing to have, are IMO actually counter-productive to the game's health. When they release them, they can't really change much or else they'll upset those that bought them. Then again, if they tweaked certain warscrolls and/or adjusted points more frequently many units would get more play and IMO cool minis beat cool warscrolls cards or a battletome with usable warscrolls. 

    • Like 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    As a purchaser of physical goods, I have to say I appreciate them not (usually!) making changes to the warscroll cards as a way to adjust balance.

    Yeah, them trying to squeeze a few bucks outta people makes the game worse than it should be though - I understand you want your cards to be good for a long time but back with the first Tzeentch battletome so much had to be FAQ'ed the battletome was feeling like looking at Swiss cheese anyways... so yeah, it would just be better to get more fixes and forget about lovely printed and amazingly expensive cardboard cutouts. :)

  18. They could learn a lot from Blizz's balancing of StarCraft 2. That's still not perfect but they try hard and there were times when balance fixes were done every few months. With warscrolls and point costs now being a mostly digital thing, this would be a real possibility and could easily fix a lot of things.

    It would also help Warhammer become even greater if they had a few guys who are "balance-freaks" and thus elevate the game to new heights. Cause the art in Warhammer deserves the best possible game to accompany it.

  19. 11 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    There isn't much particularly special about a Chaos Warrior in AoS. They are basically the human version of an Ard Boy. Ard Boyz are the biggest, meanest, most gifted, orruks in their tribe. Sound familiar? A Brawl isn't a joke, it's a paramilitary force of naturally gifted killers who get stronger the more they do what they are already great at.

    The whfb fluff is pretty much gone, where chaos armour was the first gift from the gods and bonded to the warrior, etc, etc. 

    Basically the new fluff is that the legions are so vast, large and wide spread that the middling warrior is the equal to an elite in any other human force. 

    That isn't to say that a CW shouldn't have better stats than the warscroll. Like a greatsword has better kill potential. But, that other factions can and probably should have comparable or possibly better troops. 

    Well, then GW needs to fire these bad writers ASAP and bring Chaos (Warriors) back to their former glory as that old flavoring is sorely missed. There's a reason why Chaos Warriors outsold all other factions by a GIGANTIC margin. That said, I love Orks. They can be super-strong (and Black orcs were almost CWs back then anyways) and I got no problem with brutes wiping the floor with a Chaos Warrior (or even Chosen) but as it stands the power-level of Chaos mortals is 9 circles of wrong at the moment and they've massively misinterpreted what it should be. Reminds me of Disney not getting their own stuff (this is a nefarious stab at those horrible new SW movies)...

    It already started back when suddenly Eldar started becoming more adept in close combat than Khorne Champions. Something is seriously wrong there too.

    When lots of players argue that taking Marauders (those are your run of the mill mortal chaos dudes by the way) is the better option, then your Chaos Warriors are wrong. Simple as that.

    Edit: But I gladly agree to disagree. However i still feel that they need to fix a lot of things about AoS to get that proper feeling again. I'm sure in time they'll manage.

    • Like 1
  20. 59 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    I never understood the perspective that things need to be good compared to X, rather than good in their own right. 

    A chaos warrior isn't bad because an ardboy is good. It's bad because it doesn't do any dmg. At least Liberators can take a grand weapon.

    Well, in the case of CWs they got a background reason for being mean mofos, kinda like Space Marines and definitely more than Ardboys. The rules simply don't reflect it properly. I'm fine with the Ardboys being what they are but CWs should be better or at the very least equal in offensive output. Make em more expensive, whatever but don't destroy what they're known for - being the toughest battleline in Warhammer there is (Libs are arguably their equal or even stronger). 

    Writers these days simply don't know Warhammer anymore. :P

    In fact the whole StD battletome should have way more offensive output (with the units being more expensive in return) - that is how Chaos is written in the fluff. As it stands we got lots of units/heroes now that are easily stronger. Feels wrong.

    • Like 3
  21. 45 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    I'm not saying Chaos Warriors couldn't use help (I haven't played with or against the new ones yet) but I am saying that all the world's Stormcast players would fly to Nottinghham and stone the rules design team to death with their Liberator models if that happened.

    That's fair - Liberators should also be better. Black orcs were never better than Chaos Warriors (and Libs should be their equivalent) so why should Ardboyz now be better? 

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