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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. Personally I don't care much - if it feels shoehorned in, I'm against it, if it fits, cool. While I do enjoy looking more at women than men in RL 😂, I usually pick male characters in RPGs and the like as I prefer it that way (likely because I naturally identify more with my own gender). Then again I do enjoy female characters just as much in games or other media if they're done well too. I'm pretty ambivalent I guess although i do think that "bad-ass female hero" is in more danger to induce eye-rolling than "bad-ass dude #4498". Might be down to the women I know in life really not being anywhere near that archetype. Guys more often try hard to be bad-ass.

    If I translate that to Warhammer, I simply go by my first sentence. A female Chaos Warrior or more historically-driven fighter (like minis from the old Imperium range) feels kinda strange to me (mostly because historically women were not soldiers and hulking brute usually doesn't go hand in hand with woman to me) but female Aelf warriors aren't "off" - might be down to aelven biology where men aren't that much bigger and more muscled than women though or because that is already part of the lore since a long time. Not sure i wanna see female Orruks, ogors and gitz though! 

    I think they should take the safe route: Use women where it fits (there's ample opportunity still), don't add too many where it does not fit just because you could and personally I wouldn't enforce a 50/50 mix in general. All-female armies are fine, all-male armies are fine, mixed armies are fine just don't blend everything to a 50/50 quote thingy at which point it would probably annoy people. I also think adolescents wouldn't be happy about it but that might just be my personal opinion - I just think that when I was a teenager, I looked up to cool guys and would rather field said cool guys than "girls". But that might really just be me... Long post, short conclusion: make more female models for those who care, just don't force it.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Warmill said:

    Not really apparent at all, large planes that are slightly off-flat will show up the most but resin printers are really good nowadays. You do need to model with printing in mind to get the best results but it's not really a big deal in most cases, just exaggerate the detail way more than you would expect.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge, much appreciated! 

    • Like 1
  3. Second Exalted is definitely a good pick but I'd also look into endless spells - they often helped me a LOT, if only for the tactical advantage. I'm very big on the pendulum, Balewind and Prismatic Palisade to cut off melee threats I don't want to engage but your style might be very different to mine.

  4. Just a question: How apparent is the 3d print's texture? Is it smooth kinda like GW plastic? I think this is terribly interesting (I'm not very good at modeling myself but wait for an excuse to learn it properly... or just pay someone ludicrous amounts for a couple of head replacements, would be worth it), sorry for annoying you with questions! Oh and very cool models. 👍

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Kharl said:

    Further to this question,  I have now to decide how to use my last 100pts. 
    Is it better to take a 2nd exalted flamer or some blue/brime+endless spell?

    Am I too blind or stupid (or both! 🙀) to see your list? I know you run an Eternal Conflag list but I think posting it would be best to get some feedback. In theory there are so many cool things that can be done with 100 points but IMO it depends on what you got and who you play against.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Weazel said:

    I have been eyeballing (and admittedly drooling at) the SC! Slaves to Darkness box for a while now. Now I could just buy the box for my painting pleasures, but I wonder if StD have any viability on the tabletop? I don't play any grand tournaments or anything, so just looking for something fun with a reasonable chance at winning some games as well. I currently play Gitz and their performance isn't exactly stellar, but are StD better? And do they have a "meta"? I'm inclined toward Khorne if that makes a difference.

    Going Khorne is a pretty smart choice but I fear the SC! Box is mostly suboptimal if you want them to be more competitive - Warriors are pretty lacking (and these don't even have a standard bearer and musician but that can be fixed) and the Knights with lances underperform compared to ones equipped with hand weapons. The Lord on Karkadrak used to be a great choice with the -3 rend weapon but I think that's no longer an option. They do look great though but I think it's fair to say that StD could use a few buffs.

    What you want are lots of (ugly looking) marauders in a unit and a Bloodsecrator as Khorne. That's a scary unit.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, michu said:

    Good that you specified what mortals you want , because Kairic Acolytes were getting  a bit sad.

    I love them (and Tzaangors) but in an ideal world I'd love to see more heavily armored Tzeentch forces too. I know, I'm spoiled already but still... I'm a sucker for cool knights and the new Chaos Warriors are full of dents and tears, that doesn't really scream Tzeentch to me.

  8. 14 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Hahaha what can I say 20 years wait is a long time to keep quiet!!

    I also cannot tell if your being sarcastic or generally annoyed at my Gargant talk.

    Don't worry, it's all good - it was just a playful joke. 😇 If I would've had to wait for so long to get my already previewed faction (that's definitely a first), I'd be less enthusiastic and more filled with vitriol by now.

    Which reminds me: Where are Tzeentch (human) mortals in plastic? I want Curselings and Fatemasters and Chosen! 😭

    • Thanks 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I've 3 Aleguzzlers on Order, hopefully due to arrive this week. The cherry on top would be, maybe a cheeky Sons of Behemat article on Warhammer Community!? Please, just one James Workshop? Have I not been patient enough?

    Yes please GW - give King Brodd his well-deserved toys cause else we'll have to rename this thread into "King Brodd talking about mega-gargants and some d00ds want Aelves too". I love you guys but if this talk about Mega-Gargants continues I might lose my already weak grip on sanity. :D 

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  10. I'd love to see new units for Ironjawz so I'd hope a new starter set would introduce them. Stormcast... well, personally I think they already got enough units, they'd rather need to balance them well but yeah, it's probably going to be them. Anyways, I hope 2021 at least will be the year of armies that deserve at least a partial overhaul... Skaven, Lizardmen, Cities of Sigmar (or a successor), maybe a few new kits for Fireslayers, etc.

  11. Personally I find narrative AoS crosses over into specialist-esque games and/or RPGs. I'd rather play Warcry (or ages ago, Mordheim) or DnD for that kind of stuff and have a somewhat evenly matched AoS game. Might just be my reason for it though. It's not that I detest it in any way but our group seems to like to split those things up.

    • Like 2
  12. I think we need better rules for terrain and generic terrain (hills, swamps, etc.) in plastic. With almost everyone going for printed battlemats these days, cool basic terrain could sell pretty well I think.

    I'd like to see some warscroll fixes. Slaves to Darkness and other armies could easily become way better if a few changes were made.

    Skaven, Lizardmen, generic humans and the like need new miniatures. 

    A few minor touchups in the rules (most often just a different wording as they could be misinterpreted) and that's it... the more I type, the less I see the need for a new edition personally. These fixes can all be done without changing core mechanics.

  13. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    Disagree. Being it 100% one person fault is more shallow (at least for me). It's more interesting and with more grey areas when all sides can be right and wrong. I don't exactly know the first iteration of  the story (was it in Realm of Chaos?) but if it was simply "Magnus was right, Emperor was wrong" then it was shallow and one-dimensional.  They all can be slightly right or slightly wrong, like, you know, regular people.

    "Quite possibly one of the biggest out there" - and I'm accused of hubris there...

    Anyway, back to rumours.

    Cause it might interest you and other people big on TS: Magnus was at fault back then too for using magic (the damage it caused was WAY less problematic then) but the Emperor ordered their execution simply because he disobeyed him (Horus didn't change his orders to Russ) which made him quite a petty tyrant and the 1k Sons very tragic figures. So yeah, it wasn't 100% the Emperor's fault but a MASSIVE overreaction. I liked it more that the Sons were much more victims of circumstances than they are now (where they kinda ask for it multiple times and are much more proactive in their own damnation) as it's a horrific reflection of real life: where good people often get dealt horrible fates and become evil without actually having had a single bad bone in their body. Maybe a bit of dust tho!

  14. 21 hours ago, xking said:

    You are being really aggressive. I asked you a question,  to  explain what you meant.   I don't know why you saw that as "challenging your words". 

    Sorry, my fault for wording it wrongly then - I understood your post as a more polite "WTF are you clown talking about". 😅  Sorry for having gone off-topic here then, I really couldn't help myself after so many really interesting posts.

  15. 17 hours ago, Ggom said:

    I’m sorry you just triggered the resident Night Lord.

    The emperor is a corpse god wallowing in the fruit of his folly. In his blind arrogance he doomed humanity to a slow death over millenia, ensuring the eventual triumph of chaos. Death to the false emperor!

    How right you are, most noble Ggom. 😎


  16. 3 hours ago, michu said:

    Entirely wrong. It doesn't show that Magnus and TS were idiots - it shows that hubris can doom anyone, even someone as wise as Magnus. He wasn't stupid, but thought  that no one can be smarter than him (except his father and even then he thought Nikea was a Emperor's mistake) and that he's definitely doing the right thing. He sorta did, because warning the Emperor was important but the way he did it was definitely not right. But that's the whole point of this story - sometimes your own wisdom blinds you if you lack humility. And I'm saying that as TS fan. And Tzeentch involvement wasn't blatant - Magnus still made a deal with him out of necessity  (even his biomancy weren't able to save TS) and thought it's just an average warp entity, believing that nothing in the warp can be stronger than him (TBH he had a good reason to think that, until meeting Tzeentch he was the second known strongest psychic being, that can make anyone complacent).

    Thank you for my TED talk. Remember: all is dust, wolfs are stupid, back to rumours.

    Thanks for playing but you're missing the whole point of my post obviously. I was talking about their fluff back when the HH novels didn't even exist and it wasn't yet expanded upon either, you're mashing way later iterations with the basic starting lore and accusing me of being wrong - talk about hubris... Trust me, I'm a big TS fan as well (quite possibly one of the biggest out there) but things being 100% the Emperor's fault was way more interesting to me as it painted a very different picture of the universe. That's all I'm saying.

  17. 30 minutes ago, xking said:

    What are you talkin about? Chaos is not relatable. And I wouldn't call it "kid friendly".   

    Compare older lore to the newer stuff. There is at times a big difference, both in maturity as well as quality. When I see stuff like Bloody McBloodnose with his trusty axe Blooddarkblood it is simply ridiculous and one-sided (that goes, to a lesser extent, to the other 3 as well) - compare it with publications like the Liber Chaotica or older Chaos armybooks and you will see sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant alterations to certain passages to make it more cartoonish. Or turn a blind eye if you feel like any sort of criticism is a problem (but then please have the decency to not challenge my words). Fact is what they're putting out now is often times simplified and diluted (or more "kid-friendly") and that is simply a step in the wrong direction for Chaos as its concept should make you think and not just go "oh, those are just bad dudes, yo". That's a waste of great work and depriving younger minds of more mature content (not talking about boobies here, I'm talking about the darkness in our minds) is a missed chance.

    It was also more interesting when the Emperor was simply wrong about the Thousand Sons and ordered their execution instead of what it is now which just paints Magnus and most of the other dramatis personae as idiots - yeah, one can say Tzeentch/Horus is such a great master of puppets now but it was much better when Tzeentch's involvement wasn't blatant and they had to turn to him out of sheer necessity. Made the Sons tragic and the Emperor much more grey (and in this one case OBVIOUSLY wrong) than he is now in that storyline. Added depth. I guess that is what I'm arguing for - I want more depth, not less of it.


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  18. The trend to make Chaos "simpler" and more "kid-friendly" (especially Slaanesh) - or as I also like to say more understandable and relatable - really didn't help the concept - Chaos is more than your run of the mill saturday cartoon villain. Slaanesh is excess (and denial, which is what makes Slaanesh a truly cruel master), not just sex and beauty (which is part of it). Very interesting posts in here. I think it would be nice to infuse more eldritch horror back into big 4 and stop dumbing them down - young people do not need to be patronized, they could full well handle even darker aspects. Chaos is at its best when even good intentions can corrupt you - right now it's pretty ham-fisted where any thinking creature would immediately think "oh this path is gonna damn me, let's not do that".

    I'd also like to see more disturbing horrors/creatures for Tzeentch personally but outside of removing eyes (sorry, Micolash) that is extremely unlikely to happen. I understand that complex Chaos is not the most family-friendly thing but then again I see no harm in it either.

    • Confused 1
  19. 9 hours ago, modnar said:


    I was looking over the warscroll of the Curseling and got into a little discussion with friends about his Vessel of Chaos ability. The warscroll states: 

    If this model successfully unbinds a spell that is possible for it to cast, it can immediately attempt to cast that spell even though it is the enemy hero phase. If that spell is successfully cast, it cannot be unbound.

    "possible for it to cast"  What limitations are we talking about here? Can he only cast like arcane bolt & mystic shield? Or can he cast anything apart from specific faction spells which are written down as  " Only  Faction  Wizards can attempt to cast this spell."?

    Thanks ahead!

    I'm pretty sure it's about spells that target army-specific things - units and the like. Generic things like dealing damage or buffs that are generic enough (e.g. not alluding to a particular unit or mechanic from another faction) to work for another allegiance are fine for him to cast in return.

  20. 17 minutes ago, Hyperyon said:

    Same boat, fatemaster seems a bit meh. Thinking of straight up using ahriman for 40k... Do you guys think it is an ok replacement? 

    On a separate note, I was also looking to a very defensive board controlly list with host duplicitous and changehost. Plan would be to tag everything, score a lot of points and hope to high roll on the command ability. Does it have legs? Looks miserable to play but on paper seem quite strong... Am I missing something? 

    Many Ahrimans end up as Fatemasters out there - it works pretty well. That said, Ahriman has such an iconic helmet, it's hard to see him as anything other than Ahriman. AND that said looking as cool as Ahriman isn't exactly a problem! 

    Looking forward to plastic minis for the Curseling and the Fatemaster however... proper Tzeentchian knightly armor will be very sexy indeed!


  21. 1 hour ago, Drib said:
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    I am in for Chaos Warrior Halberds for the new kit! 🤞🤞

    Would be really lovely (and will probably come sooner than later) but visually it's quite unlike to other S2D halberds out there - reminds me most of Dark Elf or undead ones. But who knows, I'd love you to be right.

  22. 11 hours ago, Orodhen said:

    What do you guys think about the Anvil of Apotheosis? The +1 to saves ability from the champion archetype could work well with a block of warriors.

    Oops, thought it was the Tzeentch thread, sorry - it's a very good suggestion however!

  23. Well I haven't seen this fight in a game so far, so this is just my opinion based on their warscrolls but on its own it looks to be quite hard for the mawkrusha to win. If the dice gods are with it, it could win (especially if it charged) but if it doesn't instagib Katakros it's likely he'll kill the mawkrusha in return (which is much more likely). Lots of attacks with high rend and even more with -1 rend.

    Katakros is awfully slow and with a huge base though so there are plenty of ways to deal with him.... in theory you could feed him a decoy unit, then destroy another unit so that you get to pile-in with the MW and finish him off...

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