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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. They get to be OP cause else few people would play puny goody two-shoes Aelfs! 😁

    That they're in some ways better at magic than Tzeentch is total bullcrap though (where our basic units can't take normal spells anymore and Lumineth can) and really doesn't fit the background. Then again they're also deadlier than Chaos Warriors (hell, even Gobbo Stabbas are...), so it just shows that some writers really don't understand their own material. It's like that pathetic (sorry, there's no other word for that) Phil Kelly Chaos codex in 40k all over again - we can only hope that the next revisions will fix some of the more problematic units and rules for quite a few armies.

    My biggest wish is actually that they introduce more different looking stuff into ALL armies though. I think what they've (lumineth) got so far is a solid base. But when I think of them or of Fyreslayers and Ironjawz, a bit more visual diversity would be cool. At least I liked when armies don't all look the same.... and with 3d sculpting, it feels like copy/paste actually became more pronounced than when we had identical minis but they didn't reuse parts.

  2. I'd like to see Bravery buffs (or negating battleshock) only for elite units. As it stands, many of them are worse than huge blobs of - in theory - worse fighters. Might be realistic as it's hard to be outnumbered even as a kung-fu master or something but it takes away from the epic feeling they gun for. This would be a fitting fix as it feels strange to see Gobbos for example  not caring about BS all too much and easily murder supposed elites.

  3. The Slaanesh warband is great indeed. I hope we'll get a Tzeentch warrior like that one day (maybe when they redo the Curseling or something) as these specific warrior designs are a joy to look at in general... The Slaangor is also very nice. The distinctly persian vibe they gave Slaanesh since the last wave works well. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    @MitGas finding bad examples of money spent is easy, in contrast here are done subjectively better ways to spent your money on more or less free time activities:

    - Fishing: Low costs, joy for life (at the cost of Fish‘s life‘s ofc, yet GW might kill more fish with all the waste they‘re producing)

    - Most Tabletop Games that are  not manufactured by GW

    - Board Games: A whole game for X players, with rules, lore and everything in one box, insanity!

    - Computer Games: While this can be a worse way to spent money in some cases it‘s a better way: Once you‘ve spent 200+ hours in a game you enjoy the Game was an objectively good Investment, without producing any waste (Purely digital games on steam)

    - Sports: Once you have the equipment you are good to go for years, while also training your body and improving your mental and physical health.

    - DnD: Low cost of entry, all you need is friends and your fantasy, isn‘t that marvelous?

    - A little sarcastic this one: Drugs, they cost as much as the TT hobby provided by GW and, just as GW’s products they leave you With a soar body, a short feeling of joy, a hole where your wallet once was and an insatiable addiction for more. Side effects include (depending on product quality) a lingering feeling of unnatural wrath, guilt, disappointment and an everlasting yearning for all your unfulfilled dreams.🤣

    Well, obviously it's all about how much it is worth to "YOU" / how much one is willing to pay for that - but unless you don't earn enough it's a manageable expense nonetheless. Me not naming better ways for fun is kinda obvious though, I mean most activities are cheaper. A good coat costs as much as an army. A good leather jacket more. If you manage your expenses somewhere else, it's easily doable over time, especially if you only collect an army or two. But like I said, I understand everyone that doesn't want to pay such high prices and use that money for something else. Also I'm neither married nor have children so I don't take those things into account which might change the situation for many.

  5. Personally I wouldn't pay the prices for Lumineth or SOB but I wouldn't buy them if they were really cheap either. Would I buy expensive minis for factions I like? Hell yes. And if I was into Aelfs or Giants, I wouldn't think about it twice.

    Yes, it's not a cheap hobby in relation to others - it's also somewhat cheap compared to other stuff though (see the example of a decent camera with good lenses before). With a few hundred bucks you can usually play the game for many, many years. Yes, other similarly priced things might be used more (let's say a new Playstation 5 but in terms of "cost for fun per hour" (my own personal measurement system) nothing beats videogames, especially those you spend 100s of hours on) but it's all about what you're willing to pay for a hobby. I do understand everyone that doesn't want to commit and if judged in a bubble it is expensive but if you look at in relation to other activities it's not so expensive anymore... 

    Going out and getting drunk or eating at a special restaurant is expensive. You can easily spend a 100 bucks while going out and the only thing you get out of it is a headache. :D At least that Giant will be with you for a long time.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Verminlord said:

    Speaking of screamers, is their a good core to build from for an Arcanum list? Shark battleline vs pinks? min size sharks vs bigger units? How few flamers can I get away with?

    I don't rate Screamers highly usually so I wouldn't use too many. Personally I think they're just very good versus certain Lumineth lists (with their units being wizards, the mass shooting that could kill more important units and the like). You just need the small units of Screamers to distract them (and not give them the chance to shoot something else) so to speak as once your other daemons are in range those puny Aelfs are toast anyways. Flamers and Pinks outdmg them, we just lack the range - and if they shoot at your screamer unit, it's gone anyways. So IMO that speaks against bigger units of them unless you plan to take down Teclis or whole units with them (but then they'll get attention and sniped).

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    While that is true, it also somewhat frustrates me with the massive amounts of warbands to warcry for example now taking so much space, when that game could easily function like Kill Team, and basically still does with other miniatures. Why not just release new marauders to use for StD and also warcry? With the effort put into many of these warbands they could completely revitalize suffering armies from AoS, which for strange reasons are being neglected with no models for years.

    They could have focused on the skirmish AoS game Warcry by making new marauders, new saurus warriors, updated ardboyz etc and hit two birds with one stone. Instead all these effort goes into some incredibly detailed warbands, which are absolutely terrible in AoS and does not really fit, which seems incredibly inefficient for GW. The way they plan their focus puzzles me to no end with so much low hanging fruit and missed opportunities.

    As a Chaos-fan I'm obviously happy with the interesting new warbands we got (much less so with their rules in AoS) but if I look at your post objectively, I can only 100% agree with you. Everything you've said is right on the money. We needed new marauders (and we could use plastic Chosen and/or multipart warriors more than 8 warbands too), Saurus warriors, Skaven, a new spin of the empire of old, new units for some of the newer factions that feel lacking both in variety and game rules... there's so much that's in dire need of an update and instead we get lots of very unique and often very beautiful models that nobody asked for. It's cool to have these but it would be cooler to get the stuff we really need.

    Personally I feel like the focus on things like the Warcry warbands, more Aelves (with possibly two more Aelven factions coming) and now Giants are a huge step in the wrong direction, even if all those units are well made and definitely have their fans... but now shouldn't be their time. I'm happy for everyone that liked them, really but there are so many other IMO more deserving factions out there that need reworks and updates.

    • Like 2
  8. I only know clear resin from casting bits a long time ago - it's as strong as colored resin, so 3mm thick parts should be fine. You'd have to handle it with care though (then again what shouldn't be handled with care in this hobby?) and air bubbles are a serious thing with clear resins - casting stuff well is a bit of a science of its own and I found it be difficult but maybe I just suck :D .... I haven't tried the UV resin but it does sound interesting.

  9. Actually it's hinted that the Cypher Lordsare not only visually close to Tzeentch... (both in WD and the core rules AFAIK). It's hard to find figures that scream Tzeentch more, really. The Corvus Cabal was also stated to be Tzeentch worshippers (despite the crow usually being a Nurgle thing) in the latest white dwarf although that's IMO more debatable. 

  10. 22 hours ago, Fellman said:

    My stuff for this month has a turnament the 3e

    Very nice look - do you use plasticard for the thin terrain bases? Are they sturdy enough with sand glued to them? Sorry, just asking cause I bought some plasticard as well for bases but it is kinda wobbly at larger sizes so I'm afraid everything glued to it would break off over time...

  11. Just my theory: it's not about being hostile to you (or any other poster) personally I believe, it's about sending a message to GW so to speak. Many things that get criticized get spat on because they are objectively bad; hence people repeat their dissatisfaction so that someone from GW stumbles upon it and will share the "feedback".

    If a whole faction is seriously lagging behind after a recent update, people are especially frustrated. Those poor Slaves to Darkness Weakness*.

    *© JackStreicher

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Trout said:

    Excelsior Warpriest. Such a beautiful model, but it was stuck in a faction that was horrifically bad for a few years and then scrapped entirely despite being a beautiful recent sculpt. To add insult to injury, it was the only human in the game with a black skin tone and they never gave him the time of day.

    Yeah, should've been put into CoS at least for sure. I'm not sure about it but apparently he got upgraded into a special Stormcast character now.

    • Like 2
  13. I'd like to see new Seraphon and Skaven models as updates. 

    For a new/updated army, I'd like to see a generic human army; whether that is a continuation of CoS or something similar but new would be up to them. 

    For me personally I'd like to see new Chosen (maybe similar in style to Varanguard), new multipart Chaos Warriors and/or Tzeentch heavy-armored units. But I guess that won't happen, so if it comes to Tzeentch, I hope for plastic updates on our heroes. I love the Curseling but I hate finecast, it's ******. Fatemaster needs an update too.


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  14. Blanche definitely mixed the contrast paints on the model rather sloppily and used layers of them. Lots of yellows, oranges, reds and blues in the shadows. Might also be inks, he's known to use them heavily. When I look at the image above, the undead just look like they're in wet mud... if you want them to have a texture, you could just paint them in a muddy color and slap some Vallejo mud texture on them. A bit of gloss on top and it would look quite similar.

    Oh and wise Ggom gives the best tip ever: get oil paints if you need to panel line a lot of stuff or want quick shading in batch painting or employ lots of grimy effects. Yes, they come with their own quirks but for shading/blending they are simply amazing. The people liking them are not over-hyping them, they are just great, great stuff.

  15. 6 hours ago, Infernalslayer said:

    When it comes to disappointing transition of lore/model to warscroll rules, i would consider all mortal Slaves to Darkness units except Marauders and Sorcerer Lords. Especially Chaos Lords (Manticore Lord takes the lead), Warriors and Knights. They play nothing like their intimidating models or their written lore.

     Also almost all mortal Khorne for the same reason, especially their on foot melee heroes, bloodreavers and bloodwarriors.  

    As a standalone unit, the jabberslythe would have my first vote, as mentioned before in the thread.

    Back when I was a wee lad, the Chaos Sorcerer Lord was also a beast in close combat (not Khorne champion level but not too far off), not just one of the best mages in WHFB. So IMO even he is weaker than he should be. :D

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  16. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    I totally agree here - and to add to this, I feel it extends to any units that look much more dangerous than they are. When you see chaos warriors, knights, and lords - alongside the bast majority of Khorne mortal heroes and units - you picture massive warriors towering over mortals, hacking them down like wheat. 

    What you get is, if you're lucky, killing one or two models. While I said chaos knights earlier on (and I stick by that), I find chaos lords and "mighty" lords of Khorne feel pitiful in combat. They have their other uses in command abilities, but when their lore talks about how they're murdering machines and you use them in combat, you start to wonder whether chaos lords all follow the philosophy of "fake it 'til you make it".

    Yeah, the writers really failed at doing them justice.

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  17. Rule-wise Tzeentch Chaos Warriors are far from optimal. If you care about pure power-gaming then it wouldn't be the army for you but I guess you know that anyways. Nothing else to say there in that regard unfortunately - that said, good choice, Tzeentch is the best even if the rules don't favor his Mortal minions. 😎 It's a bit unfortunate that the new Warrior sculpts are so so full of cuts and holes and lacking lovely details though, Tzeentch armor would be a bit more sophisticated than that (as in the cool concept art you've posted).

  18. I'll echo my own post but obvious approximations to RL historical units would look off with women, it's just a fact (you didn't seem to be bothered that in Game of Thrones very few armies had female soldiers... cause it's unusual) - not that this is of much consequence as armies like CoS will probably be phased out and the newer figures that will replace them will likely be more fantastical, thus allowing for more room for women in said units. That said, they need to find a good balance and put women where they "fit" (no, not the kitchen or some joke). I don't wanna see a single female Chaos Warrior personally as "hulking brute" gets done better by men, it's just the nature of things (yes, i know that there are also female bodybuilders). I'd like to see more female Kairic Acolytes (we only got 1) though or new barbarians with a lot more women in there. Or special characters, heroes, sorceresses, whatever. But find a good spots and don't enforce a general 50/50 mix, as that would just feel tacked on. I'd rather have all-female armies, armies with lots of women, some 50(50, some with almost none and something exclusively male ones depneding on their personal flavor. But all in a 50/50 ratio  just to fulfill some quota would be lame.

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  19. Personally I don't care much - if it feels shoehorned in, I'm against it, if it fits, cool. While I do enjoy looking more at women than men in RL 😂, I usually pick male characters in RPGs and the like as I prefer it that way (likely because I naturally identify more with my own gender). Then again I do enjoy female characters just as much in games or other media if they're done well too. I'm pretty ambivalent I guess although i do think that "bad-ass female hero" is in more danger to induce eye-rolling than "bad-ass dude #4498". Might be down to the women I know in life really not being anywhere near that archetype. Guys more often try hard to be bad-ass.

    If I translate that to Warhammer, I simply go by my first sentence. A female Chaos Warrior or more historically-driven fighter (like minis from the old Imperium range) feels kinda strange to me (mostly because historically women were not soldiers and hulking brute usually doesn't go hand in hand with woman to me) but female Aelf warriors aren't "off" - might be down to aelven biology where men aren't that much bigger and more muscled than women though or because that is already part of the lore since a long time. Not sure i wanna see female Orruks, ogors and gitz though! 

    I think they should take the safe route: Use women where it fits (there's ample opportunity still), don't add too many where it does not fit just because you could and personally I wouldn't enforce a 50/50 mix in general. All-female armies are fine, all-male armies are fine, mixed armies are fine just don't blend everything to a 50/50 quote thingy at which point it would probably annoy people. I also think adolescents wouldn't be happy about it but that might just be my personal opinion - I just think that when I was a teenager, I looked up to cool guys and would rather field said cool guys than "girls". But that might really just be me... Long post, short conclusion: make more female models for those who care, just don't force it.

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