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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. I only play all things Tzeentch (I also collect Thousand Sons but don't play 40k often), so I'll continue with just building and painting Tzeentch stuff (I'm very slow... and purposeful). 😎

    If they'd release an update to the Seraphon or Skaven mini range, I could go for a little side-project though like maybe a warband or something.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Rockman2k said:

    Hallo all, I’d like to start a Tzeentch force of 1000pts, but I struggle to create a list to determine which units to paint. The idea I’ve come up with:

    Gaunt Summoner

    Ogroid Thaumaturge 

    Pink horrors (10)

    Pink horrors (10)

    Screamers (3)

    Screamers (3)

    Should manage to cast a lot, grab and hold objectives quite well. Do you guys have any additional ideas? Thanks in advance! 

    Whom do you play against? Personally the Ogroid isn't my favorite pick as he's not as resilient as (at least I) always think. Depending on which subfaction you play, you might want to aim for something else than Screamers (they are decent summons though). The heavy hitters in my recent games have been Enlightened and Flamers. Screamers are good for summoning unless you just wanna go for a Guild of Summoners build with a LoC  instead.

    Personally I think the Blue Scribes are usually one of the best heroes you can take and would take them rather than the Ogroid. I'd probably only go for 10 Horrors (you get 5 free ones with the Gaunt), drop the screamers but use them for summoning and then try to squeeze in Enlightened and Flamers (especially if you run the right subfaction).

    Also and endless spell or two can make a big difference. Just some ideas for the future maybe. :)


  3. 9 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I’m expecting a mortal skaven release at some point, (and for those who don’t get it basically anything skaven that isn’t a daemon) 

    I hope so too! Skaven are such a wonderfully unique faction to Warhammer that it baffles me that their updates weren‘t released waaaay earlier. I mean, they try to distance AoS from cookie-cutter fantasy settings, yet don‘t push what‘s truly unique to Warhammer. All we get are Aelves after aelves after aelves... it‘s fine to have 10 aelven factions but maybe get some other stuff out first...

    my biggest wishes would be Skaven and Lizardmen for 2021. followed by extensions to ranges such as Ironjawz and Both dwarf factions. Not because I collect them but armies consisting of the same 3-4 kits are boring.  Some update/successor to Cities would also be good, I‘d be open to a mix and not just humans.

    Anyways, somewhere a small Tzeentch mortal update would be nice. I‘m not saying it has to be soon but with StD models looking so scrappy (beautiful models but they got so many dents, scratches and holes, they fit Nurgle), we could use our own spin one day. 

    I guess it‘s down to what the 3d character designers like, cause why else would Ironjawz get so little, yet we got a gigantic Gobbo wave? 🤔

    • Like 3
  4. 5 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    Tzeentch was 4 years ago right? 
    2015 - Khorne Mortals
    2016 - Tzeench Mortals
    2017 - Nurgle Mortals
    2020 - Slaneesh Mortals 

    Tzeentch also had the silver tower minis which I feel like a lot of those wound up in circulation.  All the Chaos gods now have modern mortals, I personally think they'll focus on other stuff except for maybe an odd hero here and there, and won't revisit these for 5+ years. 

    Skaven is definitely the next Chaos thing to get updated. 

    Yes but:

    Khorne Bloodwarriors, Nurgle Blightknights, Slaanesh Double-kit. We got no mortal equivalent of an elite unit. What we do have is more beastmen but I'll gladly see beastmen for the other Chaos factions (Slaanesh got those now as well) and then more mortals for Tzeentch. Compare the Slaanesh and Khorne release to the Tzeentch one. It's not fair as it is now.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Hedonites are probably a special case since their God-book was the only one without any new Mortals in it (and the only ones in it were Hellstriders). Tzeentch didn't get Kairics and Tzaangors that long ago in the grand scheme of things.

    Well, Tzeentch is the only God without his own armored mortal  troops now. I love Tzaangors but IMO we only got basic Mortal troops so far. Every other Chaos God got their own elite Mortal Warriors now and and nothing would fit more than Sorcerer-Warriors (think exalted sorcerers in fantasy) and heavily mutated ones. It's not a priority but with Finecast being so, so bad, we need new versions of the Curseling (which I love... wish I had him in metal tho) and the Fatemaster. A few nice followers would make for a cool wave. Plus: Have you seen how terribly cool Tzeentchian warriors look in the art? They're definitely the coolest looking ones outta the bunch.

    Anyways, I will not stop whining about these things cause they might stumble across the demand. Tzeentch is the best thing about Warhammer to me! B)

  6. 25 minutes ago, shinros said:

    I can tell the person who chose the music for both Slaanesh trailers has great taste in music. Yes, I like classical, including Mozart and rock. 

    That said, this sounds pretty inspired by Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata's 3rd movement (yes kids, there's not just the Moonlight sonata you know from Resident Evil). 


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  7. Some models feel like they weren't included there.... anyways, I don't even play Necrons or WHQ: Blackstone Fortress but my favorites were the Swindle Drone and Void Dragon... voted for the Void Dragon in the end. Both very cool minis IMO.

    AoS-wise it's been a rather unremarkable year for me personally as none of my favorite factions got much (if anything) but my favorites have got to be the Light of Eltharion, the Wurmspat (I love the guy with the spear, even if I shouldn't) and the Mindstealer Sphiranx. The new Warcry bands are also lovely models.  

  8. 50 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The first rumor engine teasing Slaanesh is from July 2019, so I'd say it's likely that we were supposed to get Sons of Behemat, the DoK update and Slaanesh mortals a lot earlier than we actually did.

    I believe that it's the most likely that that GW's release schedule has been pushed back 6+ months, but that their planned release order has not majorly changed. That's why I would not assume that GW is going to stick to whatever marketing plans they originally had in terms of reveal timing. It's more likely that we will get to see the remaining Slaanesh stuff around Christmas than whatever was planned before COVID.

    They just killed two birds with one stone! I'm sure they just wanted to copy Slaaneshmas from the "If the Emperor had a text to speech device" web series and now, due to having to push releases back, they finally could align the timing. 🤪

  9. 1 hour ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    On the topic of classic rivalries and skaven, them and seraphon in a 3.0 starter set would be perfection. I would literally die from happiness. So many updated sculpts they could do. Just realised how much I'd love it

    I'd love to see those two get a MAJOR update. Cool, totally unique concepts that desperately need new sculpts. It would be a match made in heaven. 

  10. I could imagine them turning vampires and zombies into a combined force... I mean vamps are sometimes said to be able to control lesser beings, look at Mordheim warbands eg where vamps acted as the bosses. I think (alive human) Necromancers are on their way out in GA: Death... and they could hit two birds with one stone as vampires and zombies are the two classical things needing an upgrade for AoS. 

  11. 58 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I'll cry if that won't be the case :D

    I'll cry if they continue handling dragons like that. I don't want them just in Malerion's army and SCEs. I would've preferred dragons instead of giants as super-massive models for all armies. The SCE one looks pretty goofy with that weird pose though, so I hope new ones would be more like Smaug. But imagine how great new dragons could look nowadays! My hope is that they'll make an awakening of dragons storyline one day and we'll get kits that revitalize the dragon-love we had in Warhammer where most armies had one. 

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  12. 4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I want Egrimm Van Horstmann back! Also Galrauch I think that they could have a wicked shared kit.

    With a return of Sigvald is it likely or not to see a return of any other Chaos champions? I will admit that the End Times are a pretty big gap in my lore knowledge. 

    I don't think we'll see any of them back. :( Although they could make a rad dual kit out of Galrauch and Egrimm if you think about it...

    • Thanks 1
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  13. 17 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

    To be fair, humans are probably the hardest to work into Tzeentch, all things considered. AOS lore-wise has very much set up a 'if you're anyone who isn't red shirt, congrats, become a tentacle monster'.

    At least with Slaanesh and Khorne there is not the little issue of 'you've levelled up, here is your prize - we turned you inside out"

    Not really IMO - there are "thousands" of Tzeentchian Warriors that are not heavily mutated in the lore. Yes, Forsaken would fit Tzeentch to a T but I look at guys like Egrimm Van Horstmann or Aekold Helbrass, who were very prominent and accomplished Champions of Tzeentch and had not a single (visible) mutation. 😎

  14. 1 minute ago, Neverchosen said:

    Yeah I completely agree. I am happy that the beasts fill a gap in the army it is a really nice way to create balance in a unique way that feels truly Chaosy.

    Tzaangors are Mortal and represent a healthy portion of the line and are my favourite Tzeentch models (very high praise indeed). Nurgle does feel a little bare bones relative to the rest though. 

    Tzaangors are beastmen technically. Mortal = Humans. I expect at least one kit of armored tzeentchian wizard-warriors to make things fair now. 👿 A plastic Curseling and new Forsaken (come on, those fit Tzeentch) would also be good.

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  15. 10 minutes ago, Squigy_Boy said:

    Thats just Karthaen one of the modes from the kurnothi side of the beastgrave starter set not nw models unfortunately


    1 hour ago, BarfAtTheMoon said:


    From the newest community article on underworlds


    Looks like the slightly retardec cross between Lion-O and Baron Harkonnen!

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  16. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    On another tangent now you've brought me back yet again to anthropomorphic animals as a Faction. Khajiit in AOS!!

    Well, maybe they could incorporate them into Kurnothi? Would be a nice addition to Sylvaneth IMO but that might just be me - I love armies that got very different things mixed into one force... 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Ggom said:

    If you are curious, this is an extension of the vendetta between the sixth legion and the fifteenth - search Burning of Prospero. The wolves hate Tzeentch because they know that deep down, they are themselves hypocrites 🤣

    Although, if your question is why the sixth legion are wolves instead of cats, that would just be...the vagaries of dudes in the 80s writing the original Rogue Trader stuff?

    Yeah, I know - I‘m a  thousand sons collector as well. It‘s just funny to me that they didn‘t make them Space Lions or whatever (guess that‘s Lion‘El‘s shtick) but that backstory obviously came after they‘ve created the first 18 chapters. As a dog person and liking Norse stuff in real life not my preferred nemesis but it is what it is. ;) Either way, I still hope it‘s something for AoS...

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  18. The wolf could also be something maraudery... I mean those models really could do with an update and they got a lot of things in 3d they could reuse for said update. (Like the warband from underworlds). But it‘s probably something for 40k and a space wolf special character or something equally obvious. I‘d also like to see more Destruction!


    This brings me to an entirely weird train of thought though. If Tzeentch is all about birds, why are the big nemesis wolves? Shouldn‘t it be Space Cats? Oh this will keep me awake at night. *more bird-rage*

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