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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. 2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Honestly, old world might be more up your street. It's basically just stuff killing each other.

    AoS is always going to be more tactical (unless you're playing gargants) and for some nerds like me that's what brings me back to the game. 

    That‘s IMO a generalization… you can be just as tactical in a game that is all about killing each other. Where with objectives tactics mostly revolve around points, in a „deathmatch“ it‘s focused mostly around kills. I don‘t think objectives necessarily makes it deeper, perhaps it adds a layer but if you focus solely on killing, then you put more tactics into that aspect so it kinda evens out.

    Now you can say you prefer this or that way… I don‘t mind either way personally but I do hope the balance overall  is focused on unit vs unit instead of the unit‘s ability to hold control points vs the other unit‘s ability to do so. 

    If you and your opponent want to, you can play AoS similar to WHFB in regards to just killing each other - I do think some armies like Ironjawz have a tangible advantage in those scenarios however. 

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, cyrus said:

    So are we looking at depiction of 5 chaos gods and their greater daemons including the new avatar of hornet rat ?




    The only greater daemons that have a really strong resemblance to their daddy out of the big 4 are the Great Unclean Ones, they are often described as copies of Nurgle basically. Tzeentch is more of a multi-faced tentacle monster or something more abstract like a multi-colored flame, Khorne either a warrior in armor or something relatively close to an old Bloodthirster with much more bling, Slaanesh is funnily enough closer to a human (or aelf) than all other Chaos Gods and his keepers, gender either/or/or both (depends who‘s looking, usually you‘d see what you‘d like to see) and the Great Horned Rat I can‘t speak for but I figure it‘s somewhat close to a Verminlord as well? Or just a cute rat!

    And then chaos tribes etc. see them as huge animals (e.g. crow/fly (nurgle), eagle (tz), snake(sl), hound(kh)) or whatever. They‘re all pretty much shapeshifters and you‘ll see them in a way that your mind can interpret and how they want you to see… but I think WarCry added quite a few new representations as well….except for our rat. That‘s always a rat, but unless there are micepeople, I guess it‘s only gonna get worshipped by Skaven anyways.

    • Like 2
  3. 21 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Back in the World-That-Was Slaanesh was often described as completely androgynous, so 'it' was appropriate. But in all the AoS lore they've always (to my knowledge) used the 'he' pronoun. 

    Unlike His daemons, who are all 'them/they/it' nowadays. Even the Alluress has become an Allurer. 

    Yeah, thanks for shedding some light on it - I mainly read about Slaanesh before the HH series started, so it‘s old lore by now but back then it was always it, which I thought was cool, as it made Slaanesh seem more alien. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Slaanesh has been referred to He for a very long time, despite being described in the lore as androgynous. I remember in the 40k book Talon of Horus an Emperor's Children Marine is even outright amused by an Eldar referring to Slaanesh as a female. 

    Ah, okay, the whole „it“ for Slaanesh is from before any HH books, I wondered why I see „he“ instead of „it“ so often these days. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Frodorowski said:

    Good tune down of the fangz spell and the ability to kill when killed of the squigs

    Would you or any other Git expert say that Gitz got nerfed? I hope they won‘t end up as one of the weaker armies again. 🙏

  6. 41 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    I'm so glad they let Slaanesh out of prison for the afternoon (probably not for good behaviour) so that He could be a part of the official portrait... 


    I guess those are just greater daemons. The rat looks good among the merry band as well! 

    btw, perhaps GW changed it meanwhile, but I remember Slaanesh used to be described as „it“ instead of he or she. That always stuck with me as a big fan of Pennywise. 

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Good. A 4+/4+ could be buffed to be 3+/4+ or even 3+/3+ with some armies and tech-pieces, and that's an elite profile that no (basic) grot should ever achieve (appart from Loonbosses of course).


    Yeah, I like that gobbos are not as strong as humans on paper as well, back in WHFB gobbos weren‘t deadlier than say Chaos Warriors. I can remember back when CW had no rend and Gitz infantry hit on 2+ and destroyed a whole unit of CW in a turn… that felt wrong, really wrong. I‘m positive that Gitz will get good rules this time around. I hope they‘ll be strong ultimately (just in different ways than outmatching CWs in close combat) and especially that squigs are awesome cause out git player lives squigs. 

    • Like 3
  8. 3 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    Whether you're an old miserable bigot or a same sex smooching enthusiast can we just put all that aside and appreciate the art?.. 

    I just loved the pee-take - I‘m not a big fan of any real life topic-inspired army as it almost always leads to a clash but I do love stuff like this absurd and well done mini. Or I once saw G.I. Joe themed Imperial Guard. Anyways, I guess we‘d need a new topic but usually I like if people or the background stay within the borders of the setting for whole armies at least. 😅

  9. 6 hours ago, Enoby said:

    With Age of Sigmar 4th edition around the corner, I thought it was a good opportunity to look at the 3rd edition of the game in a retrospective.  

    My gaming group sort of disintegrated throughout AoS 3, and I've seen a few others mention their groups collapsed too. Combined with other things going on, I ended up leaving AoS about a year into the edition, so I can't say I've really been up to date with events. 

    As such, I was wondering a few things:

    - Overall, how did you find AoS 3? 

    - Do you think AoS became more or less popular in your area during 3rd edition? Any reasons why?

    - For those who played in 3rd edition, did you find most players in your group were new or experienced? 

    - What rules did you like? Which did you not like?

    - Do you think 4e is a step in the right direction? 

    - What do you think 3e did well, and what could it have done better?

    - I‘m one of the biggest haters of 3rd (sorry) here I think. I did not like the extra rules they have introduced, mostly because my group didn‘t receive them well. We used to play once a month at least and since 3rd we get one game going every 3 months or so.

    - I think the edition hurt AoS overall from what I know but I can only go by a few groups I personally know, I‘m not part of any bigger club, so I‘m not qualified to give a worthwhile opinion on that matter.  

    - I 90% of the time play with the same 4 guys, sometimes they bring someone else to play with us from other groups - those usually know the rules better than I do. I wouldn‘t say we‘re very good players but I think we know the rules reasonably well!

    - I didn‘t like rules that made the game more complicated but I enjoyed the customization we got in 3rd a lot. Guild of Summoners will be missed as I like my big birbs! 

    - I think 4th - from what I‘ve seen - will make a couple of the things I disliked better, so I‘m optimistic. I do not like that battle tactics stayed tho. I don‘t want to play minigames, I wanna focus on the battle! 

    - army rules were nice, I would‘ve wanted more customization of characters and less extra rules (monsters, battle tactics, etc.).


    I really hope that 4th will bring new energy to my group and I try my best to hype my friends. The beautiful new starter helped already; I pray to Tzeentch that the Gitz preview tomorrow will be great as our Gitz player is the life of the party. 🤞

    • Like 2
  10. I hope sone armies get much more than just another hero with their battletome. SCE get huge waves every edition, a couple of additional units for some others, like they‘ve done with Sylaventh, would only be fair. 🥰

  11. 31 minutes ago, Someravella said:

    I think that GW has made a mistake in the title of the skaven "warlock engineer" warscroll. Everything in skaven warscrolls is WARP (warplock jezzails, warpfire, warpblast, etc.), and in my opinion the engineer should hence be WARPlock engineer.


    So you‘re telling us you want to give him the P? 

  12. 22 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    The damage output in general seems very high for AoS 4th. I don't think units will stay long on the battlefield. They said they would add less rend attacks to the game. Everything previewed so far is quite strong in the rend department. 😮 

    I thought they wanted to use fewer MW - I guess they just traded those for more rend. 🤔

    • Haha 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Win a Stack of Warhammer Age of Sigmar Swag with Warhammer+ - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    WH+ Competition May22 Prizes

    The Realms of Ruins team gave that gauntlet to some influencers they worked with, I would love to be able to purchase that or the plushie!

    So Thanos is now an influencer, I see. #50%offofeverything #purpleisbeautiful #testiclechinsrsexay #followforrefollow #mydaughterisagreenskin #theotherisfromtheruinationchamber

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  14. 33 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Yeah, but Stormcast should have at leadt rend 1.

    I don't want to play through another edition where the literal golden super men and women are among the most pillow fisted armies around 

    If SCE have no rend, then Chaos Warriors prob'ly won't have it either... not cool. :/

  15. 3 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    I've been playing AoS since the first GHB and I'm deeply indifferent bout the upcoming edition. Over the course of 3rd my local gaming group went from about 20ish regular players to 0-2, and this new edition doesn't look like it's going to fix that. There are minor improvements sure, but all the pain points of the current edition are still there. It's a huge shame because this is the best time to be getting hyped and starting a new project, but there's just nothing in the rules they've previewed that has made me excited.

    I've got 5 different AoS armies, probably about 20,000 points all told, but I just can't seem to want to get hobbying. I was planning on getting the darkoath box and Abraxia, but now I just look at the cost and think... eh. I've already got the old marauders built and painted, what's the point of getting the new sculpts? And even if I really like the Abraxia model I have no desire to pay that much extra for a unit of Varanguard I'll probably never use so I'll hold off on the FOMO box for now and, odds are, by the time she releases solo there may be no point in ever buying her. I don't know if it's the most recent rounds of squatting or the upcoming price hike, but honestly I'm so down with everything it's got me wondering if I'm just about done with the hobby entirely. 

    3rd was responsible for the people in my group playing a lot less as well. Some of the things sound better in 4th but they did bring back a lot of bad stuff too. GW needs talented game designers very fast. And the bullpoopoo with locking new minis behind tons of old minis everyone already has is poor form as well. 

    • Like 2
  16. 34 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Gw staff's own words, BoC was not getting squatted.

    The poor interns just saw the Tzeentch offering for Spearheads and thought it‘s for Beastmen. GW likes to flood us with Tzaangors at every opportunity and in every single box! 🥳 

    I‘m sure our next hero will locked in a set consisting of… Tzaangors! Even if it‘s a darmon, who cares, Tzaangors! 👍

  17. 7 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    On that note... . I once paid the tab for some math dude from university who at the end of the evening realized he had lost or forgotten his wallet. Was a not so small tab as well, but what can you do. He was so happy he gifted me "a bitcoin" (that new ****** he and his buddy had started to "mine", it was more of a joke really) in addition to paying me back. Naturally I thought it to be bogus and did so for a long while. Well until they went through the roof, that is. =D

    On topic, I'd love to see a fire slayer vs. chaos dwarves box in the near future.

    A bunch of my friends mined multiple BC, only to have lost them on sticks on their harddisks… I‘m glad I didn‘t cause I‘d still be so full of rage, I‘d have to collect Khorne!

    However, I‘m at the same time sad that I didn‘t really hear much - if anything - about bitcoin before they hit 2k, which is atypical as usually I‘m nerdy enough to hear about that kind of thing. I was too poor back then to invest that amount into one once I learned of them though, didn‘t wanna pump my safety net into that kind of thing. I did get paid for a job in Solana tho, so while that won‘t ever get to BC levels, perhaps it will become a great deal one day. 

    Anyways, it‘s no wonder that the rich get richer cause if I had a lot of cash back then, I would‘ve bought at least like 10 for 2k each and now could live like Charlie Sheen for a week! Goals! 👍 

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