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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. 10 minutes ago, Gord the Lord said:

    Sad that the Curseling seems to be the “Biggest Loser”warscroll from this faction focus. Getting +1 rend and damage on a +4+4 is not something I see myself doing. Really bummed he didn’t keep his steal a spell.

    Yeah, it kinda weird to give him Infusion Arcanum and then have him on a 4+/4+... feels like he's neither fish nor meat, especially after losing his signature spell. His ranged attack is pretty decent tho (edit: due to new wyrdflame shenanigans). And the model is simply beautiful (to me), so he'll stay in my army.

    Oh and we haven't seen Tzeentch's lore yet either. If the spells are good, the Curseling can be a quite decent I think. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. As a big fan of Chaos Spawn, I love that they become much more important. I hope their warscroll will become a bit better though, high time get rid of their bad reputation (that's mostly down to their 40k rules tho!). I'm happy with what's shown in this preview, although it's just enough to wet my beak.

    Gaunt Summoner better at hitting in CC than a Curseling is kinda weird, although I'll take it. It feels like our heroes finally got a bit better in CC as is just for a glorious and most noble pawn of Tzeentch!

  3. 28 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I agree, but I honestly think GW wanna spike hardly the CoS prominence.

    CoS is IMO a more important army than any of the four listed. But if we want fair treatment, Ogors should definitely be the first to get some stuff. Then those armies that lack units and variety like FS, IDK, KO etc. But I think small waves like Sylvaneth and IJ are in the future for them. If FS don‘t one, they might go the way of BoC once CD are there I think. 

    I just want armored Tzeentch Chosen Sorcerer-Warriors. Anything else can wait for DoT. Doubt it‘ll be more than a single hero though, which is fair… but sucks for me! 😇

  4. 9 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Is so good to be an Aelf.


    2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    It’s good to be a Lumineth. It sucks to be anyone else! 


    Really? From bad to worse? Are you trying to summon me? 

    I gotta make sure I'm not getting too angry at Luuumineth or else I'll die like a loser and become a Khornate DP! ❤️‍🩹

    • Haha 4
  5. 3 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Surprisingly I have found myself thinking that Kharadron is insteresting for the first time since the release of the book with this set of rules.

    Unsurprisingly I haven't read the KO article but saw that tomorrow's Tzeentch on the agenda! 🥰👍

  6. 6 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    Valkia technically was another that fell in battle, but Khorne raised again as a daemon prince for being impressed by her deeds before her death.

    Khorne‘s standards dropped a lot in recent Warhammer lore then…😭 a Chaos God of angry losers. But „maaagic isn‘t honorable“. Bah. Khorne could branch off to Grand Alliance Death, some of those at least died AFTER a fight!

    • Haha 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, DoctorPerils said:

    Chaos is ever fickle, Spawndom is just as likely a reward as Daemonhood, and only the gods may know what actions they choose to reward. Dying in combat in a fun or spectacular faction should absolutely be worth ascension if it makes Khorne happy

    All the other Daemon princes will laugh about Khul.

    "I've slaughtered a whole city."

    "I've bested legendary beasts to find the Eye of Wha'Teva!"

    "I'm reeeeally perverted!"

    "And I'm reaaaaaally - like reeeeeally - smelly!"

    "I got my throat slit and died."


    • Haha 3
  8. 40 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah. Felt weird. You fail and get promoted? I gues Khorse only cares about the extra blood.

    Back when Warhammer was for real Chaos followers, you had to challenge everyone and if you failed once, you'd be dead or turned into a spawn! See Arbaal the Undefeated. This new Khorne suuuucks! Is he gonna pat his next champion's head when he loses against a big golden meanie? "There, there, little one, YOU are still my champion!"

    Disgusting and sickening! 😤 I can only invite you Khornates to join a real Chaos God who doesn't care for you, for you are a mere pawn and plaything and nothing more! 👍


    #bringbackrealkhorne #makechaosgreatagain #hashtagsforthehashtagsgod

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  9. 6 hours ago, Xil said:

    Thats ok for me (i don't play Seraphon and actually think their 'lets imagine what we need' lore is BS).

    But i think you missed the joke ;D

    New Seraphon mini will leak on Wednesday as well. Thankfully the leakers consider me a most valuable poster, so let me share the pic that was sent to me. I‘ve also been told there will be a potato faction called „Longpost-Sorrysayers“ at the end of releases for 4th.  


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  10. I think it would be a grave mistake to have more army books. I understand the reasoning for it and agree in some cases but I think that GW already has a ton of armies in AoS and the more distinct armies there are, the harder it is for GW to release something for each of them. Some forces are still quite small in regards to options/units, etc. We can talk about it when sales numbers equal 40k‘s and GW can allocate even more resources to AoS. If we compare the current situation with WHFB‘s, we are quite blessed already. Orks, Gobbos, Chaos, two dwarven factions, 3,5 Aelfs… 

    • Thanks 1
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  11. 1 hour ago, Xil said:

    I play DoK and really don't want Malerion to be stand-alone. Mentioned it several times

    DoK could use a wider range. It could be done like the different builds within LRL or BigWaagh. And it would ease starting the army if you already own DoK as you could get unit by unit to add and change your collection.

    Also the internal rivalry won't harm the book. We have that already with Morathi and the opposition of Morathi (now lead by Krethusa)

    Yeah, unless GW wants an almost female-only (well, Doomfire warlocks or what they‘re called) force for AoS, it would make sense for Malekith to be added to them. IMO all factions that started life as the evolution of a single kit/theme like them, IJ and Fyreslayers, benefit from adding more stuff. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Malerion will soup with DOK and Tyrion will literally just be himself and maybe a unit added to Lumineth. 

    Malerion isnt deserving of his own Faction and Tyrion is definitely just a character for Lumineth.

    Sorry, I hacked KingBrodd's account and wrote what I wanted to write. Those pesky Luuuumineth! 😤

    • Haha 2
  13. 35 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    You did say that, but you also said people should lose their jobs because of your opinion. 

    Nothing wrong with your opinion or experience, I just don’t think one person’s experience should lead to a statement about people losing their jobs. 

    I just don’t think that’s fair to begin with, and especially because it’s a new team with at least two new game designers doing 4th. 

    They could also do better, then they won‘t lose their jobs. The pressure to do well in your job is a part of life and it hits all of us - if they don‘t try or simply are unable to, then yeah, they will get replaced. Much like me and you. I said GW needs to find decent rule writers fast. Doesn‘t mean they need to be fired but could mean it. Perhaps they‘d need a bigger team or more time. I suspect GW simply doesn‘t pay enough to attract top tier game designers. I’m no game designer but I wouldn’t work for any company that pays poorly, even if I love their product. I‘d love to see GW paying all employees properly but while my posts might seem harsh, I still don‘t see how they‘re wrong. 

    It‘s not just my very own opinion. Frankly, while I‘m no fan of 3rd I can manage - but I‘ve experienced first hand that 3rd turned people around me away. I play and discuss AoS with the same guys (my own group, the owner of a store and a couple of the regulars there) and 3rd ed wasn‘t received too well over here. Same as in Enoby‘s case, hence why I agreed.

    I‘m sure others liked it but… from my point of view 3rd ed is evil! 

    …and bad for business!


    edit: and since you ride on me badmouthing 4th - I did not do that. I‘m cautiously optimistic regarding 4th, said so multiple times. I can‘t say much about it yet, I haven‘t played 4th. I played 3rd tho and saw what it did! 

    • Confused 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    Yet you’re also implying the new game designers are doing a crappy job without even seeing the full picture of what they cooked up for 4th.

    Also, 3rd being bad is subjective. I know a lot of people who left the game during 3rd, a lot of people who started, and a lot of people who think 3rd was the best edition. It’s subjective. 

    Also, we seem to easily forget all the extra stuff with 2nd. Realm rules, universal artefacts, buying command points, warscroll battalions, etc.

    I enjoyed 2nd and 3rd - both had pros and cons. But there’s a difference with it not being your cup of tea and being outright bad. 

    I said I‘m referencing my own experience and that it‘s subjective and that 4th seems promising. I don‘t know what you want from me, I will not change my opinion or wording on the issue, sorry. 

    • Like 4
  15. 5 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    You’re welcome to your own opinions, but why put down hard working and likely underpaid people? 

    Also, FWIW, 2nd and 3rd had the same lead game designers as far as I know, while 4th has seen that team change a bit.

    Cause they did a crappy job with those added rules for 3rd! If I do bad work, do you think my clients would care if I got offended if they told me? I agree with you on the underpaid part though. There's no excuse for GW not paying their employees properly.

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  16. 29 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

    This is a super hot take to say 3rd destroyed the game essentially… 3rd is widely regarded as the best edition yet. 

    sure it was a little clunky at times, 4th has ONLY improved on it in my mind

    I can only speak for those I know and play with in RL and 3rd didn‘t get praises, quite the contrary. So I can only mirror Enoby‘s experience. 2nd was much less balanced, sure, but the extra rules of 3rd made the game feel more of a chore. I do love that 4th is said to allow you to drop some of the rules but to me they should create a rule set where you don‘t want to drop anything in the first place.

    But it is like with the double turn - some love it, some hate it. Glad you are happy with 3rd, I had a very bad experience with 3rd - not because I personally hated it but it kinda scared off a LOT of the people I play with and  that resulted in a lot fewer games and some of them starting to collect non GW games. Obviously, as much as our opinions may diverge, I want AoS to succeed as much as everyone else here. I just find that good and simple rules are the way to go. We got 40k and TOW for more complex ones, albeit 40k‘s are baaad (IMO) and TOW seem pretty decent (haven‘t played it though). 

    • Confused 1
  17. 17 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    We've made a tentative restart to our playgroup, coming in at around seven players who want to try 4th. 

    Interestingly, three of these players are totally new to Wargames - their only tangential experience is playing Pathfinder on the regular.

    I'm really curious as to how it'll go. We'll be starting with a narrative game, but I always offer very rules-bare demo games (basically just AoS 0 with the trimmings of the current edition).

    In AoS 3, I introduced another new player who found the base rules easy enough to pick up, but the bonus rules (e.g. heroic action, monstrous rampage etc) to be difficult to remember, especially when allegiance abilities came into the mix. Obviously people pick up games at different speeds, especially dependant on how interested they are about the game, but the new player (who is coming back as part of AoS 4) was pretty put off by feeling like they needed a check list to play out their turn.

    I'm not sure if AoS 4 will feel like that, but if so, I wonder how the three totally new players will take to it. I know one of them is pretty uncertain as they're not really big on learning rules. 

    And in a bit you'll have a couple of players defending shoddy rules. I've seen the exact same problem you've described, hence why I hate AoS3. AoS3 came to destroy a better edition. 4th seems to be more streamlined at least, so that makes it better by default but GW needs actually talented game designers.

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