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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. Oh, I’m pretty sure AoS will become even closer to WHFB/40k in mood and outlook as recent stories already feel more similar to the writing of old; it‘s already closer than it used to be and I think GW knows that people in general expect their particular flavor in all of their settings. Plus it‘s hard to argue that other Order factions would not be wary of Idoneth or anything Morathi has to do with. But I‘d like to see more variety in CoS as well (not because I like them all being dandy with each other, I don‘t care about them being happy together, they should be miserable if I could chose, I just find armies with lots of really different units much more interesting, I guess that‘s why Chaos always spoke to me as we got mortals, beastmen (well, a couple are left) and daemons ideally), it‘s just not the likeliest thing in my opinion. But I‘d gladly be wrong. It‘s no dealbreaker for me in either case, CoS would also work as just humans for me, especially if they promote them to the main faction in regards to having them be our eyes into the realms, as boring old humans are most relatable after all.
  2. Yeah, I agree with you, that would've worked well there. Like I've said, I think mixed units are difficult to pull off but a mixed army would be easy if some units were just aelfs or dwarfs. Some special minis like crews could easily be mixed. But obviously it's not my call. I'd actually see a good use for WarCry in there, where they could create mixed units themselves that people could then mix with their AoS units.
  3. CoS staying „diverse“ is simply unlikely for two reasons - it‘s still Warhammer, xenophobia and all that is part of its core premise and is rampant usually and what‘s more of a proper reason is that mixed kits are difficult to do well I figure. I think a kit mixing aelfs and humans wouldn‘t be too much of a hassle to do as the overall body is interchangeable depending on armor design but when you throw in dwarfs it means you got let‘s say a third of a unit looking VERY distinct. The models in the army would sooner start to look like clones even if they add lots of extra heads. And if they add female models to it, it would feel pretty much like back in the day when whole units were made up of the same 5 models. So there‘s a bit of a trade-off. I like the new look of Cities and would prefer more races in there but I think it‘s simply down to logistics. Perhaps specialized units will stay non-human so that at least that way they got more visual variety.
  4. Can‘t be worse than Beasts, SCE and BS getting slowly faded out at least! 🤭 I hope we don‘t get too many extra objectives like doing X for extra points as special army rules. I feel like it just distracts from the main game/battle. Wasn‘t exactly difficult with Disciples (not sure how other armies fared) but I‘d rather focus on the real game so to speak.
  5. I definitely like what I‘ve seen from 4th ed so far, I found 3rd ed pretty bad as our group wants simple rules. We were quite happy with 2nd ed but I understand that it was a bit too simple perhaps. This looks they‘ve found the sweet middleground.
  6. As one of the loudest haters of AoS 3.0 rules and a fan of simple rules, I think that this new take on „adding depth to the game“ sounds like a pretty ingenious solution. Quite happy to see that they really put lots of thought into it and gave us more action without having monster rampages and whatnot.
  7. Hopefully! 🤞 But if the future of Beastmen lies in TOW or as part of other factions (Tzaangors and Slaangors will stay I reckon and like I‘ve said before, I think Khorngors and Pestigors are more likely now than ever as GW needs an olive branch+3 for BoC fans), there‘s a chance for Ogors to get removed/rehomed as well. Not hoping for it but GW‘s recent removal of certain forces does not inspire confidence either, so I‘m sure we‘ll see a lot of (false) rumors in the upcoming months.
  8. I don‘t want to say that I don‘t like Ogroids in any way or that I think others should‘ve gotten their spot, I just mean that GW could‘ve fortified other races/creatures in their place if they wanted to and obviously didn‘t; I think this might suggest dropping Beastmen has been long in the making. Perhaps since the very day they decided to pursue TOW for sure…. Might just be paranoia but I‘m a bit afraid for those forces that haven‘t received much.
  9. What I‘ve always found strange was that GW created Ogroids instead of making Ogors or Minotaurs, both would‘ve filled that spot and they combined them. Fimir with some adjustments could‘ve worked too. I could now imagine classic Ogors (as their own faction and not part of CoS or something) to get removed as well and GW just keeping more bestial or unique variants of the Ogor concept around after removing Beastmen. Beastmen will live on in the aligned Chaos forces (I bet we‘ll see Khorngors and Pestigors now), so they‘re not completely gone but I think it‘s not surprising that people are less confident in GW keeping a couple of factions (or part of those factions) around, so there will be lots of similar rumors making the rounds I bet.
  10. Ok guys, I can read the room loud and clear. Gotta push my friends in regards to WarCry again. 🫡
  11. I would but my group needs a little push to be interested, hence why I hope for a new cool edition to help me with convincing. I still got a nice set of Cypher Lords. I'm a sucker for gloomy ruins and the like, so it wouldn't need a really creative setting for me but I'd be fine with lots of stuff as long as it's done well. Mordheim did have a really nice mood to it though!
  12. Yeah, I mean that's something where the setting truly shines - they could have thousands of Mordheims. A cursed/corrupted/whatever backwater/formerly important town/city isn't a difficult thing to imagine in the Mortal Realms. Blight City might be too Skaven-centric, it might hinder its appeal (like focussing on just Chaos so much) to a broader audience but let's see what they come up with. I love the idea behind Kill Team but find the ruleset atrocious, I've heard only good things about WarCry but never played it, so I'd be happy to join that in a new iteration.
  13. I like the one rumor talking about moving WarCry closer to Mordheim. That would be really cool, especially if they added some of the rpg elements of Mordheim to it.
  14. I refrained from using my usual wording to describe the unfortunate news we've received. Didn't just turn ugly but it gets the point across well enough as I believe I've heard the phrase before. I don't think there's anything offensive in that. I'm super-duper-gutsy though unless you put me on a plane, then I'm really quiet.
  15. Damn, I get banned for a month and things turn ugly. I think this image sums up my thoughts regarding the removal of pretty new SCE models, Beastmen and Bonesplitterz. Those poor guys deserved way better. Hope 4th edition will right the wrongs of 3rd. Skaven are at least something nice to look forward to. FF7 Rebirth was awesome.
  16. While I like women (well, not all, I don’t like all men either though) and never remotely hurt one and never will, I find it interesting that you argue that it‘s fine to hate on guys cause there‘s little misandry in real life, especially as it‘s currently rising (see all the memes of women saying society and they don‘t need men). It‘s a modern problem. I get the gist of your argument and see your point (and I agree with it overall, violence against women is unacceptable) but in the super-inclusive world some try to create we should also have a good place for (white, old) men too. All I see are deontological ethics applied around me, thinking they are doing good but ultimately not considering the final result. It‘s kinda like with the refugees we take in - people feel good for helping but now they‘ve killed 5 women in one single week and group-raped two (edit: in my hometown, Vienna, the apparently most livable city in the world (I call bs)). All in a week. So am I truly the one that should get a sermon? Hell, I even manage to amicable relations with my exes, so I can‘t be a monster. 😋 But oh well, not really the place to discuss these things anyways. 👍
  17. Perhaps it will be in a cool new series of events like Dawnbringers? Then they could build it up!
  18. So there was more wisdom to my army of simps remark than I anticipated. 🤔 Nice, I‘m wise like Hansel and really, really good-looking like Derek then. I‘m amazing, and most of all modest! 😎👍
  19. Thanks for sharing your expertise on the subject, it was an interesting read! 🏆 I can’t help myself: imagine the shitstorm if GW had one of their male characters hate women and create inferior specimens! 🤭 Some individuals with bright hair would pop some veins for sure! 🤣
  20. Estuans interius ira vehementi (repeat once more) Krethusa! Veni, veni, venias, ne me mori faci—— noli me cogere lumineth! 🥴 Latin in school and having fought Sephiroth several times over all these years finally paid off!
  21. What‘s the in-lore explanation? Female Sephiroth got an army of simps or something? Least she got two wings so she doesn‘t have to fly in circles.
  22. You also have the chance to win the lottery though. Or get cancer. I mean, I get it, a positive outlook is a good thing to have but frankly that group serves those that least need it. At least they‘re all in the UK, us outsiders can‘t even make a short trip there, so we have it much harder to get one. I‘m not gonna be thankful for being ignored or at best get told they‘re too lazy to send it outside the UK like one dude told me. It‘s okay, I don‘t really need it despite digging it but event-exclusive minis are simply lame as heck, always have been. If I went the ebay route, I‘d pay something like 65 gbp for a single small mini. Not gonna happen. They gotta keep it then and find someone else. I might sound like Aesop‘s fox now to people but I‘ve got a way too high opinion of myself to beg for some mini and be happy I get to beg or pay a ridiculous amount. I‘m not even bitter, it‘s about the principle - that annoys me much more than not getting the mini per se. Agreeableness is not always good for the soul. 🎻
  23. That loot group sucks unless you‘re in the UK. Multiple posts in there and no one can be bothered to send one of the rooks into another country when they gotta go to the post office anyways, it’s like 1 minute of extra work. Worthless to say the least… if GW now released a cool mini exclusively here I wouldn‘t pick it up for those guys either. Thankfully for them this scenario is impossible. GW sucks for that kind of ****** too, why have the best CoS mini be that hard to get? They also still also owe me my Warhammer+ year 2 mini after claiming they‘ve sent it twice. Strangely when I order something it always arrives. Guess I gotta demand a refund! I don‘t care if I rant, that‘s all on them.
  24. Naturally, due to your short stature, my joke flew right over your head! Read my last post again or it'll mutate and grow legs (chicken legs obviously). I feel like there should be a whole short chapter about me in your self-help booklet! I deserve this and much more, perhaps a shiny golden crown!
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